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Home » 2022-03-01 Republican primary » Texas » Lieutenant Governor » Aaron Sorrells

Aaron Sorrells
Party Republican
Born 11-23-80
Education Some College
Occupation Business Owner
Religion Christian
Children 3

Aaron Sorrells


Video Interview Dec. 6 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2022-01-03 23:22:32




This is a Republican primary race.  Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.


What differentiates you from your opponents?

I have never been a politician or a lobbyist. I am a successful small business owner with 26 employees. I have worked hard for everything I own and I have always held people for accountable for their actions. I have lived the American dream and as a 5th generation Texan, I do not want to see those freedoms taken away from the current and future generations. 

One of the great powers of the Lt Governor is the power to appoint committee chairs. What criteria do/ will you use to select individuals for those positions?

I will reach out to advisors in the areas related to those committees and find the Republican senators that are best suited to accomplish the job. If they do not perform to the standards, expected by the people, they will be replaced. Committee chairs are one of the biggest ways that our government controls the bills and to keeps the GOP priorities from reaching the floor and that needs to stop.

How do you justify the placement of democrats as committee chairs especially after last summer's debacle regarding the democratic walk out? What do you plan to do to prevent such actions in the future?

There is no justification for putting democrats on committee chairs. Republicans are the majority in every section of the state and we should act accordingly. The only reason you give democrats power as a republican majority is to provide an excuse on why the 8 GOP priorities did not get passed.

As a Republican Lt. Governor, I will never appoint chairs from the opposing party to committees. I would also apply heavy pressure on the house if they continued to act in such a manner.

How do you, as the Republican Lt.Gov., explain why the Party's list of legislative priorities was not accomplished? or what you will do to insure that future legislative sessions will put the Party's agenda at the forefront of the Legislative agenda?

Our priorities never get accomplished because the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House care more about their lobbyist friends and their own personal agendas instead of the people. This is the 3rd legislative session for Dan Patrick and we still didn't even get a full 3 of our 8 priorities accomplished. 

My goal is to accomplish the priorities given with no exception. The priorities of the people we represent should be the first focus and until that is completed, nothing else should be discussed. I will force the committees to put all votes to the floor so the constituents can see how they voted. There will be no more killing bills in committee so that people don't get to actual see the votes. I will also end the member's club mentality in the Senate and expect the Senators to listen to their voting based instead of protecting the system.  

In your opinion did Dade Phelan carry forward the conservative agenda?

No, Dade Phelan has been a disappointment just like the last 2 speakers of the house. 

Explain why the legislature failed to protect our children by not outlawing the mutilation of children, the forced transitioning of children to a different sex by ignoring the future unforseen/unknown consequences of such actions on the child? Would you make this the top priority of a special session prior to 2023?

They failed to protect our children because our own state leadership has received close to 2 million dollars from the child modification facilities. There is no excuse for this to be allowed in Texas. It is child abuse and it must be stopped immediately. I would call for a special session the day I am sworn in to end it.

What is your position on a full forensic election audit? Describe what that would include?

I would like to see permanent forensic audits. 

We need to open all boxes and count the totals, verify that they match the electronic totals. We need to verify all ballots are valid, including canvassing. Check votes to the voter rolls. We need to audit the electronic machines and do an audit log on all activity, verify chain of custody. Basically we need to check everything and verify that we are as close to 100% accurate as possible. I do believe there should be severe punishment for anyone caught cheating as well.

Under what conditions will you ACCEPT federal grant monies and under what conditions will you REFUSE to accept them?

I will only accept federal grants that have no strings attached and do not go against Texas values and individual freedoms. Ultimately, I want the state to stop giving our money to the federal government and them feeling like they are so kind when they give part of it back.


Please describe your plan for balancing the Texas budget. What budget items need to be cut and what taxes and fees need to be increased?

Let's go with the overall broad plan.

Reduce government in size. Audits all agencies to find the corruption and misuse of funds. Set a cap on the budget to 85-90% of the previous income. There is no justification to keep spending and then increasing the burden on the citizens for our governments bad habits. My business and my personal life would not survive that kind of attitude and it's about time our government spending is corrected.


Do you support or oppose increasing and broadening the Sales Tax to reduce property taxes? Why?

I support the removal of property taxes entirely and replace it with a system that was proposed in 2013. That plan can be found on this website We need to look at replacing all fees and taxes with a VAT system that would keep sales tax from getting to high and forcing people spend outside of the state. This combined with controlling the budget and reducing the government would solve the issues.

There is no way to be a free society if we keep renting from the government. Anyone can come up with a plan to replace money, the real fight is reduction in government spending.


What are your positions on Common Core, CRT (Critical Race Theory), SEL(Social Emotional Learning) and IB  (International Baccalaureate), and how will you approach issues involving these during your term?

I will work to immediately remove all social engineering from our schools. The marxist and communist idealogies being pushed through our education system are deeply rooted and every time you ban one, they rename it into something else and bring it back. We must move education back to the basics and focus on education of the topics and not the social matters. The school teachers and staff are not the parents and we need to put parenting back on the parents and remove it entirely from the education system. We also need to remove standardized testing so teachers can focus on their jobs and not a test.

If I can accomplish it, I would like to see a complete overhaul of the Texas education system that would go K-8 and move everything after 8th grade into trade schools / college. Heavy emphasis on trade schools to bring back American skilled labor.

How should public education be funded and why? What will you do to make this happen?

We need $85B to replace all revenue that HB3742 (83R) would abolish. Texas GDP is $1.9T. A tax rate of 7% on the whole economy would capture $133B. We assume up to 35% would be exempt, the net is the $86B, and that’s more than sufficient.

I gave a direct answer from the taxing plan I plan to push for on this one. Replace all current tax systems and have the money follow the kid instead of the ISD. It would all for proper funding and it would make the ISDs focus on keeping children in their schools instead of focusing on how many homes they can incorporate into their taxing districts. This would also allow parents to keep money for home schooling or private schools instead of double paying.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?

The only thing in my background is a business bankruptcy due to the collapse of the housing market in 2008/2009. Our business is window treatments and when the government bailed out all the banks and big companies, they refused to give us leniency on our main business loan so we had to file. We have since recovered.

That is the only thing you will have on my background. I have a very clean background.


Please fully describe what methods of funding roads in Texas you will support and oppose, and give your reasoning. Please discuss all revenue sources, tax diversions, tolls, and debt.

My plan to fix funding is the focus on replacing the property tax system.

All of our funding systems right now across the state are being abused and misused. The biggest fix is to find the corruption through audits and give the money back to the areas it belongs. I want toll roads removed, we provide enough money to our state to cover the costs. We can talk all day on these questions about how to manipulate money but the root cause is corruption and a bloated government.

What will you commit to do to prevent Texas Central Railway from exercizing Emminent Domain to destroy Texas farms and ranches?

I have already put out an article about the CEO of the Texas Central Railway being appointed to the ERCOT board. This is unacceptable and proves that our top state officials are looking to help Texas Central. They are also looking into loans from the state to provide the initial funding, that will never get paid back.

Emminent Domain should not be allowed for a private entity to build a system and destroy our land. Even more, the back handed deals that aregoing on to acquire the land for Texas Central should also scare everyone even more. I will stop any discussion of funding the project and put an end to their plans. There is no benefit to Texans as a whole with this railway.


Please list the top issues where you oppose federal government intrusion into Texans' lives and how you intend to oppose such intrusion

I oppose anything that goes outside of the US Constitution. The tenth amendment provides all legal protection at the state level and I will fight back and challenge any federal overreach that goes outside of Texas values. This includes currently defending the border and funding our own militia since they refuse to do their job and vaccine mandates. We must stand up for Texas and remind the federal government that they are out of line and we hold the power, not them.

I would also like to move for the repeal of the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution. We need the Senators back under state control and not voted on by the people.

Please define your position on abortion restrictions and fully explain why.

I believe we should abolish abortion. I do not believe as a Christian that we can allow a mother to end the life of another human voluntarily. The excuse that it depends on the mother and therefore it's her choice is not valid argument. If I stuck a person in a room and did not feed them, they would die too. 

On that note, I do not believe in criminalizing the women who make that decision if it's illegal. I believe we should go after the doctors and the facilities that are doing the operations. 

Will you vigorously promote amending the state constitution to further protect marriage by adding to the one man - one woman definition, a provision to prohibit legal recognition of “domestic partnerships,” “civil unions” or any other legal construct similar to marriage? Why?

So this is one area I will not fully agree. I am not for gay marriage. Marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman. I will never change that opinion.  The problem is that marriage has nothing to do with the government. I want the government completely out of that decision because you cannot control people's personal lives. There are times when people need someone to care for them and make decisions such as medical issues. In these cases, someone needs to provide those options to another person and that has to be done legally. 

My marriage to my wife of 17 years is between her, myself, and God and no one else. That is a moral decision we made and the government plays no part in that decision. The only thing the government could ever do is interfere with it.

What measures can Texas take to ensure the preservation of traditional family values and what is your commitment to fight for those measures?

Overhaul the education system, remove gender modifications, overhaul the family court system and CPS, replace the broken adoption system in Texas that is brokering children instead of working with churches and non-profits to get these kids into homes.

Focus on encouragement of the nuclear family and helping to maintain it. Encourage Men to be Men and Women to be Women. Stop the LGBTQ agenda. 

Did you agree or disagree with the governors' mask mandate during the 2020 Covid 19 "epidemic"?  Would you have enforced it at the local level?  Why or why not?

Disagree, the government at any level has no authority to control my medical decisions, my right to operate my business, or anyone's ability to provide for their family. We should have been transparent with COVID and we should been educating the citizens of Texas on all viable options to recover / protect against COVID and all other viruses.