US Vote Smart
Candidate Path
Candidate Path
Submitted by john wertz on 2016-10-20 02:22:05
- Pro-life, including opposing federal funding of Planned Parenthood
- Wants decriminalization of cannabis use, however opposes full legalization
- Favors securing the borders
- Pro-gun and pro-Second Amendment
- Opposes compulsory vaccination
- He is against Common Core standards
- He believes that felons should be allowed to vote, "but only after completing their sentences or parole/probation."
- favors photographic voter identification requirements
- believes "physically and mentally capable adults on welfare" should be required to work(though he's against drug-testing.
- Does not believe that illegal immigrants should have access to government healthcare or in-state tuition rates
- He is against the Affordable Care Act
- He opposes governmental environmental regulations
- Initiated the Cruz birther movement
- He opposes the war on drugs
- He has described his foreign policy views as non-interventionist
- Favors the United States withdrawing from NATO
- Endorsed the requirement of GMO labeling
Wishes to end ALL treaties, including NATO, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, and such
Believes in only using Tariffs, which would cost 15% of our jobs in first year alone
Is a part of the John Birch Society
A 9-11 Truther
Is willing to slander people who call him out on his stances