This is a Republican primary race. Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.
I support the RPT platform caveated that ambiguity exists in some.
Do you support Interposition and Nullification as it pertains to Texas State Sovereignty?
I support both constitutional authorities and have (and will) carried and voted for bills to assert state sovereignty.
Please list the pros & cons of how the Texas House chooses its Speaker and Committee Chairmen and what, if any, changes you propose.
Pros - Historically successful process. Cons- Lots of power in Speaker position. Changes- members guilty of quorum busting must lose chairs, vice chairs, associated committees funding and Speaker appointments on return.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I’m a business owner making payroll, paying taxes and creating jobs. I’m an originalist regarding the Constitution. I’m
the Conservative voice and vote in Texas House on prolife, pro 2A, pro values, and proTexas matters.
Please describe your views on gambling as a funding source for education and other budget items, and whether gambling should be expanded or reduced. Why?
The Lottery was created to fund pub ed. I voted to abolish the Lottery but it survived. While i am not opposed to
rights of responsible adults to gamble, as a Christian I’m concerned with the possible consequences and as a fiscal conservative, with the allocation and usage of funds.