Submitted by john wertz on 2022-01-18 05:00:58
- Claims to be a conservative visionary that delivers real measurable results not just rhetoric
- Has hands-on, O&G experience("as opposed to the incumbent")
- Recognizes that Obama's shutting down of coal-fired plants has put Texas at more risks of grid shut down than ever before
- Says the RRC, has in part, done a bad job of influencing needed legislation, unless it has the blessing of former GOP speaker Tom Craddick, father to fellow commissioner Christie.
- Wants to bring more natural gas plants online, as coal-fired go offline
- Is concerned that the RRC is going along with Abbot's raising of bonding of O&G operators, but not for environmental
- anti-subsidies, who's had experience working with federal regulations
- May be the new blood that's needed in the agency in the future
- Blames the RRC in part for failure of the grid system but the failure is due more to the governor, who was warned on several occasions that the grid was at risk;
- Limited political experence but not unfamiliar with government.