Submitted by john wertz on 2016-02-25 19:27:47
SHERIFF Endorsement Showdown
CSPOA-Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Assoc. pledge to obey and observe limitations consisiting of enumerated powers as detailed w/in Article I, Sect. 8 of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
- March First Primary Election-Montgomery County-The Sheriff Candidates (K-Star Audio Interviews - Feb. 12, 2016))
- Sheriff’s candidates say judiciary plays into jail overcrowding
- In a 1/7/15 Courier article they indicated MCTP was wrong in claiming Rand Henderson was over the jail.
- MCTP listed Henderson’s lengthy list of criminal justice education, training, current management experience and endorsements as “pros.” However, MCTP said Henderson being part of the establishment and jail conditions, which Henderson doesn’t oversee, as negatives.
- However, Hendersons' answer to our questionnaire indicated that he was in fact over the jail. Under General Comments: "Please describe the qualifications and experience that make you the best candidate for the office you are seeking. The qualifications and experience I have that make me the best candidate ........and Captain (full Division manager) over both the Patrol and the Jail Divisions."
The reporter apologized, indicating is was "misworded" and said it would be corrected (but it never was).