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Home » 2016-11-08 election » The Woodlands » At-large Township Position #4 » Chris Grice

Chris Grice
Party Republican
Born June 18, 1955 Vicksburg Mississippi
Education BS Mississippi State University 1978
Occupation SVP Amegy Bank of Texas
Religion Methodist
Marital Married

Chris Grice


MCTP PAC Rating of: 74 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2016-10-18 14:20:30


  • Solid financial/banking background;
  • Claims to work collaboratively.


  • Voted for the 5/9/15 Road bond, including WPX; 
  • Comes across as Big Govt type(supporting non-profits w/tax dollars);
  • Supports Corporate Welfare (Taxes to Eco. Dev. Partnership), which his boss is member of;  
  • Says it will be expensive to incorporate but has no idea how much;  
  • Wants to form a transportation task force (TxDot/MoCo/Township), but there's one already in place;   
  • Has supported primarily establishment candidates.


Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2016-10-17 20:52:18




Do you think The Woodlands should become a city or remain unincorporated? Why or why not (what are some of the pro's and cons)?  And if so, when should incorporation occur and why in that time frame? 

Under our agreement with the Cities of Houston and Conroe we have to incorporate  by Nov. 2057. So yes I am in favor of incorporation but I believe we have only one shot to get it right so we need to take our time and make sure we do it right. It is a very complex process to incorporate. There is legislation that has to be passed in order for us to transition from a Township to a City. We need to do our due diligence. We need to look at the pros and the cons of becoming a city vs staying a township for as long as we can. We need most of all to under stand the cost. For example we need to know the cost of maintainng our roads because once we become a city the maintenance falls on the residence. Another reason  to be timely in our incorporation is we know it will increase taxes. We can soften the affects of incorporation by building up reserves over time to pay for the cost of incorporation and build up a contengency fund for roads and bonds so we can we will have the money to help keep tax increases down. I do not have a specific time line because until we understand the cost and the  process it is hard to give an exact time line. When it makes economic and fisical sense then we should proceed.

What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

  1.  I have a keen understanding of how a business & goverment  should be managed. I have an extensive business background. I have spend 38+ years in the banking industry so I have seen and done a lot in working with busineeses, individuals, professionals, their firms & their practices. I have served on Municipal Untility Disrticts for over 20+ years. I currently serve on the Montgomery County Hospital Disrct board of directors.
  2. I am a consensus builder.  I believe is working with all sides on an issue to come up with a plan that works for all parties. In my professional career having to build concensus and medigate difference of opinon is a very important part of the skill set I have devoloped over the years. It has been useful in my roll on the MCHD Board and will be equally important in my roll on the Township Board.
  3. I believe is taking into account all sides of an issue before making a decision. I am a gather of facts and try not to let the emotions of the issue influence what is best for all parties. It is easy to get caught up in the moment but true leadership requires due diligence and patience. Skill sets I have developed over the years in banking.


Are you now or have you ever done business with any township and/or county official?


Why are you running for this office and what 3 major goals do you want to be measured by if you are elected?

I am running for this office because I have a love of my community and want to see i continue to grow and prosper for all of our citizens both individuals and businesses. My three goals are:

1.To continue to keep our taxes as low as possible  while maintaining the services and amenities we all love about the Woodlands.

2. Maintain the life style we all love about the Woodlands while continuing to help make it prosper.

3. Less government bureaucracy.

What three changes would you like to see implemented by the Township?

1. I would like the township board to soliciate bids from Law Firms who speicalize in incorporation so that we can get expert guidance and advice on how to proceed in the most judicuious and cost effective way.

2. I would want the township to order a engineering study to see what the cost to the newly incorporated city to take over the roads and bridges that are now handled by the county.

3. I would like the township board to appoint two to three directors to meet in a quarterly basis with our sister cities and county officials . This would be way to improve communication and hopefully build better relations.


Did you take a public position on clear-cutting of trees and if so, what was it? And in a few sentences, explain why.

I do not believe in clear cutting. Obvously to build we need to remove some trees but it should be done under the same conditions as  the original requirment from day one in the Woodlands. This to me is important to retain the Woodlands feel and makes us the unique community that we are.

List all civic, political or union organizations or individuals to whom you have contributed time or money in the last five years.

To the best of my ability to remember:

Bruce Tough Campaign

Mark Bosma Campaign

Kevin Brady Campaign

Amos McDonald Campaign

Rand Henderson Campaign

Are any of your family members employed by or working under contract to either The Woodlands Township or Montgomery County?



What are your thoughts regarding the 2018 Budget Provided at the August 14, 2017 Board Meeting? 

In reviewing the budget I think the existing board did a great job of holding down expenses and funding the operations of the Township. They were prudent in setting aside excess funds to fund future capital and operating needs. Unlike other government enitities that rely on debt the township board has run the township more like a business than a publically funded organization. I found it expecially prudent to start to put money aside for incorporation and maintenance of the roads and bridges. When we do incorporate building a reserve over time to help offset the cost is a sound business practice.

The township budget funds all reserves 100% yearly. What is the current surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why? Any other options for the surplus?

There was a surplus but the Township board has allocated those surplus funds primarily to the incorpration fund and the road and bridge fund reserve. I belive this to be prudent on the part of the board to maintain reserves. One this is important when we have to issue debt because the bonding agencies take into account the reserves when setting the rating for the township. The more reserves we have the better rating which equates into a lower interest rate saving the tax payer money. Also it is purduent to put aside money in these reserves when times are good to help when economic times are not as good. It also will help us in not having to increase taxes down the line or having to borrown money when we have reserves to fall back on. All of this is taken into account when setting the tax rate each year.  This is a sound business practice.

Should the township be funding non-profit organization events such as Interfaith luncheons, senior pick-up services, Education for tomorrow luncheons, etc...with tax dollars.

This is a difficult question. It is a question of between helping those citizens less fortunate, helping to further our childrens education to become better citizens . I believe that we have a duty as a unique community to work with our not for profits to assist with these services. These are programs and organizaitons that provide support to our community that if we did not help  would not recieve the help they need and our children the opporunities that these programs afford them. Of course we should prudent and this is not a large part of our overall budget.

Should the economic development reserve fund serve as a general fund, to go to multiple projects such as ice-rinks, museums, buildings, street repairs etc. or should it be a project specific only account?

. It is more transparent and in my opinoin best practice to put the fund in specific designated funds . What you have to understand though is even if the board puts funds asside for future projects they always have the ability to move those funds to other projects if they so desire.

What's your understanding and opinion on the Alpha Omega Security Services? And should the Township continue to fund/utilize it?

This is the mounted patrol that primarily cover the business district of the Township located in and around the mall , Market Street and Hughes Landing. It is a private patrol that provides security to these areas on horse back. I would need to evaluate the value( cost) of this program verses putting law enforcement on bikes or other similar forms of transportation to perform the same duties.To me it is what is would be the most effective to prevent crime in the most cost effective manor to the tax payers. That would be something that I would want to evaluate if elected.

This is a non-paid position. Do you think this role should receive compensation?

No I believe the position should be a non compensated position.

Do you consider the water taxi service an amenity in The Woodlands? If so what level of funding should be paid by taxpayer dollars?

Yes it is an amenity but I believe the service should be self supported and not supplemented by the tax payers. The service has been supplemented in the past and has had ample time to determine if can be sustained. To continue after all this time is a waste of tax payers money.


It's been reported that The Woodlands comprises only 20% of households in the county, yet provides almost double that (38.5%) of the county total in property taxes. What would/could you do to correct this gross imbalance of tax inequity?

This is an ongoing problem but the issue is not the inequity property taxes of south county over the rest of the county. It is a fact that the Woodlands has a higher percentage of high value  real estate so naturally we are going to pay a larger share in property taxes versus the rest of Montgomery County. To me the bigger issue is the evaluation of property and the issues around how the appraisal district evaluates. This is not a local but state issue that needs to be addressed. I know that our state representatives and Lt Governor are working on property tax reform to help in raining in the out of control  appraisal districts. I am supportive of finding ways to reduce and control the massive increases that we have experienced in the last several years.

If The Woodlands incorporates, do you think it will raise taxes for residents.  If so, how much and what is your basis for that claim?

Yes I do believe that taxes will increase and if not successful in making legilative changes the increase in taxes could be significant.  the 2012 study the last we have did not address if General Sales Tax, the Economic Zone (EDZ) Sales Tax and the Hotel Tax could be retained by a New City.In  2016 dollars, these items represents a  $59.9 million revenue stream which is at risk if we are not successful with our 2017 Legislative Initiatives. Of this amount, we are certain we will lose at least $6.5 million in Hotel Tax benefit (increasing our property tax by 3.5 cents)  to our operating  and debt service expenses. For cities, Hotel Tax is much more restrictive than allowed for the Township. If the New City cannot retain the EDZ sales tax (today no city can assess such a tax), it will lose $23.5 million in contribution to its General Fund. Today, this sales tax revenue is used to fund  our Fire Department and other operating expenses, helping to  significantly lower our property taxes. Without this benefit property taxes would increase by 12.4 cents. The impact of just these two items alone would increase the property tax rate by 15.9 cents or 69%. And, the New City still has to add the additional cost of road maintenance (unknown)  and law enforcement (approximately a $13 million increase, or 6.9 cents increased property tax just to stay with what we have today). So I will not be surprised if the consolidated property tax rate for a New City is between 45-50 cents compared to the 23 cents we pay today.


What are the advantages/disadvantages of Economic Development Partnerships?


Helps to attract major corporate high paying  jobs to our community.

High paying jobs bring residence who purchase home in our community, shop in our community and pay taxes in our community. The sales tax dollars generated by the people and companies who locate in our community help to keep our property taxes down.

The EDP is a public/ private supported entity. We are getting the best value for our public dollars with the EDP because most EDP's are publicly funded by tax dollars. The Township funds about a third of the overall budget of the EDP. The rest is funded by the corporate members.


Which current Township board member do you identify with the most and why?

I affiliate with the entire board. I have met all of them and visited with all but Laura who I have asked to meet but have not had the opportunity to sit down with. I have assured all board members that if I am blessed enough to be elected that I want to work with them all to help keep our taxes low, less government and maintain this wonderful community we call home.

In this role, you'll be representing both residents & organizations. In the event of a conflict with the Woodlands Development Company and/or the Economic Development Partnership, how would handling this situation?

I have no conflict of interest with either organization so this is not an issue. My employer is a member of the Woodlands EDP and I contiinue to represent my company by attending monthly board meetings. I am the past president of the Woodlands EDP but no longer serve on the board or am I any longer in a decision making position with the EDP.


What are the 3 most pressing mobility issues in The Woodlands and what is your preferred solution to each?

The mobility on our four major though fares in the Woodland. Woodlands Parkway, Lake Woodlands, Research Forest and 242. In addition we also have to consider the traffic on I-45 which is handling way more traffic than it was designed for.

I would propose that the mobility issues are not only the townships issue but the areas issues. I would propose a task force made up of the Township, County  officials, and TEX DOT. Their charge would be to prioritize the mobility issues that we need to tackle giving us the most help at a reasonable cost. It will require all parties to come together to provide solutions and funding. I know that roads are the responsibility of the county and the state but if we are going to find viable timely solutions the township is going to have to be able to contribute dollars. Besides when we become a city  the entire cost of roads and bridges becomes the city problem. The more we can do to fix it before we become a city and share the cost the better off we will be in the future.

Please list at least 3 positives and 3 negatives of the WRUD and describe your proposed solutions for the negatives?


Help to build roads within the Township

The taxes levied to repay the bonds are levied on commercial properties and not residential

The RUD can only build roads approved by the county since the county has to take over maintenance once built.


I really have no issues with the RUD. It has been a economically efficient way to fund road projects within the Woodlands. Repayment of the bonds are from commercial properties and not residential. The interest rates have been favorable based on the ratings of the bonds. These projects funded have helped to spur our development creating value to spur our amazing job creation, retail growth which increases our sales tax collections etc. So the trickle down effect has been a win win for all parties including the residence in my opinion.


Did you take a public position on the May 9, 2015 Road Bond, and if so, what was it? And in a few sentences, explain why.

I supported the May 9 bond issue. It I will agree not a perfect bond issue. I did encourage our county officials eliminate the controversial Woodlands Parkway extension because it was not worth jeopardizing the entire bond issue over a project that was not immediately necessary. My reasoning in supporting the bond issue is we desperately needed  in south county the two bridges over Gosling and Kuykendahl along with the improvements to Rayford Sawdust. Normally if a bond issue fails then at a minimum it would take a year to bring another back. Because of our mobility issues and being behind improvements needed I made a judgment that passing the bond issue even with faults was better than not. The bond issue failed and I respect the people choice. Of course we were able to bring a bond issue back in Nov that  passd but that is not a normal historical cycle on bringing bond issues back to the public to vote on.

Do you have any main disagreements with the Precinct 3 Mobility Plan and if so, explain what they are and the rationale behind them.

Overall  I like the plan. Now we need to prioritize the projects that will give us the greatest relief at the best possible price to the tax payer. This will require that the township, county and TEX DOT work together to plan and fund these projects. I realize this is not a responsibility of the township but the county and state alone do not have the funds so working together we can accomplish more than we can alone.


Are you active with any Tea Party or conservative grassroots organization? If so, list which, how long and what capacity? If not, what's your opinion of Tea Party groups here as to their effectiveness?

I am not active in the Tea Party or a conservative organization. With my employment, family, hospital district and charitable commitments I am not able to take on another commitment at this time. I am a conservative and have been my entire adult life.

Should Township directors serve at large or represent specific villages (districts)?

I have no issue with the current directors serving at large. We are a small enough community that all residence and villages are well represented.