Submitted by dennis tibbs on 2019-04-02 04:10:24
- Fresh new face needed in Magnolia. Very well informed on all issues with School Board. Looks ready for the coming fight with a school board that lets the Superintendent run the show.
- Novel and powerful proposal to freeze all hiring and salaries of the ISD administration, until the students and teachers needs are met first. More teachers can be hired, but no more staff, no more overhead.
- Has studied the MISD finances deeply. Researcher who relies heavily on data.
- Has experience (work) managing budgets as large or olarger than MISD.
- Favors zero-based budgeting
- Thinks support and admin staff is too beefy and can be cut. 27-28 positions paying over $100K is too much(Supt is $220+K)
- Favors financial incentives to promote teacher retention & teacher performance.
- Favors temporarily freezing administrative compensation to achieve more equitable wages.
- Favors voter approval for tax increases.
- Supporter of right-to-life.
- Presents himself well. Even tempered. Knowledgeable.
- Concerned about the ratio of support staff to teachers being too high
- Has a strong mind tempered with respect for others.
- Will add discipline to the school board decision making apporach.
- Understands financial, budgets and proper justification necessary to approve spending.
• Sometimes speaks in generalities devoid of specifics.
• No experience in elected office.