Submitted by john wertz on 2024-04-16 21:45:52
- Under Mr. Maddux's watch as Mayor Pror-Tem, Conroe is nearly $700 million in debt, which includes $140 million of the Hyatt hotel
- According to the Conroe Courier, Mr. Maddux supported building the City-Owned Hyatt Hotel.
- The Conroe Hyatt is a taxpayer-funded economic development project that has been dogged by cost overruns and multimillion-dollar taxpayer bailouts due to missed economic projections.
- Due to financial mismanagement under his tenure, the city is unable to properly fund and staff our police and fire departments
- As a result of the financial mismangement, the hotel's bond rating has been downgraded by S&P to junk bond status.
- In another head-scratcher and in an effort to be first on the ballot, mayor Pro-Tem Curt Maddux along w/Mayoral candidate Todd Yancey, had City Secretary Soco Gorjon instruct Administrative Assistant Pamela Brown to illegally notarize and Gorjon signed off on the two candidates application. (This falls under the purview of the Secretary of State).
- A visiting judge of the District Court saw this a no big deal, and the 9th appellate court inexplicably refused to review it, apparently leaving it in the hands of voters (though many may be unsuspecting).