This is a Republican primary race. Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.
Do you support current RPT chair James Dickey in full and if not, what do you disagree with?
I do not know Mr. Dickey nor do I know his political philosophy and commitment to conservate policies and positions so I am not qualified to answer this question at this time.
Did you support liberal Texas house-speaker Joe Straus? Why or why not?
No. Mr. Strauss is too moderate and represents the establishment. He has been an impedimnent to passing significant legislation that would advnace conservative policies. He is the embodiment of the swamp in Austin.
Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race, why and what you'll do to address them?
For a precinct chair I believe the most important issue is to cleanse the Montgomery Repiublican Party and support a local governing body that will hold elected party officials accountable and break the hold of special interest groups restoiing the voice of the people. .
Which supreme court cases should Texas just ignore?
I don't believe any Supreme Court case can simply be ignored. The law must be followed, no matter how objectionable. The Texas congressional delegation must lead the way in pursuing legislation in Congress to overturn or redirect the ruling.
There's discussion about making major revisions to the RPT Platform. Please describe the nature of any major changes you support.
I do not know enough to answer this question
As a Republican, if you had to give up one of the following core principles, which one would you select first and why?
a. pro-life;
b. 10% reduction in state, fed, local spending;
c. 2nd amendment;
d. illegal immigration;
e. foreign bases;
f. 10th amendment
Foreign bases. I think we have too many bases at too great a cost around the world. We should be able to relinquish some of those bases while still being able to project US influence from the remaining bases. The other 5 principles are too important and all must be withheld.
For what offices should term limits be implemented?
Federal and state congressman and senators should have a term limit of 12 years.
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
Judy has been a precinct chair and I suspect she supports current leadership and is a reliable member of the establishment. I will be new in the position and have an aversion to the establishment at all levels of the Republican Party. We need to be bold and committed in pursuing our policy objectives and get away from back room dealing
Please list 3 federal agencies that are popular in our culture and should be abolished
The departments of Energy, Ediucation and the Consumer Protection Bureau should be abolished. Education should be left to the states and not be a federal responsibility. The other two departments are no necessary and examples of government overreach into the private market.
Are the United States and Texas constitutions living documents? Please answer in the context of Progressivism versus Originalism.
No, they are not living documents which opens them up to interpertation based on political agendas and rash decisions in reaction to a national emergency or popular culture. The constitutions establish the framework, responsibilities and limitations of governement. The intenet of our founding fathers was to limit the scope and breadhth of government while protecting the rights of citizens. They established a process for amending the constitution to address unanticipated events or circumstances that requires super majorities of Congress and 3/4 s of the states to protect the rights of those in the minority.