What are the three main reasons you are running for this office? Do you see any potential conflicts of interest?
!. "Keep The Woodlands Wonderful" for current residents and make it even more amazing for future generations.
2. Maintain George Mitchell's vision of an environmentally sustainable, wooded community for people, pets and nature.
3. Use my experience in municipal and federal government help the Township board manage the 3 T's:
Trees - Stop clear cutting, preserve trees, trails and parks.
Traffic - Prevent outside entities from buiilding unnecessary and unwanted thoroughfares into The Woodlands that increase congestion, crime and pollution.
Taxes - While serving on the Houston City Council, I helped implement a 4.5% revenue cap and lowerd the property tax rate. The rev cap is still in place and has saved Houston taxpayers over $700M. https://communityimpact.com/houston/heights-river-oaks-montrose/city-county/2019/09/04/houston-city-council-to-consider-0-02-property-tax-rate-reduction/
I have no known conflicts.
Do you think The Woodlands should become a city or remain unincorporated? Why or why not (what are some of the pro's and cons)? And if so, when should incorporation occur and why in that time frame?
The Woodlands currently exists under the extraterritorial jurisdiction, or ETJ, of the Cities of Houston and Conroe. Currently. Houston's tax rate is 2.5X higher than The Woodlands and Conroe's is 1.8X higher. In 2007, The Woodlands Township signed Regional Participation Agreements, RPAs, with those cites, who agreed to allow The Woodlands to incorporate starting in 2014 and continuing until 2057 without threat of annexation. Although The Woodlands is not in imminent danger of annexation, if The Woodlands doesn't incorporate, Houston and Conroe will have the ability to annex the Township in 2057, permanently dividing The Woodlands.
State laws attempting to reduce the possibility of forced annexation, as happened to Clear Lake and Kingwood, were passed in 2017 and 2019. They require a vote of approval by residents before annexation can occur. However, they may not apply to the RPA contracts signed in 2007. Historically, Texas judges have favored law that existed at the time of signing of a contract over newer law. Additionally, state laws may be rescinded or replaced by future legislatures.
Benefits to incorporation include: 1) Authorize and maintain our roadways and waterway access, reducing the possibility of an extension of The Woodlands Parkway; 2) Plan and platt property; 3) Determine land use; 4) Obtain more Federal and State grants for flooding mitigation and other regional concerns by having a "vote" on the Houston Galveston Area Council as a qualified "city"; 5) Establish a city charter and pass and enforce ordinances for noise, fireworks, barking dogs, loose animals, etc.; 6) enforce covenants, i.e., no clear-cutting; 7) Recover liquor taxes, franchise fees, traffic fines, and municipal court fees; and 8) Permanently eliminate the possibility of annexation by Houston and Conroe.
Costs of incorporation - One of the biggest concerns of incorporation is the Township will assume responsibility for public safety. In May 2019, the Township Board approved an Interlocal Agreement which provides a 3-yr transition for law enforcemnt services at the time of incorporation, transitioning 22.5 county funded positions to Township funding over a 3-yr phase-in following incorporation. The Board approved a MOU for continuation of county-provided road maintenence services for 1-yr following incorporation. The MOU provides that Montgomery County will continue to provide the traffic signal & management system after incorporation. The Board also approved an Amended MOU for acquisition of the Law Enforcement facility on Grogan's Mill, including the vehicles and equipment previously purchased by Montgomery County with Township funding. Other concerns are: maintain and replace roadways; operate a municipal court; change how current taxes are used to service Township debt; and, decide whether to absorb The Woodlands MUDs immediately, gradually, or allow them to remain autonomous in providing water, sewer, and drainage services. The Board has set aside captial reserves to mitigate some incorporation costs.
The Township should continue to study the pros and cons of incorporations, maintain full transparency, and determine the best options of whether and when to go forward with incorporation. The voters will make the ultimate decision on the best solution. By becomming a city and permanently securing its autonomy and independent local rule, The Woodlands will strengthen its position to prevent unwanted road expansions, stop clear cutting, enhance its ability to mitigate flooding, maintain first-class amenities, and sustain outstanding services while managing taxes and debt in a fiscally conservative way. My goal is to improve the quality of life for residents and future generations to grow up and raise their families.
With new legislation (HB347) prohibiting annexation of smaller communities by larger/adjacent cities unless approved by voters, is The Woodlands still obligated to pay-off Houston ($1 million) and Conroe ($500,000) for that purpose?
After the RPAs were signed in 2007, The Woodlands paid $16M to Houston in return for freedom from the threat of annexation for 50 years. The Woodlands is obligated to continue to make annual payments to the City of Houston and City of Conroe from sales tax raised in each city's ETJs. Whether or not new legislation nullifies this "ransom" fee is undetermined. Historically judges in Texas have ruled that State laws passed afer a contract is signed are not applicable to that contract. Those who speak against incorporation and cite such legislation as protection against forced annexation might be willing to stop payments to Houston and Conroe but I am not. Defaulting on these payments could trigger legal action by those cities, precipitate annexation, and incur massive litigation. The only sure and permanent remedy to prevent annexation by Houston and Conroe is for The Woodlands to become an independent city.
What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?
1) I am a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother, citizen of the United States of America who believes in God, Family, Country.
2) My experience in municipal and federal government give me the ability to "hit the ground running" and to add value to the Township Board. Managing a city budget of almost $4B and representing 2M people provides great preparation. Working with all leverls of government gives me better understanding of how to partner with local, state and federal agencies for grant funding and collaboration for projects that are beneficial to The Woodlands, such as: flood mitigation, roads, bridges, bike and pedestrian paths, waterways, etc.
3) I have a proven record of building and running a medical practice for 30 years, balancing a budget, recruiting and retaining excellent employees, and always striving to improve customer/patient service. I will bring that operational mindset to The Woodlands Township Board.
What, in your view, are the positive and negative aspects of the Township's current governance structure?
The Woodlands Township is a Special Purpose District formed by enabling legislation from the State of Texas. The Township Board has done an outstanding job reducing the property tax rate by ~30% over the last 8 years. The Board functions with 7 at-large Directors, who elect, from among their ranks, a chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer and secretary. The Township President / General Manager, Mr. Don Norrel, oversees and administers the day to day functions of the Township departments and excutive staff. The Township Board is working on a 2020 balanced budget of $128M. The Township maintains reserve funds of $82M, which includes $16M in incorporation reserves. The Board has reduced debt to $60M, which is $504 per capita. The Woodlands has no unfunded liabilities. Chairman Gordy Bunch and the Board are to be congratulated for doing an excellent job controlling costs, enhancing amenities, and preparing for the future on behalf of the residents of the Township.
Are you in favor of allowing the residents to vote on the incorporation question once the incorporation planning process is complete? Why or why not?
Yer, residents must be allowed to vote on any incorporation plans and the resulting tax rate. Chairman Bunch and members of the Township Board have stated that this will be done after all the studies have been completed.
Did you attend any of the Special Planning meetings on incorporation? If so, how many?
Yes, I have attended Special Planning meetings and have watched others on the Township website.