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Home » 2022-11-08 election » Texas » Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District - Precinct 7 » John Yoars

John Yoars
Party R
Children 0

John Yoars


MCTP PAC Score of: 84 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2022-10-04 11:46:28



  • Large asset executive experience(50 years)
  • Second term as MUD 36 Director, studying/interacting w/all stakeholders in water arena
  • Believes in private property rights
  • Wants more reliable data to study subsidence
  • Would like to see more outreach to the community


  • Thinks LSGCD should stay out of pending lawsuit(though SJRA has drug them into it)
  • While debatable, saying that the initial 64,000 Acre ft production was to prevent subsidence(which is only been a recent concern)
  • While he says MoCo has adequate water resources, he failed to mention that we have a regulation issue
  • Thinks his opponent is just a rubber stamp for other board members

Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2022-10-04 11:46:17




What makes you qualified for this office?  Name three main reasons you believe you’re the best candidate for this position?

I have 50 years of executive experience managing large assets and people. I have been successful working with community groups near the assets I managed. B. I am serving in my second term as a MUD 36 director. This has allowed me to be informed with the Montgomery County water issues. C. I have spent the last 5 years studying the ground water structure and issues of Montgomery County. That includes many discussions with SJRA Management, GRP detailed cost analysis review, speaking at LSGCD and GMA-14 meetings.

Who has ownership of the land below and the air above and how far of each?  Is groundwater considered a person’s private property under the Texas Constitution?

The land owner has the rights to the water under his land and use there of as long as he does no harm in using that resource.

Are you familiar with the enabling legislation and any subsequent legislation regarding the LSGCD creation, powers, authorities, duties, etc.?


Is this position currently fulfilling its obligations?

I do not think so and I want the see the Board better balance the needs of the residents and the large volume ground water users. The Board needs to be proactive in giving the residents in areas where subsidence is an issue the tools to mitigate the subsidence. The LSGCD needs to create an image that this is of high value and facilitate the resolution of their needs. The cost of water is insignificant in comparison to repairing a flooded home.

What aquifer or aquifers does LSGCD regulate?

the aquifers under the county, Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper being most prominent

What impact does the LSGCD have on our water bills?

I do not think they should have any impact. Residents should choose their water provider or MUD officials to manage their cost of water. LSGCD’s role is to let them know what they have access too and how to value that cost against other options.

In your opinion, does Does Montgomery County have a water resource or regulation problem?  Why?

Montgomery County has adequate ground water and surface water to meet all of our future needs. The LSGCD is capable of managing those resources.

What are the 3 largest challenges currently facing this position/office and your road map to address them?

  1. The residents need to see LSGCD as a proactive Board seeking resolution of groundwater utilization issues. Proactive communications are needed. Developing the Water management Plan based on the new DFC is the perfect platform to do so.

  2. The Board needs to stay out of the SJRA, Quadvest, GRP issues. I would refrain from getting involved in those discussions and let the legal system do their job to resolve. Board members continuing to raise those issues makes it look like they are hiding behind those issues and not promoting their good works

  3. The residents need to see the LSGCD as a positive organization talking about how to meet the needs of a growing population. Make a plan and communicate it with more LSGCD resident contact.

What special interest groups have you belonged to or attended meetings of? Include business, social, civic, educational, environmental or any other cause for which you have advocated or supported with time or money.


Please explain why an aquifer should be regulated based on its physical boundaries, or based on the boundaries of political subdivisions of the state.

Over pumping can cause irreversible damage to an aquifer. A sound water management plan is a way not to do that and boundaries should be identified that may require management plan variations. The residents in any physical area should be able to ask LSGCD to create a plan for them to meet whatever their criteria are. If they want to spend more to reduce subsidence show them how, if they want to take the risk of flooding to save on their water bill let them do it.

Who is endorsing you and what is their relationship to you?

I have no one endorsing me other than friends and people I work with.


What are the top 3 areas where the budget for this office needs to be adjusted?

  1. I would increase the spend for additional subsidence devices in the county. We need to increase the reliance on data from these measuring devices and less on the maybe science guestimates. This fits the LSGCD Bord stated policy.

  2. I would increase the effort to educate the residents on how LSGCD will assure that the groundwater and surface water will be used to meet future growth.

  3. I would create resident focus groups that can be used for feed back on LSGCD management plans and policies.

Will you vote to limit budget increases to a factor based on population growth and inflation? Explain.

I do not like budget creep. I want organizations to become more efficient and reduce costs, however a cap may not be the best as it could limit LSGCD from doing the right things for the residents. They have to be accountable and if they increase their spend have very good reasons that are validated to do so.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?


Do you support the new board engaging an independent third party to conduct an audit of LSGCD operations and make the findings public?

Absolutely, transparency is something I value highly.

Should two local government entities force residents to pay billions of dollars for infrastructure development without a vote?

I want to let the courts, the TWDB, and the State to resolve this issue. LSGCD cannot solve it.

List anyone you have lobbied for or represented at any governmental agency during the past five years?

No one.


What actions should the LSGCD take to implement change that would result in lower water rates for consumers?

In order to support a growing population and the subsequent demand for water resources I do not think it is reasonable for anyone to think we will be able to lower the cost of potable water. As the ground water table falls it will require more pump energy and well deepening and pump parts replacement. Surface water supplementation will then become a more affordable alternative.

In 2009, the LSGCD mandated a 30% reduction on water withdrawal from underground aquifers.  On what scientific data was that decision based on?

The reduction was based on a subsidence elimination strategy.

That Board no longer exists and now is the time to move on and create a new water management plan based on the new DFC just adopted.

What political party do you affiliate with? Do you believe in that party platform (all of it or % part - if %, please describe what you disagree with)?

I am a conservative Republican who believes in the free enterprise system. I like minimum government intervention in my life and want our government to provide competitive services. If they cannot be low cost let private enterprise provide those services.

Please explain why you will vote to award any contract with less than three qualified bidders?

Only if three qualified bidders cannot be found,

When and how was the LSGD created?  What are the duties? Where is their authority derived?

It was created by the legislature to manage the groundwater resources of Montgomery County. That legislative bill was amended to allow the elected Board as it is now. That legislative event gave them their authority.