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Home » 2016-11-08 election » Lone Star College » Board of Trustees Member, District 5 » Luis Granados

Luis Granados
Party Republican
Born 04/20/51
Education Engineering, Business Adm
Occupation Managing Director
Religion Christian
Marital Single

Luis Granados


Luis Granados was born in  Peru where he graduated with a Bsc degree in Mechanical engineering.On one of his trips to the USA related to his job assignment met some individuals in Academia who considered his background interesting and invited him to pursue an advanced degree at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Accepted the invitation and came to the USA in 1984 to pursue a MSc in Nuclear engineering and later on to pursue a Doctoral in Mechanical engineering.

After graduation and becoming a Naturalized Citizen, worked for several large engineering companies including Curtiss Wright and General Electricto to finally settled on a compay he set up with some associates providing industrial equipment to utilities and refineries mostly abroad.

For the last two years or so, dedicated his weekends and free time to act as a math tutor for the LSCS. It was a very rewarding activity to serve to the mostly minority community.


MCTP PAC Rating of: 76 (High Score) Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2016-10-18 14:13:09


  • Works for (tutor) & familiar w/ LSC. Very passionate & seems committed to changing the Jr. college culture.
  • Feels LSC put too much emphasis on enrollment, than other key KPI's;  
  • Wants to do away with all bond financing;   
  • Very concerned about key admin officials (VP) lack of credentials (Dr. Val Dabney);
  • Feels that LSC is on verge of losing accreditation, due to low academic standards(though by law it has open admissions);    
  • Believed in allowing campus carry;
  • Wanting to lower property taxes and hold the administration more accountable on spending;
  • Closet conservative but could be a little PC.


  • Difficulty expressing himself; 
  • Wants to move LSC to more of a university than a Jr. college (except it's mitigated by open admissions:  high rate of remedial classes and high attrition rates).
  • Believes LS should hire better class ($$$) of professors (same issue...  More

Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2016-10-17 19:47:20




Please describe the changes to existing programs and/or functions you are committed to make and give your rationale.

-Ensure that LSCS, as a higher education center, maintains the academic standards which corresponds to its category.

-Facilitate the relationship with the industry and be sure that graduates are ready to meet the labor market expectations.

-Maintaining the quality of the education and insure that academic strength is respected so graduates pursuing higher academic

degrees are welcomed by first tier Universities.

-Auditing the academic results against the financials staments benchmarking against other similar institutions

-Analyze the Organizational Design to avoid redundancies and waste of resources.

-Analize student load capacity per Campus and geographical distribution (including the location in Indonesia)

-Analize the need to have so many Campus when the tendency is to go on line.



Please describe the qualifications and experience that make you the best candidate for the office you are seeking.

Have worked in Academia  locally and internationally both as an student, teacher as doing research.

For two years have acted as a math tutor at the Greespoint Campus detecting a serie of problems

which I believe should be corrected.

A critical spirit is needed when everyone else seems to wish just to go with the flow.

Going with the flow and trying to get along is what put the LSCS in the situation in which it is now.

Its time to do the hard work now.







Please discuss the proper granting of the use of LSCS facilities to non-affiliated, non-profit civic groups.

There is a liability on granting use of the LSCS facilities to civil groups or political groups or religious groups with agenda which

may be against the Principles of Accreditation of the College.

Since these groups have hindered agendas which may create a liability to the institution I would not accept that.


Please discuss your views on LSCS funding sources and the proportion of funds that should come from each source(State Legislature; raise local property taxes; raise tuition;  offer free tuition;  pass more bond;  repeal open-admissions and increase minimum academic requirements;  cap enrollment;  worry about it down the road)?

-We need to be sure that the quality of education at LSCS remains high.

-Audit the records  to verify that financial resources are being properly allocated and distributed to achieve academic excellence.

-Avoid the trivialization of the education by accepting anybody, concentrating on high caliber applicants interested in continue their education beyond the Associate degree.

-Apply tuition and fees on the base of the student family income (W-2) granting free tuition to students with higher potential after graduation.

-Control the administration expenses which affect the property taxes paid by local residents and avoid the issuance of bonds.

-Allocation of funds to enhance Academic strenght instead of expanding the bureaucracy.


Please describe the pros and cons of full-tenured staff versus part-time teachers and your plans, if any, for making changes in that area.

The issue of the full tenure against the part time teachers should be treated on a case by case basis.

When is convenient for the institution to retain a highly qualified instructor the full tenure is appropriate.

Please describe the opportunities you will pursue to improve quality of instruction while reducing costs.

If the discussion come to the table I would suggest to hire part time teachers from Universities knowing that they already have a tenure with their

academic institution.

University professors come with the objective to challenge the students to  pursue further the knowledge on the subject instead repeating what the

textbook says.

They always can adjust the level of difficulty to the College audience and since they are SME motivate to the students to pursue degrees beyond the

Associate degree.


Is the current debt load for LSCS too high? Please describe how you will determine the proper debt load.

Don't have data to make a comment about the debt load but, talking in general, the LSCS shouldn't be in debt at all.

It shoud be self sufficient after receiving State, Federal and local financial support plus the tuition and fees.

We, the local tax payers, are paying higher propertry taxes and we are not seeing our money worth. We need to take a closer

look at the financial statements and academic records to establish a correlation; if the correlation is inverse, meaning that more

money is allocated but the academic strength does not increase proportionally we need to revise the model.

Please explain why you do or do not support requiring a 2/3 majority for bond issues to pass.

Bonds are an IOU passing the responsibility to pay (with interests) to someone else in the future.

The majority to pass a bond should be at least 2/3

Lone Star College passed a $471 million Bond package(tax-supported) in late 2014.  How long will this sustain the college, before the board comes back to the voters for more? 

I would oppose this scheme, both as a trustee and as a tax payer, its just not fair to pass the result of bad decision and inneficiencies to others.

LSCS should be self sufficient if its to be viable at all.

A corporate mentality should replace the beggar attitude which prevails today.

1st Amendment - speech, religion

What would you do to a student who uses hate speech on campus? Off campus?

Freedom of speech is guaranteed in Campus and out Campus.

If a student makes an allegory to violence against Campus authorities, professors or other students then he/she should be reported.

What is your position on free-speech zones, speech codes, safe spaces, trigger warnings, microaggressions, and religious speech on campus?

The whole Campus is a free speech zone by definitiion and according to the Charter and Principles of Accreditation, however sectarian invitation to the violence (micro or not) is not part of the free speech and should be rejected.

Same apply to religious events which may offend to others not sharing the beliefs.

The College mission statement, Charter and Principles of Accreditation define what is allowed and what is not.

2nd Amendment - guns

What's your opinion on campus carry for teachers and for students?

Colleges and Universities are centers of education, research and free exchange of ideas.

People in Academia are supposed to seek higher intellectual abilities and usually their behaviour follow through.

Reptilian behaviour is not consistent with on-Campus etiquette, however, there are cases in which marginal and unstable

individuals act against the life  and property of the students and faculty members.

Since the faculty members are the de-facto authority (besides the law enforcement) on Campus, they should have the right

to defend themselves and their students, as the last resort, from those threatening their life.




Please describe what measures you propose to improve transparency and accountability to the public.

There are three major criterias for transparency and accountability  related to an education institution which should be released to the public but especially to the tax payers supporting the organization:

1-Academic records:

2-Financial records:

3-Organizational design

-LSCS has grown a lot having Campus even in Indonesia, we would like to have the financial information per cost center being each Campus location a cost center.

-We propose here to have each Campus evaluated separately with its own financial statements and academic records.

-In addition to the release of the financial reports per Campus, we would request an academic matrix showing (among others): Student names, ethnicity, age, intention by attending college, financial support, income category, GPA and SAT records, major,  ratio students/teacher.

-Finally, we would explore the manner in which the Organizational Design meet the requirementrs of the individual Campuses and cost centers to check for redundancy. LSCS should aim to be a Lean educational center with no o minimum waste, to achieve the academic target  and peak organizational perfomance.