What three major changes would you like to see implemented by the Township?
(a) End of the Woodlands Township
(b) City of the Woodlands should implement zoning and Deed Restrictions to avoid the massive construction of apartment building and multifamily complexes
(c) To make the City of the Woodlands a tourist destination with first class family friendly resorts and Disney type parks. The 700 acres available to the Hughes Corporation to continue their hyperbolic building of apartments, could be dedicated instead to build a Woodlands thematic park, protecting the eco-system and invitiong tourist to come over and spend their money here.
The township budget funds all reserves 100% yearly. What is the current surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why? Any other options for the surplus?
We should invest part of the money to generate more revenues, The best investment is in our community, making this a tourist destination as described above.
May be this is a far fetched idea but, why dont we buy out the Hughes Corporation development rights on the Woodlands?
On that way, we could use the 700 acres to convert it into a thematic park resembling the eco-system, instead of buiding apartment complexes which are going to exacerbate the traffic around the Woodlands
The Woodlands is basically built out, except for some land held by Howard Hughes Corp(HHC). Are you concerned they(HHC) may use that to build multi-family housing? And what are the pros and cons of that?
That is the main reason why I am running. The Hughes corporation has proven a corporate predator in collusion with the MOCO Commissioners and the Harris County Commissioners.
If we allow them to build more apartment complexes, The Woodlands is going to dramatically change.
As it is right now we dont have a say but, if the Townshipo is replaced by the CIty of the Woodlands, the new authorities will be given the power to change things around. By restricting the Hughes Corporation powers they may reach a point where they may be enticed to sell the Development rights to the community.
That is where I am aiming.
Whenever The Woodlands wants to replat land inside it's jurisdiction, it has to go through either Cities of Houston or Conroe. How does this benefit The Woodlands and wouldn't this go away with incorporation?
Of course it will go away, that is why we are proposing to incorporate.
If we don’t incorporate the Woodlands, as we know it, will disappear.
Were you in favor of allowing the residents to vote on the incorporation question, once the incorporation planning process was complete? Why or why not?
The residents are not naïve about what is going on here.
They can see with their own eyes that the Woodlands is disappearing.
This is the only one decision I really liked from the present Board of Directors.
If The Woodlands residents vote to incorporate, will their tax obligations to the county be reduced, remain the same or increase. How much in any case?
From the Raftelis report the tax obligation should stay the same however, even if that is not the case, we don’t have an option.
We need to limit the expansion which Hughes wants to save the eco-system.
This is a survival mode in which we are, all other considerations incluiding possible higher taxes, are secondary
What are your thoughts about the Incorporation Financial model? Do you feel there are any shortcomings of it?
After reading the Novak report, I consider that their estimates are optimistic but not necessarily biased.
The property taxes at 2% and the sales tax at 2.75% are within the margin of error.
However build permits could be much higher.
As indicated before, even if the forecasting are optimistic, we have to do this to take the power away
from Hughes and protect the Woodlands.
Commissioner Riley is actively planning the extension of the Mansion's Way parkway. What should the Township do, if anything, to prevent a flood of cut though traffic on Woodlands Parkway?
The Woodlands Township cannot do anything to prevent what the Commissioners want to do.
Mr Riley is the one who made the statement: Progress does not need to be good.
The only way to stop this is to incorporate and put the question on the ballot, so when he realizes
that is massively opposed, he would change his position. That is the only l;anguage a politician
What is the effective tax rate for The Woodlands Township? What's the significance of this if home values (appraisals) go up and the tax rate stays the same as the previous year? Will incorporating impact taxes in TW if incorporation passes and how much?
We need to find alternative sources of revenue and I believe that it should come from tourism.
Tourism is good for the Woodlands since it has natural rural appeal and all the amenities of a large city.
The new City Council should think outside the box and deal with the City as a Corporation where
the profits are going to substitute or reduce the residents property taxes.
The 700 acres presently owned by the Hughes could be converted (for example) into a amusement park.
We need authorities with entreprenaural mentality
How long have you been consistently voting in elections? For which parties candidates? List all the elections you have voted in for the past 3 years (2014-2016).
Always voted and always voted for Republicans. There are however, right now, some people registered as Republicans who are not really conservatives running for office to serve themselves and partcipate in the traffic of influences..
The case of the present and past Montgomery County Judges are two examples.
These people should have not been supported by the Republican Party or the Tea Party.
If they had a minimum of ethical values they should have resigned.
Should municipal and school board elections allow for ballot declarations of party/independent affiliation?
It should have, many real conservative people including myself, are getting frustrated by the cronyism and
exchange of favors happening in the local (and not so local) elections involving Republican representatives..
Academia is being infiltrated by people with leftist idiologies who are open Democratics activists.
This is what made me ran for a position with the Lone Star College Board of Trustee a few years ago.
I withnesed the idiological indoctrination of a black student by a white tutor who declared himself a leftist.
Some of the VP there, graduated from the University of Phoenix with a questionable MBA and continued to
a PhD from the University of Texas. How the University of Texas received a graduate from the University of
Phoenix? May be because she was a black person..
This is a non-paid position. Do you think this role should receive compensation? And if so, why....
The role of the Board of Directors shouldn’t be paid but the new position of City Council member and Mayor should be remunerated.
These positions are not hobies but full time responsibilities which require communication during normal business hours with government
agencies like the Army Corps of Engineers.
Should Township directors serve at large or represent specific villages (districts)?
Each village should have its own City Council representative
What political party have you affilated with over the last twenty years? Do you believe in that party platform(all of it or % part - if %, please describe what you disagree with?
Republican Party
I agree 70% of the time
I disagree with the PAC's, supporting people with no moral character.
Do you agree/disagree with MCTP Core Values? Please explain if you disagree
I am a fiscal conservative following the economic theories from Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman
Do you consider the skating rink an amenity in The Woodlands? If so what level of funding should be paid by taxpayer dollars?
Any amenities for tourist should be consider as an investment not as an expense.
The skating ring is an olympic game so I would approve it.
On the other hand the petitions going around to spend $6M for a bicycle track I wouldnt
agree since the number of partipants is not that large and they can use our roads after or before
regular working hours.
What's your position on a Performing Arts Center in the Woodlands and what should the funding source(s) be & at what percentage?
Again the museums and the performing arts should be incorporated as part of the amenities provided to the locals and the visitors. This is not an expense but an investment.
We need establish our niche, something that the Woodlands will be nationally (and internationally) recognized, to attract tourists.
We need to stop thinking with a mediocre mentality as if we were just another Sugar Land or Katy, we are not like those.