Do you agree/disagree with MCTP Core Values? Please explain if you disagree
I certainly agree with the formal stated core values of the National Tea Party organization.
What do you perceive to be the biggest threat to our community within the next 5 years?
Rapid growth in Montgomery County, 22,0000 acres, will certainly include additional retail and restaurants and competition with our community. We must ensure we continue to promote quality retail and restaurants and, enterainment events to maintain our position as the magnet for our area.
The Woodlands is basically built out, except for some land held by Howard Hughes Corp(HHC). Are you concerned they(HHC) may use that to build multi-family housing? And what are the pros and cons of that?
There are only 700 acres to be developed and most of these are in Town Center and the outer edges of The Woodlands. There are several large tract for commercial in the Costco area, unlikely to include any housing of any land. I think that this market is now mature.
Should the township be funding non-profit organization events such as Interfaith luncheons, senior pick-up services, Education for Tomorrow luncheons, etc...with tax dollars? Please explain.
Taxpayer funds should always be spent in accordance with the letter and spirit of the law and in line with the residents priorities. I am also a firm believer in limited government. If the government can partner with community and/or private sector to provide a needed service more efficiently and at a lower cost, then we should explore these opportunities.
What's your position on a Performing Arts Center in the Woodlands and what should the funding source(s) be & at what percentage?
I am certainly in favor of it. Funding sources have not yet been explored but certainly should have public support, as it did for our very successful convention center. However not decisions have been made.
Which current Township board member do you identify with the most and why?
I really enjoy my relationships with my colleagues on the Board.
On the GE Betz property, there were reportedly 4 underground storage tanks(3 concrete and one leaking fiberglass tank, with apparently no disposition. Is this acceptable? What should be done/
When it is time, it will certainly have to be resolved. It is my understanding that previous boards deferred action until a final use is determined, which seems reasonable.
What political party do you affiliate with? Do you believe in that party platform(all of it or % part - if %, please describe what you disagree with?
I subscribe to the National Republican party platform as a whole. There are a number of of parts I might change if I had the authority to do so, but I do not always agree with my family 100% of time and certainly will still support/love/affliate with them.