Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race, why and what you'll do to address them?
Adherence to the new by-laws passed in 2018. We have always been a divided party, and the new by-laws being enacted were the best tool for unity. I have been an active member of the Republican party since 2008 and a member of the CEC since 2014. I have personally seen prejudice toward certain CEC members when power is centralized under our old by-laws. With the new steering committee and the precinct chairs having a say in who the officers and committee chairs are, the precinct chairs have become really engaged and no one is left out of the process. The term unity has been thrown around for years, but who was saying meant conformity. We will (and should) have our differences in the primary season, but once the primary is over, it is time to unite behind the general election candidate. Adherence to the new by-laws passed at the organizational meeting in 2018. We have always been a divided party, and the new by-laws being enacted were the best tool for unity. I have been an active member of the Republican party since 2008 and a member of the CEC since 2014. I have personally seen prejudice toward certain CEC members when power is centralized under our old by-laws. With the new steering committee and the precinct chairs having a say in who the officers and committee chairs are, the precinct chairs have become really engaged and no one is left out of the process. The term unity has been thrown around for years, but who was saying meant conformity. We will (and should) have our differences in the primary season, but once the primary is over, it is time to unite behind the general election candidate.
Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.
The RPT platform is what got me involved in the Republican party. It is saddening to me that is too often ignored by our elected officials. The first two questions I ask of any primary candidate is "When have they last read the platform? What parts of it do you disagree with and why?" I support the platform and have served on the Resolutions committee each convention since 2008. I have debated resolutions on the floor of the SD conventions, testified in front of the platform committee as well as the sub-committees at state conventions. Yes I do support the platform.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I have not yet met my oppopnent. I do know she had not attended the last precinct convention.
What best describes your political ideology most(circle only one).
1. Republican
2. Grassroots
3. Conservative
4. Tea Party
I was Tea Party before the tea party existed.
Please list 3 federal agencies that are popular in our culture and should be abolished
Only three? Where should I start? The federal government is extremely limited in their powers under the constriction. Pretty much any federal agency that its powers are not referenced in the constitution need to be abolished. Most of the regulations that are needed can be done at the local or state level. Let me start with ATF, Department of engergy, and department of education.
Should Texas GOP limit their elected officials to 8 years or less from the same office, even though it will force some good candidates to leave an office?
While I agree political office should not be intended as a carrer, it needs be the voter's responsibility and duty to decide how long an elected official is to hold office. The challenge from those who are more politically involved is educating the public and the system as well as the officials who hold office
When you leave office what accomplishment/s do you want to be your hallmark, your legacy, and why?
Civility and willing to work with those in other groups. There has always been and always be division in the party. When I got involved in the party I was told by another activists, that “our group” was called wing nuts. Because we are far right, and they think we are nuts. They meant it as an insult, but it I wear it like a badge of honor. My wife and I run a Facebook page titled Texaswingnuts. When I introduce myself to other activists in the party, I often describe myself as the most level-head whack job in the county. My wife and I have always been open about our stances on issues, and the candidates that we support, but we have always remained civil.