Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-17 15:59:23
- It's clear he stands for family values, faith, and freedom;\
- Wants no books of sexual nature,Christian,kids in CISD
- Does not think the board has represented our community in the right direction; "clearly a majority of left leaning policies being issued by the board".
- Against CRT, SEL, etc
- Not strong on financial issues
- Management experience didn’t seem to be extensive enough;
- Degree in Theater and Music, doesn’t seem to lend to experience needed,
- He's not for classroom book inventory list,
- Campaign not well organized or robust,
- Uninformed on Title IX,
- Uninformed but for HB 1605,
- Answers too wordy and not to the point, as if trying to sound on point when not
- His reply to auditing books in the classrooms & libraries was: "a logistics can of worms; unnecessary burden to place on an educator; and Costing more time and money that may not be available in the budget".
- The double-edged sword of his wife, Ruth, is a 4th grade teacher in Conroe ISD - may be more minuses than pluses
- Had too much of a trusting attitude that school leaders could work out the $12 million debt, instead of rolling up his sleeves and finding out what the issues are.
- Voted for the $2billion bond based on some questionable classroom data put in the bond
- Says "CRT is banned in Texas. Enough said". But is it, when teachers bring it in through the back door and preach it anyways?