This is a Republican primary race. Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.
Do you support current RPT chair James Dickey in full and if not, what do you disagree with?
Did you support liberal Texas house-speaker Joe Straus? Why or why not?
I believe there is a better chioce available.
Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race, why and what you'll do to address them?
I represent the Precinct and will try to do it the best way possible.
Which supreme court cases should Texas just ignore?
I have no comment at this time.
There's discussion about making major revisions to the RPT Platform. Please describe the nature of any major changes you support.
Reform of the platform is needed.
As a Republican, if you had to give up one of the following core principles, which one would you select first and why?
a. pro-life;
b. 10% reduction in state, fed, local spending;
c. 2nd amendment;
d. illegal immigration;
e. foreign bases;
f. 10th amendment
I do not believe that I would give up any of these. These are core beliefs and when you have core beliefs you stand by them and for them.
For what offices should term limits be implemented?
All offices.
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
I do not know my opponent so I have nothing to say about him. I am sure he is a fine gentleman.
Please list 3 federal agencies that are popular in our culture and should be abolished
We need to get back to the Constitution. Most of the growth of government has been since the New Deal. We need to relook at everything that has been implemented since then and reevaluate the need for these departments.
Are the United States and Texas constitutions living documents? Please answer in the context of Progressivism versus Originalism.
I am an old fashion Constitutional originalist. The Constitiution is the framework of this nation. Occasionally, that framework may need to be updated but I feel that this must be done only when absolutely necessary.