What makes you qualified for this office? Name three main reasons you believe you’re the best candidate for this position?
1. I am a Certified Fraud Examiner as recognized by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. I am uniquely qualified to serve in this role and help restore transparency and fiscial responsibility to the deicison making process.
2. I have been a certified peace officer for approximately 18 years. I am a proud public servant and look forward to having the opportunity to continue to serve my community in this role. I am proud to fight crime -but also government waste!
3. I am a voice for the future of Precinct 4. With the rapid growth in East Montgomery County we have seen a new influx of families like ours who are new to Montgomery County. I am excited about continuing to inveest in the community where we will raise our children, and ensuring that living in Montgomery County is afforadable.
In your opinion, does Does Montgomery County have a water resource or regulation problem? Why?
Montgomery County has a water regulation problem. There is not any verifiable science to back up the claims that we are truly experiencing a water shortage. The fees that are imposed under the guise of conservation are a burden on the backs of the citizens of Montgomery County.
Is this position currently fulfilling its obligations?
No. The current board is over-reaching in its authority. Claims have been made about the self-serving intersts of the board which require a thorough investigation. These claims cast doubt on all decision making. It's time to bring transparency to the LSGCD.
What are the 3 largest challenges currently facing this position/office and your road map to address them?
1. Entrenched staff members: I would propose a thorough review of the staff, compensation and benefits.
2. A lack of transparency: Throughout the course of my campaign I have been met with roadblock after roadblock when requesting information that should be available to all citizens. The board should reinforce in its staff the understanding that the board works for the people and information should be accessible and decision making transparent.
3. Public Apathy: Many people complain about their water bill but do not understand the “hows” and “whys” and the fees that result in water no longer being affordable to the average family. I plan to educate the public about this throughout my campaign, and will continue to do so if elected.
Who has ownership of the land below and the air above and how far of each? Is groundwater considered a person’s private property under the Texas Constitution?
The surface owner owns all non-mineral rights below his / her surface. Groundwater is a private property right vested in the surface owner. Groundwater is a person's private property under the Texas Constitution.
Are you familiar with the enabling legislation and any subsequent legislation regarding the LSGCD creation, powers, authorities, duties, etc.?
What aquifer or aquifers does LSGCD regulate?
Jasper Aquifer, Evangeline Aquifer, Catahoula & Chicot Aquifer
How much subsurface water is contained under Montgomery County, as determined by Texas Development Water Board in their TERS(Total Estimated Recoverable Storage) Report 2014?
180,000,000 acre feet
What impact does the LSGCD have on our water bills?
Fees imposed by SJRA in concert with LSGCD cause an increase in water bills.
Who is endorsing you and what is their relationship to you?
I have been endorsed by Restore Afforadable Water - no relationship
Should an aquifer be regulated based on its physical boundaries, or based on the boundaries of political subdivisions of the state?
Physical Boundaries
What special interest groups have you belonged to or attended meetings of? Include business, social, civic, educational, environmental or any other cause for which you have advocated or supported with time or money.
National Rifle Association - Life Member
Texas Municipal Police Association
Fraternal Order of Police
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
What impact does the LSGCD have on our water bills?
Fees imposed by SJRA in concert with LSGCD cause an increase in water bills.
List all individuals/groups you have represented or lobbied for before any governmental entity during the past five years.
Do you support fair and equitable rules for all owners of the common reservoir? Do you believe that a “common reservoir” is the same as an “aquifer” or “aquifer subdivision”? Explain.
Yes – I support fair and equitable rules for all owners. And believe that a common reservoir is the same as an aquifer. As defined in groundwater terminology, a common groundwater reservoir is the same as an aquifer or subdivision of an aquifer.