What are the top 3 areas where the budget for this ISD needs to be adjusted?
The three largest areas of expenditures for the Conroe ISD budget are: payroll at 89%, purchases and contracted services at 5% (the biggest item here is utilities), and 4% for supplies and materials (the biggest item here is fuel for transportation). I will continue to focus on a small administration (there were only two additional administrative positions added to this year's budget) with most of the payroll expense going to additional classroom teachers along with making sure we continue to manage and monitor our utility costs, and work to assure we provide the most fuel efficient vehicles at an effective cost.
Do you believe a lack of funding from the state is the primary reason for lower educational outcomes compared to other states or nations.
I am not a believer that additional funding always solves problems. Improving educational outcomes should be a multi-faceted community approach. Students need to be able to come to school ready to learn. Sadly, many do not have the support away from school which means the schools must first meet basic needs. Conroe ISD has many programs to help support those students as respectfully and appropriately as possible.The state needs to look at school districts who have been recognized for their academic achievements and financial efficiencies and use those Districts as a model to improve. This may involve more funding but first would be to have accountability standards for school districts other than just state academic testing.
What is a proper balance of local and state funding?
Conroe ISD is projected to receive 74% of its budget from local funding and 26% from the state of Texas. This amount from the state continues to be reduced under the state's funding formula due to the "Robinhood" effect where growing school districts are penalized. I think this trend should be reversed and the majority of funding for public education should come from the state rather than local funding.
Will you vote to limit budget increases to a factor based on student enrollment growth?
Increased student enrollment does not give the complete picture for budget considerations. Other factors to be considered would include teacher and support staffing levels, adequate facilities, and transportation. I would work hard to assure that budgets are lean and do not include unnecessary items.
What is the appropriate staffing ratio of non-teachers to teachers?
Management styles differ by managers abilities. Appropriate staffing ratios may be different for elementary, intermediate, junior high and high schools. The size and the socio-economic status of the student population at each school may also affect staffing ratios. To my knowledge I am not aware of any standard staffing ratio of non-teachers to teachers.
What is proper gap between administration and teacher pay?
In every well managed organization there is a need for administration to provide accountability and transparency for the organization and to assure the mission and goals of the organization are met. Along with these different roles are differences in compensation. With this said, I am not aware of any standard measure to use except for the questions to be answered which are "how much value do you bring to the organization?" and "did the organization complete its assigned tasks (goals and mission)?" The state pay scale recognizes only increased tenure as a component of increased pay. It is important for this to be changed so that teachers can be compensated according to their value rather than only their tenure.
What can school districts do to ensure more of existing education funds are spent on educational purposes, rather than administration and overhead?
The best way to assure low administrative costs and overhead is to look at financially efficient and academically successful school districts as a model for other districts to follow. Conroe ISD, the largest employer in Montgomery County, employs more than 7,000 and this represents 89% of the Conroe ISD budget. The other two largest expenses for the District are utility costs and fuel for transportation. I believe that every student in the District benefits from the educators in their classrooms along with all of the support staff who have the best interests of students in mind including assuring facilities are cleaned and maintained, that students are safe and that a professional learning environment can be achieved.
Do you oppose the use of public funds, other than for needed infrastructure, to subsidize the cost of private facilities such as stadiums, arenas and other such entities?
Voters within Conroe ISD have approved the bonded indebtedness used to pay for all Conroe ISD facilities including stadiums. I serve on the Board to represent the tax payers and would listen closely to their thoughts on this subject. I do personally support assuring that all students have equal facilities.