What makes you qualified for this office? Name three main reasons you believe you’re the best candidate for this position?
Financial experice: Operations manager for Transamerica Commercial Finance Commercial Division, Treasure for WCR Montgomery County
Small business owner
REALTOR - 20 years in Montgomery County
Mother and grandmother of CISD past and future students
Past President WCR Montgomery County
What are the 3 largest challenges currently facing this position/office and your road map to address them?
Taxes are too High.
The administration expenditures are far higher than they should be
The school district should get back to teaching basics in it's curriculut - reading, writing, math, history
Is this board currently fulfilling its obligations?
What is one significant way that your ISD can reform itself to increase educational achievement?
The school district should get back to teaching the basics in its curriculut - reading, writing, math and history.
What special interest groups have you belonged to or attended meetings of? Include business, social, civic, educational, environmental or any other cause for which you have advocated or supported with time or money.
Currently - Commissioner Noack's Advisory Council, Montgomery County Women's Council of REALTORS, Texas Association of REALTORS, National Association of REALTORS, Foster pets for Rescued Pets Movement, Donate to ASPCA and Montgomery County Animal Shelter
Republican Precinct Judge for 83 March 2014
Volunteer mediator for Montgomery County Dispute Resolution Center
Chair HAR Political Affairs Advisory Leadership - PAALS
President Montgomery County Women's Council of REALTORS
Treasurer Montgomery County Women's Council of REALTORS