Would you, individually, take public, overt steps to have pornography removed from LSC classrooms. libraries and campuses?
I am 100% against pornography in the classrooms, libraries and campuses of LSC and all schools just as I was as a Willis ISD board member. But as a board member I have to act as a trustee and group of 9 to the position I'm elected. I can't act as an individual but I can certainly as an individual say how I feel.
What is your position on Common Core in our K-12, as well as higher education systems?
I am 100% against it. We never had this at Willis ISD and made sure if it as a board. And I'm also against Critical Race theory.
Please describe the pros and cons of full-tenured staff versus part-time teachers and your plans, if any, for making changes in that area.
At this time I see this at micromanage. I don't think this a roll of the board.
Please describe the opportunities you will
pursue to improve quality of instruction while reducing costs.
Again. This is not the role of the board. I will pray the chancellor brings us good instruction, good curriculum and reduced prices. If not I will ask questions.