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Home » 2024-11-05 election » The Woodlands » Woodlands Township Position 3 » Richard Franks

Richard Franks
Party R
Born Champaign, IL
Education Masters Public Admin.
Occupation Retired
Religion Lutheran
Marital Married

Richard Franks


MCTP Score of: 67 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-28 19:06:18



  • Distinguished military service
  • Former City Administrator in Illinois
  • Treasurer of Township
  • Hard Republican
  • Rumor had it the developer candidates were pushing back against HHC
  • Not happy about vulgar bands playing at pavilion, but said little we can do because of 1st amendment


Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-28 19:05:48




What are the three main reasons you are running for this office? Do you see any potential conflicts of interest?

I come from a family that believes in public service. I have always made it my life’s work to be involved in the communities where I lived. I received the Bronze Star and Oak Leaf Cluster as a 1st Lieutenant in Vietnam. I was Chief Administrative Officer of the City where I received my Master's of Public Administration. I could go on for sometime about how my experience relates to the Township but it would be too long. The important thing to know about me is that I really want to do this. I could be spending my retirement days doing a number of things, but I want to continue to spend my days working for the residents and businesses  of The Woodlands.  No conflicts.

What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

Integrity, Work Ethic, and Ability to Lead.

What three major changes would you like to see implemented by the Township?

We are the number place to live in America for a reason.  We do not need any major changes but that doesn't mean we do not have challenges.  We need to continue our economic position by support of quality business relocation programs, and continue support of entertainment and retail operations.  Additionally, we need to ensure our many public facilities (some sharing our 50th birthday) remain in excellent condition. We must maintain the quality of excellence that our residents have come to expect.

What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?

I really do not know  much about my opponent except that he grew up in Seattle and moved here a little more than a  year ago.

Are any of your family members employed by or working under contract to either The Woodlands Township or Montgomery County?


What do you think the Township Board should do with the property formerly occupied by GE Betz Laboratories, on the Sthwest quadrant of the intersection of Grogans Mill Rd and Lake Woodlands Blvd.

This should be a decision that is made with both community input and with an agreed upon goal for the ultimate use of the property regardless of the ownership.

List all civic, political or union organizations or individuals to whom you have contributed time or money in the last five years.

Rotary Club of The Woodlands, The Woodlands Chamber of Commerce, and The National Republican Party.

What, in your view, are the positive and negative aspects of the Township's current governance structure?

The unique structure of The Woodlands governance is mostly positive. We have a model that very few others have, in Texas and Nationally, and it works. I believe this was validated in the 2021 Incorporation vote when 69% voted against incorporation as a city.

 I would like to see more input from our very talented and educated residents in the governance of our community such as Village Associations, the MUDS,  The Design Standards Communitee, etc.


The township budget funds all reserves 100% yearly. What is the current surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why? Any other options for the surplus?

We have a $106 milion reserve fund.  Bond raters and banks require us to maintain a 25% reserve fund of our operating budget. Not all other reserve funds are totally funded. We revise substanial intereset income which certainly provides relief to property taxes. Last budget session for 2024 we established the fist homestead  exemption for all residences  and increased Senior and Disabled from $40,000 to $50,000. The township tax on a $500,000  home is $875.00.


With The Woodlands reaching full residential build-out, what do you think the Township should do to generate additional non-property tax revenues to maintain services without a property tax increase?

We must continue to attract quality retail businesses and continue our very succesful programs to attract more companies to move to our area. The  Township Visit The Woodlands organization is very, very successful in attracting many conventions and like activities to our area.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcies?


What are your thoughts about the community using the board to promote certain social justice agendas? Should the board maintain neutrality since they represent broad views of all residents?

We wll always follow the laws of the State of Texas and the U.S. Constitution in regards to consideration of social agendas.


What are the 3 most pressing mobility issues in The Woodlands and what is your preferred solution to each?

We must continue to monitor our mobility issues with our partners at the County.  Our recent relationship in the HGAC and our position on the Transportation Policy Committee will certainly provide us a position to help identify and resolve issues such a s transit traffic through The Woodlands, our serious parking issues in Town Center, and the need for a by pass around The Woodlands for heavy truck traffic.

Commissioner Riley is actively planning the extension of the Mansion's Way parkway. What should the Township do to prevent a flood of cut though traffic on Woodlands Parkway?

With our recent membership on the HGAC as mentioned above, we now have an effective voice on those issues that my have a negative impact. In fact we have been successful in passing Board resolutions resulting in several projects being removed form transportation programs.


Do you agree/disagree with MCTP Core Values?  Please explain if you disagree

I certainly agree with the formal stated core values of the National Tea Party organization.

What do you perceive to be the biggest threat to our community within the next 5 years?

Rapid growth in Montgomery County, 22,0000 acres, will certainly include additional retail and restaurants and competition with our community.  We must ensure we continue to promote quality retail and restaurants and, enterainment events to maintain our position as the magnet for our area.

The Woodlands is basically built out, except for some land held by Howard Hughes Corp(HHC). Are you concerned they(HHC) may use that to build multi-family housing? And what are the pros and cons of that?

There are only 700 acres to be developed and most of these are in Town Center and the outer edges of The Woodlands.  There are several large tract for commercial in the Costco area, unlikely to include any housing of any land. I think that this market is now mature.

Should the township be funding non-profit organization events such as Interfaith luncheons, senior pick-up services, Education for Tomorrow luncheons, etc...with tax dollars? Please explain.

Taxpayer funds should always be spent in accordance with the letter and spirit of the law and in line with the residents priorities. I am also a firm believer in limited government. If the government can partner with community and/or private sector to provide a needed service more efficiently and at a lower cost, then we should explore these opportunities.


What's your position on a Performing Arts Center in the Woodlands and what should the funding source(s) be & at what percentage?

I am certainly in favor of it.  Funding sources have not yet been explored but certainly should have public support, as it did for our very successful convention center.  However not decisions have been made.

Which current Township board member do you identify with the most and why?

I really enjoy my relationships with my colleagues on the Board.

On the GE Betz property, there were reportedly 4 underground storage tanks(3 concrete and one leaking fiberglass tank, with apparently no disposition. Is this acceptable? What should be done/

When it is time, it will certainly have to be resolved.  It is my understanding that previous boards deferred action until a final use is determined, which seems reasonable.

What political party do you affiliate with? Do you believe in that party platform(all of it or % part - if %, please describe what you disagree with?

I subscribe to the National Republican party platform as a whole. There are a number of of parts I might change if I had the authority to do so, but I do not always agree with my family 100% of time and certainly will still support/love/affliate with them.