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Home » 2017-05-06 election » City of Shenandoah » City Council Position 3 » Nancy Smith

Nancy Smith
Party Republican
Born N/A
Education B.S. Business Management
Occupation Retired Business Owner
Religion Christian
Marital Married
Children 4

Nancy Smith


MCTP PAC Rating of: 21 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2017-04-18 02:27:38


  • Degreed-BS-Bus. Mangement
  • Claims Fiscal Responsibility, but has sided with free-spenders on City Council
  • Currently serves on Shenandoahs' Charter Committee
  • Volunteer of Civic Club.
  • She'd be happy to recieve no stipend.


  • Did not participate in our Vetting Interview, after having aligned herself w/big spending liberals
  • Rumored to have been handpicked by liberal Darrell Frazier as his successor
  • Solid establishment, in talking to multiple residents
  • She's OK w/the status quo, which appears to be problematic. 
  • Approves of Economic Development Partnerships, which really aren't free market. 
  • She talks about integrity throughout our questionnaire, but later backed out on the forum at The Courtyard Marriott that we hosted on 4/6 after she previously committed.





Why are you running for this position?  What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

I am running for Shenandoah City Council because I love this community and I want to do my part to help preserve its best qualities. I am most qualified because of my work ethic, my 27 years of business experience, a B.S. degree in Business Management, and my integrity. I sold my Equestrian business last year and plan to make serving the city a full time effort and will continue volunteering for Civic Club and city sponsored events as I have done for the past year.

I’ve been married 40 years to Randy Smith, who is employed by ExxonMobil. We moved to Shenandoah 2 years ago and lived in Kingwood from 1981-2000 before being transferred to Virginia. Before moving here I researched places to live and Shenandoah rose very quickly rose to the top of the list with its low tax rate, thriving businesses and small town feel. I have attended City Council meetings for the past year and have been volunteering at most Civic Club activities and City events. I am impressed with the commitment and diligence Council demonstrates at their meetings. I have seen them listen attentively to citizens as they express concerns about matters of importance and was impressed that citizen comments had an impact on Council decisions. The decision making skills I learned while running my business will be a benefit to this community and I because I sold my business, most of my time is available to serve the city. We have four grown children living in Boston, Washington DC, Denver and Salt Lake City. My husband, as well as our two sons, are Eagle Scouts. My father was a World War II veteran.

I never bounced a check during the 27 years I operated my business. I am a believer in fiscal responsibility so that current and future obligations can be paid for. While operating my business I learned the importance of taking responsibility for outcomes, which means that I learned to make decisions based on a thorough understanding of the issues, removing biases and doing sound analysis. In business, my decisions quickly impacted the bottom line, so I took them seriously. I have sold two businesses and in both cases, the new owners received a solvent, healthy business with happy customers, committed employees and a trusted reputation that I was proud of. One of the highlights of our time in Virginia was when the Romney campaign asked me to hold a Mitt for Women rally featuring Ann Romney in 2012 at the Equestrian Center. It was an honor to spend some time with her and I appreciated her example of genuine caring and concern for the 600 people who attended.

My commitment to integrity includes transparency, which is a core value that I live by. I am an open book – ask me anything.

What are the 3 most pressing issues in Shenandoah and what is your preferred solution to each?

Shenandoah’s pressing issues are (1) management of growth, (2) crime prevention and (3) keeping costs and taxes low.  

Management of Growth

It is vital to focus on attracting quality businesses and residential development that will strengthen the tax base and contribute to residents’ quality of life in this area as the remaining portions of the city develop, most of which is on the east side of I-45. Our Comprehensive Development Plan provides the blueprint and it is important to follow it as we consider zoning variation requests. Extension of David Memorial Drive to the north is important to handle traffic flow to the new MetroPark Square development. Because of its large scale, we are preparing to provide water, sewer, police protection and rainwater drainage as this project proceeds.

Infrastructure investments must be paid for, and my approach is to match the funding method with the lifecycle of the asset. I will not vote to deplete the City’s emergency cash reserves to pay for long term capital investments. 


Shenandoah has historically enjoyed very low crime rates, but we must be prepared for more aggressive criminal events as we have recently experienced. We are protected by a well-funded Police Department with a ratio of officers to residents that is eight times higher than The Woodlands and four times higher than Conroe, resulting in fast response times and rapid arrests. I support continued funding to assure frequent patrols, officer training and modernizing equipment, such as the recent appropriation for body cameras and body armor replacement, to provide our officers with every advantage. I applaud Shenandoah’s Area of Responsibility program to strengthen relationships with residents and I strongly support outreach by the department to residents, such as town hall meetings and social media communications.

Keeping Costs and Taxes Low

Shenandoah residents enjoy significantly lower property tax rates and water rates than other cities in Montgomery County and this is the result of a City government that has taken a disciplined approach to controlling city costs. I will continue to be vigilant about cost management. It is important to note that the principle source of revenue to the City comes from our businesses in the form of sales tax revenues, so one of my focus areas will be to assure that we attract and retain quality businesses. This requires that we maintain our infrastructure, assure adequate police protection and keep the overall look of the City at a level commensurate to the businesses we would like to attract. 


How can the operation of your city government be made more efficient and cost effective?

The City has a rigorous budget review process that assures that we are not spending excessively. I will support efforts to review our business processes and assure that we continue to have strong discipline. I will only support new costs that provide a direct benefit to the City’s residents.

What's your interpretation of the "Separation of Church and State"?

Separation of Church and State is generally connected to the First Amendment that states that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting free exercise thereof.  The Establishment Clause, as it is often called, assures that no particular religious creed is favored above any other in making of laws or in practicing one’s religious beliefs. 

What is your primary resource to help you make difficult decisions as it relates to public policy?

I rely on a process of gathering the facts, including benchmarking what has been done in neighboring cities, collecting background details from City Management and the application of sound cost/benefit principles. It is important to always remember that the City Council represents the people and to never cater to the whims of special interests.


What is the current budget surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents, pay down debt or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why?

Tax revenue is not an entitlement of government and should be treated as a trust that has been placed by our citizens.

We currently have $1.7 million in our water and sewer reserves and $4.3 million in our General Funds reserve. The City is working toward a reserve sufficient to cover city expenses for 1 year, such as emergency management due to a catastrophic event. I would not support reserves beyond that level. Once that amount is reached I support adjusting property tax rates downward to reduce the burden to our citizens.

What is Shenandoah's bond rating?  What is the current debt load and is it too high? Please describe how you will determine the proper debt load.

Shenandoah’s bond rating is AA+ by Standard and Poors.

Shenandoah’s debt service of ~$900k/year is about 9% of the city’s budget, which is sufficient to maintain a AA+ rating from S&P. 88% of the city’s debt was approved by the voters on ballot initiatives, primarily for street improvements, storm drains and street lights. General guidelines are that a city should have sufficient cash reserves to pay its annual debt service requirements (called the debt service coverage ratio) by a factor of at least 2.  Shenandoah has a debt service coverage ratio of 6, which is well within guidelines.


How much does this position pay each year? Do you think this amount should be increased, decreased or even, like The Woodlands Township, receive no compensation at all?

I am happy to receive no compensation.


What is the Sales Tax Rate for the City in which you're running?  Property Tax rate?  How much of the revenue is derived from each? Do you think it would be a good idea to broaden either or both of them to increase revenues?

The Shenandoah city sales tax rate is 1.5%.

The Shenandoah component of the Property tax is .2295 per $100 value.

For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016:

Sales tax:        $8,091,739

Property tax: $1,867,070

The sales tax rate is mandated by state law and can’t collect any more or less than that amount. I support reducing the residential property tax rate.


Do you support or oppose creation of Improvement Districts and Economic Development Districts? Why or why not?

The creation of an Improvement District should only be considered based on its ability to provide direct benefit to the citizens.

Shenandoah currently does not have an Economic Development District. Economic Development Districts can be a benefit to both a city and those who participate. I would need to consider this on a case by case basis.  

What are the advantages/disadvantages of Economic Development Partnerships?

Advantages are that Economic Development Partnerships attract corporations and businesses that bring high paying jobs. Employees brought in by economic development partnerships buy homes, pay taxes and shop in our stores.

I support Shenandoah’s participation in The Woodlands Area Economic Development Partnership. It is a beneficial resource for attracting businesses that may potentially move into this area. The partnership also assists business as they transition into the area. From the City’s, perspective an Economic Development Partnership can improve the diversity of industries in the city and provide employment opportunities for our residents.

The primary disadvantage can occur when approval decisions for partnerships are politicized.



Are you now or have you ever done business with The City of Shenandoah and/or a Shenandoah/county official and if so, the nature of that relationship?


List Civic, Political or union organization or individuals to whom you have contributed time or money (past five years).


City of Shenandoah Charter Committee

City of Shenandoah Civic Club

Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch (Therapeutic Riding Program)

Mitt Romney – Organized Mitt for Women campaign rally at my Equestrian Center in Virginia, featuring Ann Romney


Panther Creek Inspiration Ranch (Therapeutic Riding Program)

Joyride Therapeutic Riding

List all clients you have represented or lobbied for on behalf of any governmental entity during the past five years.


Please list your top 5 donors and what their relationship to you is?

Randall and Nancy Smith – husband and I

Todd Meredith – family friend

Dee and Ann Hency – neighbors

Kanini Quijano - neighbors

Dr. Carry Muzny, DDS – my dentist

Please describe what measures you propose to improve transparency and accountability to the public.

I am a proponent of personal integrity in government and made transparency a hallmark of my business dealings over the past 27 years.

Shenandoah operates transparently, and has identified a potential enhancement. City Council is reviewing using “Word-for-Word” to precisely transcribe minutes from City Council Meetings. I would encourage residents to attend the Budget Workshop Meeting each year so they can see how tax dollars are used. I also support doubling the number of Town Hall Meetings from 2 to 4 per year and would like to see an increased use of social media to communicate the availability of these events and other city information to the residents. I would also encourage residents to attend City Council meetings as often as possible. I have spoken at the Citizen’s Forum, before and after City Council, and encourage residents to do the same. It helps City Council stay in touch with resident’s needs and concerns and if elected, I would value the opportunity to hear from more of them.

Have you and/or any of your family members been employed by or working under contract to either The City of Shenandoah or Montgomery County?



How long have you been consistently voting in elections? For which parties candidates? List all the elections you have voted in for the past 3 years (2014-2016).

I have been consistently voting in elections since I was old enough to vote. I have been a registered Republican voter all my life and have voted accordingly. I voted in the November 2016 election as well as a local election in 2014 in Virginia.

Would you vote in favor of spousal benefits for same-sex partners of State, County and City employees? Please explain your reasons.

I will vote to follow the law and its interpretation by the courts in the matter of benefits provided to City Employees.