US Vote Smart

Candidate Path

Candidate Path

Submitted by john wertz on 2017-04-18 02:32:19


  • Experienced


  • Candidate chose not to participate in vetting process
  • Voted in 4/12/17 workshop to remove the "At-Will" agreement for the City Administrator(in fact all employees), which puts the City at Greater Risk of a lawsuit from the employees and removes the tort cap for potential damages
  • Involved w/drawing up lucrative contract for City Administrator, including 2 year severance(golden parachute).
  • Votes to support City Administrator at every turn, after yielding power to that position
  • Solid establishment, in talking to multiple residents.  Aligned with other free-spending liberals on the council.
  • In her 2009 challenge for City Council, Ms. Teague said "I believe that during long-term tenure you lose touch with the needs of the people that make the city a community”.  She's entering her 4th term and didn't participate in our vetting process, nor show up for our standing-room-only candidate forum for residents on 4/6 at the Courtyard!
  • Ms. Teagues suggested that the "city concentrate on improving entrances before taking on improving cul-de-sacs...."