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Home » 2020-03-03 Republican primary » GOP Precinct 091 » Precinct Chair » Marcus Wooldridge

Marcus Wooldridge
Party Republican
Born January 9, 1960
Education Associates in Electronics
Occupation Uber Eats Driver
Religion Christian, Baptist
Marital Married
Children 0

Marcus Wooldridge


 1) I oiginally moved from Washington State to Texas in 1988 at the age of 28.

  2) I first registered to vote in 1992 and voted for independent Ross Perot

  3) I became a Republican after Ross Perot lost to Bill Clinton and after reading old school books on Texas and Federal Government Politics in 1993.

  4) In 1993, I volunteered to work one morning a week at MCRP Headquarters with Dr. Wilkerson and helped by working with other volunteers in MCRP headquarters. I helped by;

       a) organizing the party headquarters by moving furniture and mounting banners, 

       b) making phone calls to republican voters, 

       c) making up and doing mailings, 

       d) meeting with candidates including George W Bush when he was running for governor of Texas

       d) working with Mark Turnbull by entering paper lists of republican voters into computer programs and lists

  5) I recently started helping the party by attending my first Precinct convention in March of 2018 when nobody showed up. My wife Donna and I held the convention according to the script by ourselves, electing me as Precinct Convention Chairman and Donna as Secretary. We created resolutions and voted ourselve to represent out precinct in the MC SD Convention in March of 2018. We filled out the convention minutes and turned them in to MCRP headquarters on time

  6) I applied for Precinct 91 Chairman at the same time and Dr. Wilkerson said he would recommend me tocome chairman to the CEC on June 26, 2018 

  7) Donna and I attended our first SD4 Convention in March of 2018 and helped to defeat a resolution to allow homosexuals from being able to adopt children. We are Chistian Conservatives.

  8) I attended my first State RPT Convention in June of 2018 and participated in SD4 elections including voting for conservative chairman James Dicky

  9) After the new bylaws were passed on June 26,2018 Dr. Wilkerson did not recommend anyone to be come new precinct chairs during this meeting kie he had promised me and others.

10) I was elected to be Precinct chair under the new bylaws on August 7, 2018

11) I participated in trying to get the County Chairman to abided by the new bylaws by signing the Rule 8k Petition against Dr. Wilkerson and listening in on phone calls when the SREC and Texas State Republican Party chairman James Dicky found Dr. Wilkerson guilty of; 

        a) failure to perform his duties according to the Texas Elections Code and 

        b) behavior designed to discrace the Texas Republican Party

12) I attended and participated in for the first time at the legislative session last Spring 2019 with other conservatives. 

      a) I spoke up in front of the Elections Committee with other precinct chairs from Montgomery County on why the County chairman should not be given access to all the the bank accounts associated with the County CEC. 

      b) I supported the legislation to Abolish Abortion in the state of Texas

13) I parcipated and voted "No! on approving an important amendment to the new June 26, 2018 MCRP Bilaws. 

     This amendment I believed to be wrong. It basically forgave the rescently discraced Montgomery County Chairman, Dr. Walter  Wilkerson of his unrepentent behavior to both the MCRP CEC, the SREC and Chairman James Dicky, It gave Dr. Wilkerson more power under the new bylaws. This power was taken from the CEC and given to the Montgomery County Voters on primary election day by allowing the voters to elect both the County Chairman and the Steering Committee Chairman on primary election day. The carefully worded new bylaws were originally designed to allow the CEC members (precinct Chairs) to elect the Chairman of the Steering Committee. This allowed the Steering Committee to be operate independently of the County Chairman. This was created just in case the County Chairman goes rogue and defies the CEC and the SREC like Dr. Wilkerson did after the were passed. The originallly worded new bylaws prevented The Steering Committee from being dominated by the County Chairman. This was important since the County elected County Chairman has a history of being a moderate while the the CEC elected Steering Committee has a history of being conservative. I believe this Amendment to the June 26, 2018 bylaws should be removed through the rules committee.

14) I have volunteered to seve on the Vacancy Committee since September of 2018 to assure that people being considered are true conservatives and will abide by the rules of the CEC and the State Republican Party. 

15) I moved that on December 3, 2019 (which was passed unanimously by the body of the CEC) that the Steering Committee Duties be handed over from the County Chairmain to the Vice Chairman since Dr. Wilkerson publicly admitted he does not recognize the SREC approved CEC bylaws of June 26,2018 during the CEC meeting in October of 2018, and that the Steering Committee regularly give Reports at each CEC meeting. 

16) I attended the last "Keep America Great!" Trump Rally held in Houston in October of 2018. I stood 50 feet from the podium with my red "Keep America Great" hat on waving signs with everyone else. I took photos and videos. The crowd was made up of all different races of Americans who all wanted the same thing, to elect Republicans in 2018 and re-elect Donald John Trump and even more republicans in 2020.  He and his family are the most patriotic family I've ever seen in politics. It was truely inspiring.seeing him speak and to see his family up close.



MCTP PAC Rating of: Recommended Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2020-01-07 15:31:21





Please describe what you believe are the most significant issues in this race, why and what you'll do to address them?

I believe the most significant issue Precinct 91 has is;

1) Low republican voter turn out during elections.

     a) I plan on block walking my precinct, Introducing myself and distributing literature with a list of the most conservative people running during this primary

 2) Low republican turnout to Precinct 91 Conventions.

     a) I plan on contacting my constituants and inviting them to attend the Precinct 91 Convention. 

Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have. 


What differentiates you from your opponents?


1.  I have voted republican for the last 27 years. I have been an active Christian, Pro-Life, Grass Roots, Conservative Republican who has volunteered to serve as Precinct 91 Chairman since March of 2018. I am a firm supporter of the new bilaws passed by the MCRP on June 26, 2018 and have worked with fellow conservatives within the party to keep the party conservative.

     My opponent is in his mid twenties and has not been involved in local politics until now. He has been encouraged to run against me by Dr. Wally Wilkerson. 


What best describes your political ideology most(circle only one).   
1.        Republican                     
2.        Grassroots                     
3.        Conservative
4.        Tea Party


Please list 3 federal agencies that are popular in our culture and should be abolished

1. Department of Education (ED)

2. Department of Housing and Urban developement  (HUD)

3. Department of Commerce


Should Texas GOP limit their elected officials to 8 years or less from the same office, even though it will force some good candidates to leave an office?


When you leave office what accomplishment/s do you want to be your hallmark, your legacy, and why?

When I leave office I want to be a very effective republican precinct chairman. I would like to have done this  by: 

1.  becoming effective in sharing information with my constituants by contacting and delivering literature on who are the best conservatives running, with the help of volunteers to  Republican voters who live in my precinct. 

2.  Using modern technology effectively so I can help educate my constituants using smart apps, email and text messaging. I'd like to send them all information with the touch of my finger. Magnolia is growing so quickly I need be able to spread information to republican voter in my precinct fast.

3.  Increasing the number of people who attend church to get registared and turn out to vote republican. In general people who attend church are conservatives. Many of the churches don't like to talk about politics because they feel they will lose their tax exempt status. 

4.  Helping find ways to get conservative people in nursing homes or people who can't drive turn out and vote, either by ballot by mail or by helping them get to the poles on election day. 

5.  Getting dedicated conservatives republicans from my precinct to want to attend and participate in my precinct conventions. I want to inspire them to get involved and want to be delegates in both the SD and Texas State  conventions.

6.  Serving on many different MCRP committees. I want to have gained a lot of experience on how to be an effective precinct chairman. 

7.  Training my replacement how to be an effective precinct chair before I leave office.



What form of federal tax law do you support (e.g., current, flat tax, fair tax, other) and why?

I support the Flat Tax because it would be the most fair. Everybody would pay the same flat percentage rate.


A couple of years ago, a resolution was put forth by MoCo GOP to institute a 20% Homestead Exemption.  Did you support or oppose this and why?

I wasn't involved with the MCRP when this resolution was put forth by the MoCo GOP being discussed but I researched it by doing a search on the MCTP website and found an article posted by Joe Sager on September 7 and written by Dennis Tibbs.

After reading this  article I now understand that the 20% exemption only applies to Mongomery County property owners who younger than 65 but not seniors. 

I agree with Dennis Tibbs. Before agreeing to the 20% exemption we should have let our local and state officials know that the bill was unfair to seniors in its current form. In its original form it negates the advantage seniors are supposed to have over younger property tax payers. To be fair an additional exemption needs to be given to seniors too. The reason being that most seniors are on fixed incomes and even though their property tax rates have been frozen when they turned 65, the value of their property still increases from year to year like everybody else meaning they  are still making out higher property tax checks to the county tax collector each year like every body else. Adding an additional exemption for Seniors too would allow them to still have an advantage over younger tax payers like the Senior exemption laws were supposed to do in the first place. .  



2nd Amendment - guns

Do you believe the Second Amendment grants an individual right or a militia right?

I believe the second amendment is an individual right.

10th Amendment

Please explain your interpretation of the Tenth Amendment and the principle of nullification. Do states have a right of nullification? What should the federal government do if a state attempts nullification?

The tenth amendment of the constitution was the last amendment taken from the original 12 in the original Bill of Rights.

My interpretation is that the tenth Amendment to the US Constitution was designed to sustain the power of the individual states by limiting the power of the federal government to only those powers specifically named in the Constitution.  

My interpretation of the principle of nullification is that it is a theory that says a state reserves the right to nullify or invalidate any federal law that is considered by that state to be unconstitutional with reguard to the U.S. Constitution. In a case of nullification the state would ignore and not uphold a federal law within the borders of the state if the state believes that law was unconstitutional. 

I tend to agree that states have the right to nullify some federal laws and not others. If the 10th Amendment is upheld by the supreme Court then the state should file a lawsuit against the federal government and take the case to the supreme court to decide if it is constitutional or not. 

If a state attempts nullification and the federal government believes the law is constitutional, the federal government should file a lawsuit against the state and take the case to the supreme court for a ruling on whether the federal law is constitutional or not.

Other civil liberty

Do you support or oppose federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other agencies that perform abortions, both in the U.S. and abroad (even if they use money derived from other sources)?

I oppose any federal funding for Planned Parenthood or any agency that perform abortions, both in the U.S. and abroad (even if they use money derived from other sources). I am an avid Anti-Abortionist.

At what point should the "right to life" or "personhood" be granted to new human beings (e.g., at conception, birth, 5 days old, etc)? What action, if any, will you take to reflect this in law?

"right to life" or "personhood" should be granted to new human being at conception.

I will sign petitions, call and email state officials, and travel to Austin when congress is in session to help Anti-Abortion legislation become law.


Do you support or oppose allowing parents direct the flow of federal education funds (e.g., to their school or home school of choice)? Support? Oppose? Please explain.

I overwelmingly support allowing parents to direct the flow of federal education funds to their school or home school of choice because;

I believe public schools are full of teachers that have become socialists and or communists in college. These same teachers are propagandizing our children to become immoral anti-American socialists./communists who are sympathetic to; illegal aliens instead of American citizens, sexually devient behavior such as homosexuality and sex changes, and killing babies before they are born through abortion. Some Harris County Public schools teach Islam using public tax payer money while preventing Christianity from being practiced in the public schools.



Do you agree with precinct chairs involvement in republican primaries? Why or why not?


Our republican primaries should not be a popularity contest! 

Our MCRP is divided between grass roots conservative republicans (new bilaws supporters) and liberal/ democrat lite/ Rochfeller republicans (Wally supporters). I believe that precinct chairs involved in conservative packs like the Montgomery County Tea Party whose members include MCRP orecinct chairs, help select the best conservative republican primary candidates by endorsing them only after they  have been thoroughly vetted by asking them many questions and interviewing them to see if they are real conservatives or are they moderate/ liberals who want to run on the republican ticket just because thats the party where they think they can win. 

What's your impression of GOP Speaker Dennis Bonnen after he was caught offering a Quid Pro Quo to Empower Texans Michael Quinn Sullivan?  Should Speaker Bonnen resign?  Should he suffer legal ramifications for his action/s?

I read what he said on the tape Sullivin made while they were talking.

My impression is that he is a skilled, corrupt, power wielding, deal making, speaker of the house who is bent on having other people use their political clout to help him replace strong conservative incumbant house republican reps with moderate (go along to get along) house republican reps.

When he has a majority of these kind of republicans in office he can prevent legislation he doesnt like from getting to the floor for debate. He can also push through legislation he likes to the floor and voted on. This allows him to get the laws passed that he and his cronies benifit from. He confesses that he is willing to punish cities and municipalities by passing punitive legislation against them.

I believe he should suffer legal ramifications for his actions.  He should be sued by the people, cities, and municipalities that he punished using punitive legislation while he was speaker of the house.  

Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?

I have nothing in my past of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before my election.

I have not been arrested nor convicted.

I have never filed for bankrupcy.  


What, if anything, should be done to protect our borders from illegal immigration?

I agree with president Donald John Trumps solution to the border.

    1)  Build the double border wall and maintain it with loyal patriotic border patrol.

    2)  Return those crossing illegally back to where they came from.

    3)  Stop realeasing illegal into the US before they recieve their hearings where judges decide if they can stay or not

His actions have proven that being strong in defending our borders is a top priority and the right solution in protecting our country from foreign enemies of the United States.


Amnesty comes in many forms.  What's your view as it pertains to Texas?

I am not an advocate of amnesty. 

I think people people should come to the U.S. legally and apply for citizen as outlined by federal law. 

Ronald Reagan tried it and it didn't work.

Why should we try it again when we know it only encourages more illegal aliens to come into our county.


Do you support or oppose the referendum passed by both the MoCo GOP Executive Committee and SREC to allow voters, at the statewide level, to decide in the voting booth whether or not they want a particular toll road?  Why or why not?

I support the referendum.

I like the entire idea of allowing voters to participate at the statewide leval when it comes to toll roads.  

Did you take a public position on the May 9, 2015 Road Bond, and if so, what was it? And in a few sentences, explain why.

I voted "No" on the May 9, 2015 Road Bond.

I didn't trust the politicians pushing for this massive road bond to spend our tax money responsibly.

I also thought that each of the projects they wanted to work on needed to have a seperate bond voted on instead of one huge omnibus bond.  

I also believe the  county commisioners needed to be held more accountable for the funds they were spending bond money on by being more transparent to the tax payers  


What does being a conservative mean to you?

 To me "being a conservative" means

    Having a set of core conservative values like those outlined below.

  • We must respect the dignity of all life from the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly.
  • We must protect the unborn from harm through a constitutional amendment.
  • The right to life is the foundational starting point for freedom and the government is obligated to help protect it
  • We must prohibit federal funding for any form of abortion.

   I believe that acting to preserve these core conservative values should be the foundation of all conservative republicans.

Do you support the Montgomery County Republican Party By-Laws as adopted by the CEC on 6/26/18?  And if not, why not?
