What goals do you have in mind, if you are elected, and to which you want to be measured against in the coming term?
I am seeking this bench so that I may serve the public and return to the public the benefits our Creator has bestowed upon me. I want to be measured by the respect I earn by being a fair, independent and impartial judge who efficiently moves cases through the court. I intend to survey my juries and the bar to find out how I can continuously improve what I do.
What are the three main reasons you are running for this office? Do you see any potential conflicts of interest?
1. Resume (26 years as a lawyer serving the business community, judicial law clerk for two judges, visiting professor of law) 2. Respect (for the Texas and U.S. Constitutions, for litigants and for their attorney representatives) 3. Resolve -- a determination to be an independent, fair and efficient in the administration of conservative constitutional justice
Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race and why.
1. What type of judge do we need in the 410th? Should the court be specialized?
2. What role should the court play in the oversight of the County Auditor?
3. Do we need another trial lawyer on the bench, or should we have someone who actually has a business background and who actually understands the U.S. and Texas Constitutions?
These will become the significant issues as I intend to make them, at every turn, the issues we are discussing
Are the United States and Texas constitutions living documents? Please answer in the context of Progressivism versus Originalism.
No, the Constitutions are not living documents. They are to be interpreted based upon the intent of the Framers, to the extent that can be determined from consulting the Federalist papers and other sources of information. Unfortunately, the courts have not shared my originalist views.
Please describe the best way for the average voter to determine which candidate for this office is best.
In face to face conversations, in which the voter can assess the judge’s temperament and intellectual capabilities.
How many days off per year should the officeholder of this position take to learn (seminars & workshops) or teach (give educational or motivational talks) or network with other county officials?
Don’t know, but the answer is whatever is necessary for the Judge to be able to do an efficient and fair job.
Who is endorsing you and what is their relationship to you?
No public figure is endorsing me.