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Home » 2024-11-05 election » Precinct 1 » MCHD Board Precinct 1 Commissioner » Kelley Inman

Kelley Inman
Party Republican
Born Houston Texas
Education Bachelor's in the art of Teaching
Occupation Teacher
Religion Believer in Jesus Christ
Marital Married
Children 2

Kelley Inman


Received the Vetting Committee Recommendation, approved by membership.


MCTP Score of: 78 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-28 18:44:01



  • God centered
  • Taxpayer champion
  • High business accumen - very detailed
  • Quick learner 


  • Not too familiar with many aspects of the job.
  • On the low side of the learning curve.

Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-28 18:43:23




Why are you running for this office and what 3 major goals do you want to be measured by if you are elected?

I believe that MCHD needs a conservative Board.   My three goals are:

1.  Focus on the No-new-revenue tax rate.   

2.  Strengthen communications between MCHD management and the Board.

3.  Attend Budget hearings and suggest changes to MCHD management.

Do you have any experience with EMS or medicine?

I have no EMS or medicine experience, but I do have years of experience as a teacher and as a case manager administrator which I believe brings value to the position of Board member.

Should Disrtict employees take home District vehicles and if so for what purpose?

No. It can cause higher insurance premiums.

Should the Medical Director answer to the Board?

Yes, the Board reports to the taxpayers and the Medical Director should report to the CEO and the Board

Is it the responsibility of the Board to monitor the spending of the District and verify expenses?

Yes. They should review the reported expenditures each month.

Should Board members have complete access to all areas of the District?  Why or why not?

Yes.  The Board needs to be able to provide oversight and without information they can’t do their jobs.

Should Health Care Assistance Patients be required to have drug testing in order to receive assistance?

Yes. Anyone receiving tax payer funds should be required to be drug tested.  As should employees on a regular basis.

Do you believe Board members should be allowed to ride along with EMS crews and spend time with Alarm and other departments?

Yes, it gives Board members a different perspective on the work of the personnel of MCHD.  It also provides needed insight as to where and why funds are needed.

The Board is to set Policy, should it have any say in procedures?

The Board should be able to suggest procedures, but they should be set by MCHD management.


Should Board members attend the MCHD Budget workshops and hearings?

Yes. Board members need to hear directly from each part of MCHD to have a full understanding of MCHD’s mission and the costs.

Should salaried employees be paid overtime?

No. A salaried employee should not be paid overtime.  


The Board is not supposed to micro-manage, but should they trust and verify?

Yes. They need to gather information and verify what MCHD management is implementing.

Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcies?


Should District employees have open lines of communications with Board members, without fear of reprisal?  Why or why not?

Yes. Open lines of communication is always the best option.

Health care

Should any first responder injured in the line of duty have their ambulance charges absorbed by the District?

Yes. It should be part of the compensation.

Do you believe the Board should have access to all MCHD reports and records, excluding patient records?

Yes. Access to all records, except patient records.

Is it better to build stand alone EMS facilities, co-locate with fire departments, or purchase existing facilities and modify them?

It really depends on what each situation is. Sometimes co-locating is the best, sometimes purchasing existing facilities is the best.

Do you believe Board members should be allowed to ride along with EMS crews and spend time with Alarm and other departments? Explain your rationale.

Yes. Board members can learn about EMS employee challenges.

Should the Medical Director be an employee or a contractor?

Unsure at this time


Should Board members have open lines of communications with all employees of the District?

Yes. Once again, open lines of communication is the best choice.

Should District employees living out of the county take home emergency vehicles?

No, unless it is absolutely necessary. It can raise insurance costs.

What is your opinion about Merit Pay versus COLA pay raises?

I believe Merit Pay has its advantages and can encourage better performance.  Sadly it can also create competition in the workplace.  When dealing with medical concerns I am not sure competition is best.  I will need to research this more. However, strict adherence to COLA can lead to difficulty in the budget.