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Candidate Path
Submitted by john wertz on 2016-10-18 14:15:49
- Incumbent, familiar w/ the job & ready to serve;
- Favors employees ability to carry at work;
- Claims to be against salary caps;
- Well spoken, professional-lawyer. Conservative on most issues.
- For Merit, as well as Cola raises but not sure what basis (KPI's) merit raises were;
- Wasn't sure what the CEO was making;
- Uneasy about his concerns of board members showing up unannounced at field locations;
- Believes board members should communicate issues w/CEO through board chairman;
- Voted to give the CEO a 6% pay raise, while giving all others a 3% COLA;
- Not in favor of employees communicating directly with board members;
- Concerned about his comment that MoCo is a taxpayer friendly county;
- Many responses were politically leaning and not answered (see take home of District vehicles as an example);
- Voted in favor of spending $50,000 for Bullet Proof vests and Kevlar helmets for 20 EMS personnel.