What makes you qualified for this office? Name three main reasons you believe you’re the best candidate for this position?
I hold an A certification in water issued by the TCEQ. I have 46 years of active paid experience in water and wastewater treatment. I was also trained by my Father Cecil Chance who was a certified operator in Texas as well. From the age of six, in 1960 I was his project, he began training me for this profession. I have been exposed to all aspects of water and wastewater practices for 58 years. I believe I am the best candidate for this position because I understand the challenges of supplying long term water to the county, I understand the solutions that the Lonestar GCD is providing, and have over 40 year of experience in water conservation, and management.
In your opinion, does Does Montgomery County have a water resource or regulation problem? Why?
Yes,I believe we have a resource problem, We as a county are using more water than our aquifers can safely supply without causing perminant damage. Without intervention we will perminantely damage these aquifers.
Is this position currently fulfilling its obligations?
Currently the Lonestar GCD Board is in dissarray, A basic understanding of the problem does not seem to apparent to all of its members.
What are the 3 largest challenges currently facing this position/office and your road map to address them?
Educating water providers about the serious nature of overpumping aquifers, Presenting a united front to meet this challange, and garnering the cooperation of all water providers as well as the citizens of the county in water conservation. My plan is to continue the outreach programs that the Lonestar GCD have implemented, as well as working with local utilities to get the message out to the citizens of the county.
Who has ownership of the land below and the air above and how far of each? Is groundwater considered a person’s private property under the Texas Constitution?
Texas law is not very clear on this issue. As it currently sits, Water belongs to the property owner. As far as the air above it belongs to the property owner. Groundwater can however be managed by local Groundwater Conservation Districts as implemented by the state.
Are you familiar with the enabling legislation and any subsequent legislation regarding the LSGCD creation, powers, authorities, duties, etc.?
Yes I supported the creation of this district because our water supplies were being depleated at a non sustainable rate.
What aquifer or aquifers does LSGCD regulate?
The LSGCD regulates a small portion of the Gulf Coast aquifer within the confines of Montgomery County.
How much subsurface water is contained under Montgomery County, as determined by Texas Development Water Board in their TERS(Total Estimated Recoverable Storage) Report 2014?
According to the TERS report as of 2014 the Gulf Coast Aquifer system has a maximum storage compasity of 180,000,000 acre feet of water, however that is not relevent to how much it can safely yield, without perminant damage to the aquifer.
What impact does the LSGCD have on our water bills?
It raises the cost of water by 10 cents per thousand gallons of water used in direct impact, however it also causes an increase overall due to the challanges of maintaining safe yield of the aquifer, and the need to secure alternative water supplies.
Who is endorsing you and what is their relationship to you?
I am not aware of any current endorcements, and have not persued any endorsments.
Should an aquifer be regulated based on its physical boundaries, or based on the boundaries of political subdivisions of the state?
That is a question left to the state. However I believe the state should regulate by the aquifers, not by political boundaries.
What special interest groups have you belonged to or attended meetings of? Include business, social, civic, educational, environmental or any other cause for which you have advocated or supported with time or money.
I am a member of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), Texas Water Utility Association (TWUA), Water Enviroment Federation (WEF), Texas Rural water Association (TRWA), and Water Enviroment Federation of Texas (WEAT).
What impact does the LSGCD have on our water bills?
It raises the cost of water by 10 cents per thousand gallons of water used, however it also causes an increase overall due to the challanges of maintaining safe yield of the aquifer.
List all individuals/groups you have represented or lobbied for before any governmental entity during the past five years.
I represent the Districts west of I45 on the San Jacinto River Authorites GRP Review comittee.
Do you support fair and equitable rules for all owners of the common reservoir? Do you believe that a “common reservoir” is the same as an “aquifer” or “aquifer subdivision”? Explain.
Yes, I support fair and equitable rules for all owners of the common resevoir, and I believe that a common reservoir is the same as an aquifer. Presently this is the states prefered method of regulating these resources.