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Home » 2018-03-06 Republican primary » Texas » Railroad Commissioner » Weston Martinez

Weston Martinez
Party Republican
Born 1975 in San Antonio, Texas
Religion Christian
Marital Married
Children 5

Weston Martinez


I am a fourth generation Texan, and a proven conservative leader who was born and raised in the Alamo City. I am now running to put my over twenty years of conservative grassroots activism, including as an elected member of the State Republican Executive Committee, to work for you as the next Chair of the Republican Party of Texas. 

I am an election integrity and border security expert having led the fight to secure our elections, fight voter fraud, and fight back against the invasion occuring on our Southern border. I have also led the fight to defend the Alamo and to prevent the destruction of the historic Cenotaph which marks the final resting place of the Patriots who died there to secure a free and independent Texas.

I have served as a statewide Commissioner, having been appointed as Real Estate Commissioner by former Texas Governor Rick Perry, the U.S Secretary of Energy under President Donald J. Trump.

During my term in office, I served under both Governor Perry and Governor Greg Abbott. As Texas Real Estate Commissioner, I worked with the Legislative and Executive Branches of Texas government to oversee all licensing, regulation and enforcement actions related to Realtors, Inspectors and Appraisers. The Texas Real Estate Commission maintained a $23 million-dollar budget with close to 300 employees with responsibiltiy for oversight and approval of more than 10,000 new license applications each year. I served as the budget chairman for the agency for three years. During this time, I worked with team members to modernize the agency while reducing costs and increasing customer service and efficiency. My gubernatorial appointment required confirmation by the Texas Senate and successfully passing a thorough background investigation. 

I have been blessed to have a diverse professional career including in oil and gas business development, and as vice president of business development at a major Texas Law firm. Over the course of 26 years in the regulated telecommunications industry at Southwestern Bell and AT&T, I served in various roles including outside plant design, engineering lead manager for the Southwest United States, and reporting directly to the Office of the President while overseeing resolution of Public Utilities, Attorney General, and Better Business Bureau complaints for the entire United States. I bring a strong corporate background from the oil and gas industry as well, serving as President of a leading oil and gas service company where I held my own unique operator’s license with the Texas Railroad Commission.

I established the P5 operating company in Texas holding the position of CEO. During this startup, I strategically identified stranded assets, oversaw the securing of over 300,000 acres of water rights, including site selection of a very prolific geological feature, all while successfully negotiating a multiyear master service agreement with a major on-shore and off- shore operator to provide all water needs in the Eagle Ford Shale. This contract created a bottom-line value of annualized revenue of $62 million dollars per year. 

My conservative pro-business, free market approach to doing business has proven successful in identifying solutions where others see only problems. That is why I am uniquely qualified to serve as Republican Party Chair during this unique and challenging time in our state’s and nation’s history. I have and will always stand up to Leftist Democrats like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Beto O'Rourke, and Geroge Soros, as well as to the moderates within the Republican Party who want to squander our freedoms and put our liberties at risk by giving aid and comfort to those who wish to diminish them. 

I was an NCAA bull rider at Texas A&M University in Kingsville, later graduating from Wayland Baptist University where I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. I am also a licensed mediator and maintain a successful mediation and arbitration practice. 

My wife Geneva and I have been married for almost twenty-five years. Together, we have five beautiful children. We reside in San Antonio where we are active members of Friendship Church where I serve as Executive Pastor. 

I am honored to have the endorsement and the complete and total support of many conservative Texas leaders including Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Sid Miller, Patriot Academy Founder Rick Green, and 2nd Amendment Champion Ted Nugent who serves as my campaign treasurer. 





This is a Republican primary race.  Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.


Having served as a state wide commissioner  for 6+ years and as a former member of the State Republican Executive Committee, I helped get several conservative positions added 1 was fighting for the ability to score our legislators. Recently, I had the idea (which successfully passed) to add a platform item which calls for the protection of our beloved Alamo.

We must drain the swamp in Texas by removing those who don’t or won’t represent our values and principles.  For more information visit

Additionally I pledge

*Weston Martinez will be a fair and predictable Commissioner who regulates only with our conservative’s governmental principles and values. 

Which is regretfully basic but total distinction.

* Weston Martinez will repeal the Tax/fee created on the industry.

* Weston Martinez won’t be taking votes to personally benefit my individual holdings.

* Weston Martinez won’t treat the commission as my personal business.

* Weston Martinez will make sure all operators and landowners are heard not just the Huge 1’s.

* Weston Martinez will treat staff with basic professionalism and respect.

* Weston Martinez won’t run the rail road commission like a dictator but as a Servant leader.

*If we don’t have energy independence we will never have liberty.

What differentiates you from your opponents?

This race is between Conservative grassroots oil and gas businessman Weston Martinez who has been at the forefront of every conservative battle and a Establishment moderate that wouldn’t even endorse Donald Trump in the General election or Texans Ted Cruz, and or Rick Perry in the Primary.        

  • Served 6+ years as Texas Real Estate Commissioner: I understand the mechanics of a Texas Commission and the role of a commissioner.

          I was confirmed by the Senate after being appointed by Governor Perry and now serve under Governor Abbott fulfilling my entire term.

·        Engaged Conservative leader: as explained above I have been at the forefront of every conservative political fight we have recently faced.

·        Not a lawyer.


To be more specific here are some additional distinctions partially shown below:

*Weston Martinez will be a fair and predictable Commissioner who regulates only with our conservative’s governmental principles and values. 

Which is regretfully basic but total distinction.

* Weston Martinez will repeal the Tax/fee created on the industry.

* Weston Martinez won’t be taking votes to personally benefit my individual holdings.

* Weston Martinez won’t treat the commission as my personal business.

* Weston Martinez will make sure all operators and landowners are heard not just the Huge ones.

* Weston Martinez will treat staff with basic professionalism and respect

* Weston Martinez won’t run the rail road commission like a dictator but as a Servant leader.

*If we don’t have energy independence we will never have liberty.



What is the most important problem you see in the next Railroad Commission in the next legislative session and what do you propose to solve it?

Protect LAND OWNERS AND BUSINESS OWNERS Stop Running Commission like a dictator

For land owners we must always focus on making changes at the commission that better protect private property rights while still encouraging oil and gas development. How we deal with allocation wells (wells drilled across multiple tracts of land where the production is allocated by the operator) would be one example of how we can strengthen land owners’ rights and still encourage development.

Business owners want to be treated fairly, and work in an environment of predictability.
Staff treatment must proffesional and legal.   

Please discuss your views on the concept of "sustainability" and the energy resources needed by this nation.

Hydrocarbons have sustained this nation and the world since they were discovered. They have led to America being the most prosperous country in the world. All other energy sources need to be able to compete without government support.

To what extent are you in favor of subsidies for alternative energy?

Not at all.

Please describe how the Railroad Commission has influenced legislation in the past 2 legislative sessions and how you would envision the RRC influencing the 88th session.

The last several legislative sessions the RRC has just been trying to get out of Sunset Review. Now that that is done, they need to propose statutory changes that will reduce regulatory burdens and make it easier for energy companies to thrive.

What are the reasons you are running for this office rather than Agriculture Commissioner or Land Commissioner?

This office presents the perfect opportunity to put my oil and gas experience to work for the people of Texas, and ensure that the Texas Railroad Commission remains committed to conservative principles and reasonable regulation so the oil and gas industry in our state continues to thrive. Whether it’s developing solutions to complex challenges like potential induced seismicity, or fighting the assault on Texas oil and gas, I’ll wake up every day to do my very best for all Texans and the promotion of our Texas values

Explain an "Allocation well" permit.

Allocation wells are drilled where the well bore crosses lease lines and the production from the well is allocated on the basis of where the minerals are produced (usually based on the length of the lateral on each lease).


Do you support or oppose a Business Tax to reduce property taxes?


Other civil liberty

Please explain your view of the balance between property rights and the development of energy as it applies to the Railroad Commission

Property rights are sacrosanct (inviolable, sacred, holy). The system we have in Texas protects property rights while encourging development of energy resources. Mineral interests are important property rights and the dominant estate in Texas.

What's the biggest federal overeach issue for the RRC?

It’s gotten a lot better under President Trump (who I supported against Hillary Clinton). Thankfully Scott Pruitt has turned the EPA around which used to be the biggest source of federal overreach. We need to continue to peel back federal regulations and let the RRC be the primary regulator for oil and gas. This 6-year term will end after President Trump is out of office. We have to baton down the hatches now.


How would you balance the use of existing energy sources with the development of alternate energy sources in Texas?

I wouldn’t, the market will.

Is Energy Independence achievable and how do we get there?

It is, and we are getting there, but energy dominance is a goal of President Trump’s that I share. Texas energy production is close to historic highs and climbing. We need to use the massive amounts of energy we produce here to our economic advantage. Improving ports and building pipelines so we can move our product anywhere in the world is how we get there.

What alternative energy source should Texas be focusing on and what steps will you take to promote that source?


Please describe what you believe is the proper role for the state government in job creation and intervention in the economy.

The constitutional limited conservative government model is what I support for all levels of government. I believe we have obligation to promote an environment that gets out of the way of the market and enterprising Texans. We should Protect and promote Life, right to bear arms, property rights,  the traditional family, and outwardly support Israel. We should strive to protect Texans from frivolous law suits, we should secure our border. We should foster a Pro-Business, limited taxation for business.  People should no longer be afraid to interact with the rail road commission. 


What regulations does Texas have in place to assure that energy production does not pose health risks to those living nearby? What, if any, regulations are still needed?

RRC has hundreds of regulations to keep the environment safe including well bore integrity rules (Statewide Rule 13) groundwater protection rules (Statewide Rules 8 and 9) and many others. We don’t need additional regulations to keep Texans safe.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?



What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?

This race is between Conservative grass roots oil and gas businessman Weston Martinez who has been at the forefront of every conservative battle and a Establishment moderate that wouldn’t even endorse Donald Trump in the General election or Texans Ted Cruz, and or Rick Perry in the Primary.

To be more specific

 1: My first had Oil & Gas experience as a business owner, where I worked with Operators and land owners within the confines of the regulated oil and gas industry in the Eagle Ford Shale.

2: My 6 + years’ experience as Texas Real Estate Commissioner gives me a unique perspective & knowledge of the process and the role of a commissioner.  I was chairman of the budget committee the past several years for the Commission.

4: 20+ years of working in the regulated telecom industry, where the majority of my career was spent working as a lead outside plant design engineering manager for a fortune 100 Telecom company headquartered in Dallas.

5: I have always fought for the promotion of conservative principles.

·        This includes fighting Voter Fraud where I worked on legislation to increase penalty from class A Misdemeanor to a Felony 1.

·        Fought LGBT discrimination ordinances in San Antonio and Houston. In San Antonio I started a recall of our Liberal Mayor Julian Castro.

·        Securing the border: I worked on legislation to elevate the penalty of those convicted of murder while human trafficking to a death penalty offense.

·        Defending life working with prolife groups on HB2 previously, and now on closing loopholes being exploited by liberal politicians like the San Antonio city council.

·        Fighting for property rights and fighting against the city of San Antonio who is bent on opening a new regional planned parenthood in an under zoned residential area, without the consent of the neighbors.

·        Working hard against the next generation of liberals who are currently filling the ranks of down ballot non-partisan elections like school board and so on.

What RRC energy source are you most familiar with?

Crude, Condensate and Natural Gas

What changes can be made to the Railroad Commission to make it operate more efficiently (cost savings) and effectively, and how would you propose to make those changes?

For starters on My 1st commission meeting I will vote to repeal the Tax that my opponent put in place. This will in-act and immediate 3-million-dollar savings. More importantly it sends a signal that we are going to make the railroad commission a fair and predictable agency. I have already been hearing from operators and land owners some of the horror stories they have endured.  There are no sacred cows, and we must operate as an agency this same

Explain how a Railroad Commissioner can represent the interests of the state when they are in conflict with the interests of energy sector campaign donors.

It’s simple, don’t take donations from people who have items pending or will have pending before the commission. Don’t let commissioners vote on items that directly line their pocket books.

What changes can be made to the Railroad Commission to make it operate more efficiently (cost savings) and effectively, and how would you propose to make those changes?

For starters on My 1st commission meeting I will vote to repeal the Tax that my opponent put in place. This will in-act and immediate 3-million-dollar savings. More importantly it sends a signal that we are going to make the railroad commission a fair and predictable agency. I have already been hearing from operators and land owners some of the horror stories they have endured.  There are no sacred cows, and we must operate as an agency this same

During a domestic drilling boom, why are gasoline prices still so high?

We are still dealing with the impacts of not having more refineries domestically. Also, its important to be aware that gas prices are impacted by refining costs, when oil is higher, refiners pass that input cost on to consumers.  This is another reason why becoming energy dominant and independent we prevent price gouging from countries who prefer a weak and defenseless America.