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Candidate Path

Candidate Path

Submitted by john wertz on 2018-01-16 06:18:08



  • Folksy character w/a wide variety of LE experience, from police officer to DA w/trial court experience, to District State Judge(433rd - Comal County) that appears to be well qualified to sit on the Court of Criminal Appeals
  • Demonstrable Christian values & service.
  • Believes that “natural law” (given by God) is supreme
  • Constitutional originalist
  • Anti welfare state – for small government. Advocate of personal responsibility.
  • Sitting District Judge who hears criminal cases frequently.  He should understand the Constitutional issues that come before the court in the proper context because of his trial experience.
  • Experience working for Court of Appeals (Amarillo.& El Paso) just out of law school
  • Only candidate Board Certified in Criminal Law.
  • Initiated process nationwide whereby indigent defendents were able to select their court-appointed attorneys, rather than the latter being appointed
  • Proponent of Specialty courts to get at root of problems(crimes), rather than band-aid approaches now
  • Believes in terms limits - plans to only serve two.
  • Recently (since interview) have been endorsed by Texans for Lawsuit Reform, Texas Patriot Conservative Activists, Texas Municipal Police Association, former Chief of the Supreme Court Wallace B. Jefferson, Ronald Reagan’s Chief of Staff James A. Baker, III, American hero Astronaut Gen. Charlie Duke, Texas hero retired Texas Ranger Ramiro “Ray” Martinez (killed UT sniper Charles Whitman), senator Donna Campbell, several state representatives, Allan Parker individually—President of the Texas Justice Foundation, numerous SRECs across the state from Mt. Pleasant to Midland.  I am also supported by the Texas Department of Public Safety Officers Association.  Katherine Armstrong, Ben Love, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Angelo of Midland as well.


  • No experience in private practice
  • Doesn't appear to be familiar w/Judge of lesser magistrate, whereby a judge uses nullification on a law they think is unconstitutional (he believes it's primarily up to jury - 53:00 min mark of video, though he said if it's done in good faith)
  • Made comments jokingly during interview (beginning) and forums that he's only one w/experience that has caught 'em, cleaned 'em and cooked 'em", which might be construed by some as prujudiced toward the prosecution
  • Former Texas Supreme Court Justice Wallace Jefferson, sought reversal of a previous opinion of his claiming that the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell marriage equality decision from June 2015 (135 S. Ct. 2584) did not necessarily require state and local governments to treat same-sex and different-sex marriages the same for government employee benefits purposes. 

Campaign appears weak. Only 1 campaign event listed on website.