This is a Republican primary race. Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.
I have been a big supporter of the GOP platform for many years, I don't ever agree with it completely. But I have always longed for elected officials to just follow half of what it says, that would be a great improvement. I usually support around 80-90% of the platforms
using the 2016 version of the Texas GOP Platform...
Preamble - I agree with it, but the last sentence is vague so i am not sure about that one. I could mean we must be sovereign over the world, which I do not agree with or it could mean that we must be strong internally, and not controlled by others, which I would agree with.
Principles - Are right up my alley. Some are again very broad and vague and can mean different things to different folks.
Preserving American Freedom - I agree with this section. The phrase "we support an aggressive war on terrorism" can be taken to a wrong extreme by some and used as manipulation by others.
Reforming the Judicial System - I agree with these
Strengthening familes, protecting life and promoting health - I agree with these
Educating our children - I agree with this, except #120 is vague in the last sentence about funding in districts "that do not have a sufficient tax base" to be funded by the state. My opinion in general regarding public education is too much money is spent, which puts a burden on tax payers.
For sake of time I only made it to page 17 of the current 26. Because of short time to get this in and work and holidays I could not finish this section. Hopefully you understand me a little better from what I have had time to write.
Do you support current RPT chair James Dickey in full and if not, what do you disagree with?
James Dickey is new. I am not aware of any disagreements. I imagine a few will show up with time. I have not seen him at state convention, this will tell me a lot. The history of state chairman in Texas over the last 25 years have shown a strong bias toward their own agenda. I believe this is weak leadership for a chairman to shove their own agenda on those they are serving.
Did you support liberal Texas house-speaker Joe Straus? Why or why not?
No I do not support Joe Straus, never have, and unless he changes for the better, never will. Because he is part of the big government, power and money grabbing part of the Republican party.
Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race, why and what you'll do to address them?
The most siginificant issue facing our culture is that too many people believe government (local, state, federal) is needed for our survival. These levels of government have taken over so many areas of life ... safety, water, health care, welfare. Government has always been the most inefficient way to do anything. Think of any government services that is more efficient than any other private entity. I can think of none. Until we become more independent of government we will always be one crisis away from poverty. We assume social security will not be able to last. We know the government is invading our privacy (that includes local, just ask your local police friends). They are spending way too much of our money.
I have been working for many years to get voters to be aware of our of control government and the need for voters to be aware & to get involved to make it better.
Which supreme court cases should Texas just ignore?
Any supreme court case not involving one of the enumerated powers granted to the federal government.
here is a list of a few...
Brushaber v Union Pacefic & Stanton v Baltic Mining & Peck v Lowe that allowed the federal government to tax individuals directly - the income tax
Helvering v Davis 1937 upholding Social Security on the basis that congress has a general power to spend on whatever it deems to be in the general welfare
Roe v Wade that treated unborn babies as not human
Dred Scott decision that considered blacks not to be citizens
Korematzu v US upheld interment of Japanese Americans during WW2
NFIB v Sebelius allowed national health care
Lawrence v Texas striking down texas sodomy laws
Kelo v City of New London allowed taking of private land for a developer
Buckley v Valeo allows congress to regulate campaign finance
Wickard v Filburn allowing congress power to regulate local commerce
Home Building v Blaisdell allowing states to alter bank contracts
There's discussion about making major revisions to the RPT Platform. Please describe the nature of any major changes you support.
Anything that ...
- increases personal liberty from government control
- reduces the spending of local, state, or federal government
- reduces the power and cost of the police state
On a practical note, I have been saying for the last 8 years that the platform is a tool that the GOP has been using to keep voters voting for the party while the elected officials have for the most part ignored the principles in the platform.
I will say there has been one notable exception to this and that is the legislative agenda that has been in the last 2 platforms. I would say this has been a great change to the party platform.
As a Republican, if you had to give up one of the following core principles, which one would you select first and why?
a. pro-life;
b. 10% reduction in state, fed, local spending;
c. 2nd amendment;
d. illegal immigration;
e. foreign bases;
f. 10th amendment
This is an easy one - Foreign Bases. I am a big proponent of avoiding war if at all possible and only support wars in self defense, not for oil, not for regulating other countries. the US is not the world police. And all war must be declared by congress, it is sort of a constitution thing.
For what offices should term limits be implemented?
All party and elected official offices, even precinct chairman.
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
I have a long term proven record of supporting small government, educating conservative voters on the better candidates, and working for 17 years in the county to promote smaller government agenda, in various roles.
I have been involved in party and local politices for over 20 years and I have found that many people get motivated to change our state or local government and within 6 to 12 months are discourages and lose motivation and quit. Changing our societies government is in my view a life long responsibility. It starts with learning and listening. The "will" of the people actually is what gets implemented, but often time voters get influenced by deceitful people, our countries media is a prime example of this.
I would like to see a group of selfless leaders organize together based on their personal strengths, using Patrick Lencioni's team principles, to put the time, thought, money, effort into supporting a plan to educate themselves and our community, lead and train others on how Montgomery county can be good balance between government, liberty, open to others, efficient, honest, and not get corrupt as so many of our good elected officials have been.
This currently is my passion in politics to create an impressive group of leaders in the county that can lead us well. I plan to write and think and colaborate with others to make this a reality. I had hoped the the Tea Party movement would have brought that out but for a variety of reasons I doubt that will happen. But the label does not matter as much as the thoughts and integrity and clarity of the leaders involved.
Please list 3 federal agencies that are popular in our culture and should be abolished
Using the list of federal agencies listed on wikipedia ..... those with an 'x' in front should go away over the next 10 years, those with a ? I would need more information to decide, those with neither 'x' or '?' should stay
3.1 Executive Office of the President
x 3.2 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
x 3.3 United States Department of Commerce
3.4 United States Department of Defense (DOD)
x 3.5 United States Department of Education
x 3.6 United States Department of Energy
x 3.7 United States Department of Health and Human Services
x 3.8 United States Department of Homeland Security
x 3.9 United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
? 3.10 United States Department of the Interior
3.11 United States Department of Justice
x 3.12 United States Department of Labor (DOL)
3.13 United States Department of State (DOS)
x 3.14 United States Department of Transportation
3.15 United States Department of the Treasury
? 3.16 United States Department of Veterans Affairs
x 3.17 Independent agencies and government-owned corporations
?4 Special Inspector General Office
5 Quasi-official agencies
x 5.1 Arts & cultural agencies
x 5.2 Museum agencies
x 5.3 Commerce & technology agencies
? 5.4 Defense & diplomacy agencies
x 5.5 Human service & community development Agencies
? 5.6 Interior agencies
5.7 Law & justice agencies
Are the United States and Texas constitutions living documents? Please answer in the context of Progressivism versus Originalism.
I interpret the US constitution as an originalist. It is only living in the context of changing by amendments. There is sufficient evidence to doubt the 16th actually passed.