How much access do you believe parents should have to their children's curriculum? classroom? teacher? online?
100% to all of these.
Do you support allowing all students to use bathrooms, showers and locker rooms, as well as participate in sports, based on the gender with which they identify, not the sex they are assigned to at birth?
Will you work to remove harmful materials as defined in Texas penal code 43.24 from all school property? Additionally, do you support removing the “educational exemption” from this law?
Yes and yes. I believe the intent of the educational exemption applied to Texas penal code 43.24 has been misused and abused, becoming a blanket excuse to include overly sexual, age-inappropriate and legally obscene materials throughout our public schools. I fully support efforts to remove or close the educational exemption as it pertains to public education environments.
Should the SBOE have total & final authority on what teaching materials are used in the classroom? Please explain fully.
No. Although the State Board of Education (SBOE) is the authority for what educational knowledge and skills standards guide classroom instruction, curriculum and supplemental material used to achieve set knowledge and skills is controlled at the district level, ensuring local accountability with regard to the SBOE's guidance and framework, in adherence to Texas law.
Please give your opinion of each of the following programs and the reasoning supporting your opinion: Common Core, Critical Race Theory, Social Emotional Learning, International Bacculaureate.
Common Core, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), International Baccularureate and similar mechanisms do not belong in public education. These ideas only distract attention from the teaching of core curriculum and apply unnecessary pressure to educuators and students.
The SBOE has been charged by Governor Abbott with developing standards for books found in school libraries to prevent pornography from getting into the hands of our schoolchildren. What is your position on the development of these important standards?
I fully support efforts by the SBOE, parents and wide-spread community to ensure pornography is removed from every district library and classroom. Classroom libraries must become a focus of attention, as books with questionable messaging and content often arrive here without notice.
Would you pledge to vote against any attempt to authorize any CISD employee salary that would be more than 50% above that of the Texas Governors salary?
Yes, absolutely.
Briefly explain how American history should be taught to our students.
Truthfully, with emphasis on American exceptionalism, despite some of the dark parts of our country's history.
What is the State of Texas school system ranked in literacy and what would your plan be to make it No. 1 in the country?
Texas currently ranks in the top 1% nationwide for literacy. WIth more focus on reading and teaching of the English language, Texas can become No. 1 in the country, where we should be.
What is your position about parental choice and charter schools?
I believe every parent should play an active role in choosing the best avenue for educating their children. Like the clothes we wear, the cars we drive and the house in which we live, there is no one size fits all approach to educating our future leaders.
In your opinion, what are the three most important roles of the school board and if elected, how would you contribute to those important roles??
Set and monitor the standards of operation for our independent school district.
Oversee the financial health of the district.
Ensure the safety and well being of staff and students.
I will work to empower parents and educators, creating a school district that best works for our children and produces the best outcomes possible.
Would you be in favor of returning prayer to every classroom in the state?
Of couse. I firmly believe prayer should be a part of everyone's daily routine.
What are three reasons why you think you are the best candidate running for this Board position?
The lack of leadership the district has seen in recent years is why I am running for school board. As the wife of a former Conroe ISD football coach and principal, I have seen the bright and dark side of Conroe ISD.
My nearly 20-year career in oil and gas compliance has given me strong analytical and decision-making skills needed to serve as school board member. My role as a mother to two young children only affirms my responsibility to serve in this capacity.
Would you support a district policy that requires all staff members and students to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
Are standardized tests good or bad? Please explain fully.
Standardized tests provide a good baseline reference for student performance, however I do not believe these tests should be used as a basis for student success.
How much influence does the board have on the actual classroom curriculum used? What is your plan to achieve that?
The buck stops with the school board. The board's responsibility is to ensure that chosen curriculum meets the minimum knowledge and skills standards set by the State Board of Education (SBOE) with regard to Texas State Law and local community standards.