Submitted by dennis tibbs on 2019-04-02 04:08:57
- Proven fiscal and social conservative, strongly promoting limited and efficient government.
- Informed on state and local issues of profligate spending and debt.
- Will not support any increase in staffing of the administration without first addressing the student and teacher educational needs, without raising taxes.
- Will not be a rubber stamp for the Superintendent, insisting the Superintendent answers to the School Board, and not the other way around as is the case in Conroe ISD.
- Promises to have direct contact with the schools, with or without permission with the Superintendent.
- Quick learner. Has good upside potential.
- Experienced in elections, defeating an established incumbent for Republican Precinct Chairman.
- Governs the Republican Party as a member of the Steering Committee.
- Is concerned about the district's lack of a balanced budget, as well as the over-emphasis on IB (International Baccalaureate).
- Proponent of Zero-based budgeting.
- Favors improving skills programs to parity with academic programs.
- No prior experience on a School Board, so is an unknown in this respect.
- Hasn't done much research. Not as well informed as he should be.
- Relies too much on what others say.
- Answers too often by shooting from the hip.
- No experience or training with budgets, yet most questionnaire answers are about finances.
- Doesn't seem to want schools to take a stand on social issues.
- Said he's asked for Bond info (9:45 mark of video) though it's online.