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Home » 2020-03-03 Republican primary » US House District 8 » Congressional Seat » Melissa Esparza-Mathis

Melissa Esparza-Mathis
Party Republican
Children 0

Melissa Esparza-Mathis




MCTP Rating of: 69 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2020-02-02 17:36:24


•        Strong proponent of 2nd Amendment; wants to eliminate all gun-free zones
•        Retired military; retains strong military worldview
•        “The federal government should have no role in the delivery of healthcare, ….”


•        Total unknown
•        Questionnaire & interview answers not well thought-out; needs work on communication skills.


Campaign Finance Reports..... Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2020-02-02 17:36:13

    2019                            2020


Jul - Dec(N/A)                   30 Day Report     8 Day Report


Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2020-01-10 16:41:31




If we were attacked again in a manner similar to 9/11, what should be our response and what, if anything, should we do differently than we did before?

We will go to war. The United States of America will not be assaulted like 9/11.  We will have a measured response and a well thought out plan of attack. Maintaing a well funded military, that is continually training in different elements, and with updated equipment, and different langauge skills essential.

What issue will be the focal point of your attention during your term? Describe what makes you passionate about that issue.

Transparency and accountability of our Congressional Representatives. No more slush funds for paying an individuals legal fees or court settlements. Every dime that is given to a Representative needs to be disclosed. Representatives need to be held to account by their constituents. They need to explain how they are doing their jobs to the people that elected them.

Please list the most recent three(3) pieces of key legislation, how you voted (or would have voted) on each, and why.

H.R. 5538-To amend the Congressional Budget Act 1974 to subject certain direct spending programs to annual apporpriations.  I would vote yes,

It would provide for budget and transperancy.



What have you done, or will commit to do, to reduce federal spending? Where specifically do the cuts need to be made?

We need to go back and start balancing our budget, and utilizing the methods that were established in Our Congress to do it.  We cannot continue to operate our Governments business on Continuing Resolutions. When we use our committes we will see more transperancy, and operate our Government in accordance with a balanced budget. 

The areas of review that should be looked into:

Affordable Care Act

Any federal funds to Planned Parenthood

Eliminate federal spening on benefits being afforded to non-citizens.

Reveiw of Dept. of Education

Health and Human Services needs to be thourouly reviewed for transparency and areas of ineffectiveness.

Federal elections spending-Public funds given to candidates or Political Parties


What form of federal tax law do you support (e.g., current, flat tax, fair tax, other) and why?

I belive that a combination of a flat tax and a fair tax would be the best. This is a huge change to our tax policy and would be a momentous challenge, In the meantime, our current policy needs to be overhauled so that the burden of paying for spending does not fall on the shoulders of the working class. everybody needs to pay their fair share.

2nd Amendment - guns

There have been several mass shootings in recent years. What, if anything, should the federal government do to solve this problem?

The government should enforce the laws that are already written. There is no reason to further infringe on the rights of the American citizen. 

10th Amendment

Please explain your interpretation of the Tenth Amendment and the principle of nullification. Do states have a right of nullification? What should the federal government do if a state attempts nullification?

The Tenth Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to further define the balance of power between the federal government and the states. The amendment says that the federal government has only those powers specifically granted by the Constitution. Nullification is when states to push back against unconstitutional federal laws and regulations on a state level. It is the state's right and was important enough to include in the Bill of Rights. The principle was advised by many prominent founders. When this happens, it is the job of the Supreme Court to determine whether the federal law is constitutional.

Other civil liberty

At what point should the "right to life" or "personhood" be granted to new human beings (e.g., at conception, birth, 5 days old, etc)? What action, if any, will you take to reflect this in law?

I believe that life begins at conception and will oppose any legislation that seeks to define it otherwise. If elected, I would join the fight to have the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.

Do you support or oppose requiring schools, public health departments or any medical personnel to secure consent from a parent or legal guardian before prescribing, dispensing or administering contraceptive drugs or devices to a minor?

I support this requirement. Administering contraceptive drugs or devices is medical care. A parent has the right to make medical decisions on behalf of a minor child.

Do you support or oppose allowing a panel of qualified doctors to overrule the decisions of parents of a minor who has a serious medical situation and, if so, under what conditions?

I support this only in cases where a life is at risk. However, if the medical choices of the parents result in death or grave, bodily injury, I fully support the prosecution of the parents.

Please describe under what specific circumstances governmental rights or interests should override parental rights or interests in regard to the welfare of children.

Governmental rights should never override parental rights or interests in regard to the welfare of children. However, the public good should. Vaccinations should definitely be mandatory to protect the general public.

Irrespective of current law, should private corporations be allowed to discriminate against potential customers based on their race, religious beliefs, sexual preference, or any other condition? Why or why not or under what conditions?

Yes. The government should not be in the business of regulating the behavior of private business owners, As long as the business takes no federal funding, how they operate is their prerogative.


 Do you believe that humans are a major contributor to climate change and if so, what action(s) should the federal government take?

It is just fallacy, at this point, to believe that humans have played no part in climate change; though to what extent is still debatable. The federal government needs to take a long, hard look at the actions of major corporations; and the part those actions have played in the changes to the global environment. While it is important that we become good stewards of this planet, we must not sacrifice our prosperity to do so. Knee-jerk regulations are not the answer. Mandating that individuals change their behavior is not the answer. Pollution causing industry can be regulated without sacrificing our position in the global heirarchy. Advancements in industry have been, and continue to be instrumental in changing their impact on the environment. We should encourage this advancement while phasing out outdated processes in a manner that leaves no individual jobless.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcies?

No, I have never been arrested. Zero convictions, no bankruptciess. I have served my country In the United States Military with a high level of integrity, conviction, and honor.



Health care

Please define your position on abortion restrictions and fully explain why.

I am a Pro Life Candidate, and having this conviction I would reserve abortion to victims of sexual assualt, those of incest, and those where the life of the mother or child is in jeopardy.

What is the federal government's proper role in the delivery of healthcare and what specific approach do you propose to get us there?

The federal government should have no role in the delivery of healthcare, aside from the funding of the medicare program. I propose the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act and legislating for transparecy within the healthcare system. No one should ever be surprised when they receive a bill for medical services.


Please list all rights to which non-citizens are entitled.

Non-citizens within the United States are entitled to the same Constitutional protections afforded to citizens. That's it. They are not entitled to public assistance, public education, driver's licenses, etc. These things should be reserved for citizens and legal residents who work and pay taxes.

Please explain why or why-not you will vote NO on amnesty in every form on every vote.

I would vote NO on amnesty- Any type of amnesty with regard to illeagal immiigration is dangerous.  

The amount of people that would begin to enter illegally would escalte, many have committed serious other types of crimes, and there is no way to possibly vet each one them to ensure future theats to our country can be prevented. Allowing and granting amnesty is not the message we should send, it allows those who have entered illegally, to further negate our laws.  

Please explain why you do or do not support the government providing financial benefits and free services to non-citizens.

I do not support the government providing finacial benefits/free services to non-citizens, because there is no such thing as free, every benefit that gets handed out to a non-citizen is in fact costing American tax payers a great deal. The contiuos effort to take advantage of a benefit program by non-citizens is seen by the birthright citizenship situation.  Our benefit program is established for U.S. citizens, taxpayers who have found themselves in diire straits. Non citizens are traditionally non taxpayers and put nothing into our taxpayer system.

What are the mandatory components of a viable Guest Worker program and what criteria would you require for each factor?

1) There must not be enough "able, willing and qualified U.S workers" for the position.

Require employer to have sufficient prooof of emplyment data in the area.

2) The employment of nonimmigrants will not adversly afftect the wages and conditions of similar employed U.S workers.

Require employers to provide quartelry information on employment and wage verifications if they participate in the Guest Worker program.





Please discuss what America's proper relationship to Israel should be using past and present relationships for comparison.

The United States should not impose policies on Israel or endorse a two-state solution. It is up to Israelis alone to decide what is best for Israel.

What should America's course of action be in regard to Iran's nuclear capabilities?

Iran should be held to the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation agreement, even though they have not signed it. Unified international pressure, sanctions, and even military action should be used to ensure their compliance.

Please explain your interpretation of "separation of church and state" and list some actions you have taken that illustrate your position.

The government is a secular institution, based on the constitution alone. The bible, or any other religious text, should not be used institutionally, to decide law or policy. However, it is every lawmaker's right to use their own religeous beliefs to guide their decisions. As a member of the military, I was free to practice my own religion, however, I never pushed my beliefs on others.

Do you support "Free Trade Agreements", such as USMCA? Why or why not? What are the problem areas with USMCA?

Free trade promotes U.S. goals abroad without expending tax dollars. Trade with less-developed countries can pull people out of poverty far more effectively than foreign aid, and trade agreements can deepen our ties to allies.