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Home » 2023-05-06 election » City of Montgomery » Montgomery City Council - Pl 5 » Stan Donaldson

Stan Donaldson
Party Republican
Born 06-11-1946
Education 15 years=some college
Occupation retired
Religion Christian
Marital Married
Children 6

Stan Donaldson


50 years business experience

financial services

planning, investments, insurance

MCTP Score of: 84 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2023-04-18 02:14:37


• God-fearing, very likeable person.

• Retired from financial business

• Strong believer in the constitution; Pro limited government; feels there are too many constraints on local businesses; not in favor of mandates

• Have been attending CC mtgs 2/wk. for over a year; up to date on local needs

• Says leadership is going in the right direction, especially since hiring a new administrator

• But says some plans (turning Hwy 149 parking into outdoor restaurant planned but not acted on;

• Concerned about some of the festivals(such as Antique Days), that have been cancelled

• Avidly against mandates, such as the COVID 19 shutdown


• Feels the current council is doing fine

• While up todate on current issues, many feel like he may go along to get along since he was recruited by the mayor..

• Doesn't have the assertiveness his opponent possesses

• His...  More

Video Interview April 1, 2023 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2023-04-18 02:13:24




What are the 3 most pressing issues in your city and what is your preferred solution to each?

In Montgomery City:

!.  Improvement of policy and procedures to reflect current city  growth and expansion.

2.  Planning infrastructure ahead of growth and expansion.

3.  Maintaining a happy balance between the desires of business owners and the functions of city government.

Do you feel that citizen comments and concerns are being addressed by the current administration?

In general, the city is being well run by the current administration: however, a few instances creep into

the dialogue at city council meetings, i.e. late with addressing freedom of information requests.

How do you view the responsibility of the city council to protect all children from drag queen shows in public places within the city limits including the library, school, parks, and private businesses? What is your personal belief in this matter?

It is of upmost importance that the city not allow lewd and provocative entertainment into the public arena of any child below the age of 18.

Drag queen shows should be allowed the right to free speech but the expression of this type of entertainment should be viewed the same as R rated movies and sexually explicit DVDmovies house:  NOT FOR CHILDRENS VIEWING.  This type of entertainmnet should not be used as a political tool, disquised as child entertainment, to try to subvert the institutions of moraility as clearly defined in the Bible.

Why are you running for this position?  What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

I am running to serve this community and am willing to devote my most precious commodity, time, to do so.

1.  A general understanding of city government

2.  Willingness to learn about a wide range of topics

3.  Integrity

How can the operation of your city government be made more efficient and cost effective?

It can be made more efficient and cost effective when all city officials and all city employees work in unison to provide the

citizens of the city proper protection, water and sewer, and common amenities (parks, recreational facilities, etc.) for all the people to live safe and prosperouis lives.

Do you support term limits for the council?  If so, how many terms? Which current Magnolia board member do you identify with the most and why?

I do support term limits but only to the extent that city council members can agree on.  In Montgomery City, I probably most identify with the Mayor.

He generally leads opening prayer and city council meetings and I love to pray.

With the recent and projected growth in the area, how is the city coping with higher demands for sanitation, fire and police services?

Public works and police are staying well ahead of the curve.  I cannot speak for fire since i have not ahd the opportunity to speak with that department.


Will you vote to increase or reduce the annual city budget?  Why?  What changes will you propose in your city’s budget?  Why?

The budget has to meet the demands put on it by growth and development in areas where the city will ultimately take responsibility.  I prefered to stand pat on spending during this season of unpreditable inflation, interest rate hikes, poor quantity of workers and poor national leadership.


How much does this position pay each year? Do you think this amount should be increased, decreased or even, like The Woodlands Township, receive no compensation at all?

No compensation at all in the City of Montgomery!


What is the Sales Tax Rate for the City in which you're running?  Property Tax rate?  How much of the revenue is derived from each? Do you think it would be a good idea to broaden either or both of them to increase revenues?

Sales tax rate for the City of Montgomery:  8.25%

Property tax rate in 2022:  0.400 per $100

3.5 million plus/minus in 2021/2022

1.3 million in ad valorem tax in 2021/2022



When would it be appropriate for a business receive any tax abatements?

Not in favor of business tax abatements, since I believe it's discriminatory: however, it happens all the time.  And if your out voted on the issue, so be it.


Other civil liberty

What measures will you propose to ensure that your city’s government does not improperly usurp citizen’s rights?

Those issues must be dealt with on individual basis, as the need arises, by the joint efforts of the mayor, city council and legal team.


List Civic, Political or union organization or individuals to whom you have contributed time or money (five years).


Please describe what measures you propose to improve transparency and accountability to the public.

Pointing out inequaties when they arise and being honest with everyone.

List all clients you have represented or lobbied for on behalf of any governmental entity during the past five years.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?



How do you define conservative values and how does that align with this community's values? How do those values apply in your decision making process?

I am a God honoring conservative and I believe most of our community is Christian.  You apply those values by asking yourself

is what I am about to do right, just and fair? 

How long have you been consistently voting in elections? For which parties candidates? List all the elections you have voted in for the past 3 years (2014-2016).

I have been voting Republican in every election since at least 1985 (under my legal name:  Ray Stanley Donaldson)

Should City employees living out of the city and/or county take home city vehicles?  Why or why not?

That's a discussion I would have to take up with the mayor and city council.