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Home » 2018-03-06 Republican primary » Montgomery County » County Treasurer » Melanie Bush

Melanie Bush
Party Republican
Born Dallas, TX
Education SMU '02 - Economics, Pol Sci & Public Policy
Occupation Owner-Better Bookkeepers
Religion Christian
Marital Married
Children 2

Melanie Bush


Melanie Bush owns a successful bookkeeping firm that employs 18 individuals with offices in The Woodlands and Georgetown to serve their clients. Bush graduated from SMU in 2002 with degrees in political science, public policy, and economics. She founded Better Bookkeepers in 2010. Lone Star College’s Small Business Development Center named her firm the “Small Business of the Year” in 2016.

The citizens elected Bush to the Board of Trustees for Conroe Independent School District, where she has served as Secretary and is currently President. She is the Past President and Past Lead Mentor for the Executive Women’s Alliance, as well as a Power Mentor for the Montgomery County Association of Business Women.  The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce gave Bush the “Citizen of the Year Award” in 2016.

Her husband, Alan Bush, is an attorney who focuses on employment law. The Bushes have two daughters who attend Conroe ISD schools.

Bush and CISD Trustee Ray Sanders led the effort within the Conroe ISD to provide reappraisal relief to victims of Tropical Storm Harvey, even though some of the liberal members of the Board of Trustees opposed anything which would lower the school district’s tax collections.

(Overview from Golden Hammer)


Campaign Finance Reports Source

Submitted by kenneth vaughn on 2018-02-28 23:00:59


    2017                           2018


   Jul - Dec                 30 Day Report     8 Day Report


MCTP PAC Rating of: 94 (ENDORSED) Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2018-02-18 05:58:32



  • No direct experience in the treasurers office.


Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2018-01-16 05:43:49




Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have. 


Please list County Treasurer functions that should moved to another county department and/or be privatized and why?

I do not believe any of the functions should move out of the County Treasurer's office. If anything the newly created budget office should be moved into the Treasurer's office. As the new structure has merely expanded goverenment.

I am not sure anything should be privatized yet. I need to get into the office to do a bottom-up analysis. With a better financial software system, there could be enough cost savings in payroll, that privatized is not needed. 

What are your three biggest concerns about the County Treasurers Office?




How do you propose to make the Treasurers's Office more efficient?

I plan to do a complete review of all procedures and processes. After that review we will implement a system that is up to date with today's technology. There is no reason anyone should be using a manual time sheet in 2017.


What are the three main reasons you are running for this office? Do you see any potential conflicts of interest?

I am running for County Treasurer to innovate the office, to improve the transparency and bring independence to this office.

No, I see no potential conflicts of interest.

What privacy issues between Texans and the federal government does the Treasurers office deal with and where is the line of balance between safety and privacy?

As the payroll arm of the county, there are a ton of privacy issues that require the utmost discretion. Additionally, the bail bonds administration requires the same. While some of these people may have committed horrible crimes, they are still to be respected. 

What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?

I simply ask that the voters look into her for themselves.

Please describe your views on gambling as a funding source for education and other budget items, and whether gambling should be expanded or reduced. Why?

I personally think that state gambling (i.e. the lottery) is a poor man's tax, as more often than not it is those desperately seeking to better than life. Sadly, as I said it is a poor man's tax.

List all civic, political or union organizations or individuals to whom you have contributed time or money in the last five years.

I will have to review this in more detail. Seeing as I have my own business I am involved in many civic organizations. As for political, I have attended many fundraisers, but not contributed large sums of time or money to any one candidate.


Please describe your plan for balancing the county budget. What budget items need to be cut and what taxes and fees need to be increased?

We have to rid the county of ghost employees. That is the first step. Secondly, we need to start with 0 and work our way to the budget every year. You don't start with last year and decide what to keep or get rid of. I am a HUGE proponent of a zero based balanced budget. We have to stop assuming that our starting place was where we left off.


Do you support or oppose Increasing and Broadening the Sales Tax to reduce property taxes?  Why?

I feel that with a property tax no one ever truly owns their property and that is wrong. 

What is the best "mix" of taxing methods for state and local government? Why is that "mix" the best and how do we get there?

This is something I will have to look into more.

Please fully describe what methods of funding roads in Texas you will support and oppose, and give your reasoning. Please discuss all revenue sources, tax diversions, tolls, and debt.

I am against toll roads and am for a pay as you go model. Debt is a tool that has to be used with extreme caution. I don't feel it should be used unless the voters approve it.

2nd Amendment - guns

What firearm and carry restrictions should Texas government require of citizens? Why?

I would not recommend that Texas have any standards beyond the license to carry and background check to purchase. I do not think that felons should be able to purchase which is why I prefer the background check. 


Do you support or oppose creation of Improvement Districts and Economic Development Districts? Why or why not?

Adding another taxing authority troubles me and at this point I see no need to do so.


If you were able to fix how public education was funded, how would you do it and why?

That is a HUGE question that I haven't studied the models enough. At this point that doesn't factor in the County Treasurer's race. As a school board member, that factors in, but not for the race I currently running for.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcies?

No, I am proud of my background.

There have been times in which I took other people's word as truth without investigating it on my own. Since then, I have learned that some of what I was told was not true.

What are your plans for improving transparency as it relates to the office you're pursuing?

Accurately provide the financial documents to the public as soon as they are approved by Commissioners Court. Additionally, I will work with all departments to make sure they are in complete compliance.

List all clients you have represented or lobbied for on behalf of any governmental entity during the past five years.

Have not lobbied for anyone. I have represented clients in dealings with Texas Workforce Commission or the IRS. Due to confidentiality with my clients and the nature of our contracts, I am not at liberty to disclose who those clients are. They have all been privately held businesses in Texas.


Do you support or oppose English being the state language? Why?

I support English as the official language of the state. 

Who are your large donors and what is their relationship to you?

I have no donors of $5000 or more.