US Vote Smart
Candidate Path
Candidate Path
Submitted by john wertz on 2018-02-11 18:26:33
- Fairly inactive precinct chair, before resigning to run for this office.
- Did not finish our questionnaire, after she reached the "what separates you from your opponent"?
- In the second question below about who she relies on when the going gets tought, she said "I will go above and beyond to talk to the voters of District 15 that the legislation will impact the most. I will also send out questionaires to all Republican and Tea Party Groups as well as all Republican Voters. I am a "Hands-On" person. (She wouldn't finish our questionnaire, nor interview, and canceled her first forum at Eagle Forum a mere 1-1/2 hours before the event).
- With respect to property tax reform, Waters indicated none was needed and said further ""When there is an appraisal district, you have a chance to go before them to get your taxes lowered on your home," she said. "There is a way to question it."
- Was somewhat confrontational, after taking bad advice from a fellow precinct chair, when told she had to resign Pct. Chair position to run for HD 15 position
- Endorsed by the left-leaning, Joe Straus-affiliated Associated Republicans of Texas,