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Candidate Path

Candidate Path

Submitted by john wertz on 2020-01-25 03:32:55


  • Qualified and knowledgeable about the job
  • As previous Deputy in the precinct, he is knowledgeable with the community and other deputies.
  • He has a good working relationship with other LE agencies
  • Recognizes elements of corruption & GOB policies that need to be changed
  • Highly regarded in field of Narcotics Criminal Interdiction
  • Endorsed by:  C.O.P.S (Coalition of Police and Sheriff), Southside Police Chief Don McCall and Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.  Also,  Asst Chief of Huffman Fire Dept/


  • Non-compliance issues with T-Cole between 2015 and 2017 (Reprimanded in May of 2018).  Clarification by Officer Skero:  "

 From:  Bryan Skero

Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 12:41 PM

To: John Wertz;

Subject: TCOLE Reprimand Letter on Bryan Skero

Hi John,  I would like to respond to the TCOLE reprimand letter on my file. In September of 2017, I accidentally took the course 3185 twice, back to back. I thought I had taken 3185 and 3384. It wasn't until December that I discovered the error, so I took 3384, but it was already past the deadline.

Furthermore, I was not aware (until 3 days ago) that they had issued a reprimand letter for the error because I never received the letter. I called TCOLE yesterday and they had told me the reprimand letter should never have been issued because I took the full class (3384) and was just late in submitting it, and gave me instruction on appealing the reprimand letter. I am currently in the process of appealing it.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thank you.  Bryan Skero"

  •  Wants to “implement or improve several divisions within the department” in areas beyond Texas Constitutional requirements, which will require a significant budget increase for an already large agency
  • As for being arrested when he was a juvenile, Mr. Skero said "I was shooting squirrels with a buddy, like most normal 13-year old country boys do, somebody called the police saying they heard shots being fired. The police came. My dad took me to the Juvenile Division. I WAS NEVER ARRESTED. They issued a referral and the case was dismissed. I have always included the referral letter in all of my employment applications at every police agencies that I have ever worked for. It wasn't a big deal to me because there wasn't anything to hide. It never even occurred to me that my opponent would pull my HR file and turned that incident into the claim that I was 'arrested for deadly conduct'.  Thank you. Bryan Skero