Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race, why and what you'll do to address them?
Property taxes, border security, fiscal responsibility. Help educate the voters of my precinct, support conservative candidates, and vote for any such resolutions that come before the CEC.
Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
A proven track record of conservative voting in the CEC, involvement at the grassroots level, and supporting the June 2016 by laws.
What best describes your political ideology most(circle only one).
1. Republican
2. Grassroots
3. Conservative
4. Tea Party
2. Grassroots
Please list 3 federal agencies that are popular in our culture and should be abolished
US Department of Education, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Environmental Protection Agency
Should Texas GOP limit their elected officials to 8 years or less from the same office, even though it will force some good candidates to leave an office?
Yes. Power so often corrupts. Any good law or rule must be constructed in such a way that it will give protection from abuse of power yet give freedom for good candidates to work. A term limit of 8 years provides that protection from having to deal with an entrenched, corrupt politician.
When you leave office what accomplishment/s do you want to be your hallmark, your legacy, and why?
I want to leave a mark that says I stood for protecting biblical values against cultural redefinitions; freedom of choice in families especially that of education and vacination; financial accountability, transparency and responsibility; and the protection of life including the unborn.