What is the job of the position you are running for?
Montgomery County Sheriff
What are the three main reasons you are running for this office? Do you see any potential conflicts of interest?
I am a Master Peace Officer that has served our country and county for 27 years. 21 of those years were at the Sheriff's Office as a boots on the ground patrol sergeant. I supervised 20 to 50 troops any given night. I spoke to the troops, loved them dearly and they loved me in return. I haven't forgotten why I entered the world of law enforement and I'm certainly not a politician.
MCSO is my home and in 1997 I planned on retiring from there. Due to the woke culture and the rhino administration that currently occupy the office, I left in 2018. My qualifications are matched by no other in this race. I do not owe the political powers that have chosen our last sheriff and who are attempting to replace that mistake with another. I will bring back what it means to be a sheriff's deputy. The pride and patriotism that belongs in law enforement will be evident each day. The qualifications are not pieces of paper hanging on a wall, it's in my heart and in my Texas roots. I haven't forgotten what it means to do the right thing. From day one, you will see a change. Our forefathers did it right but some think they can change the path they created for us. We will return to an obvious Constitutional enforcing agency and will stand for zero federal government overreach.
Please describe the qualifications and experience that make you the best candidate for the office you are seeking.
~Not Answered Yet~
Give at least 3 examples from your past record that will convince voters that you are / will be a Constitutional Law Enforcement Officer
I am a US Veteran.
I have a flag with 13 stars hanging in my yard
I voted and will continue to vote for Donald Trump.
I am a NRA member and supporter.
What goals do you have in mind, if you are elected, and to which you want to be measured against in the coming term?
I will rehumanize the agency. You will see your sheriff. I will not be at the office while hiding from anyone and everyone. I will work for the tax payers and the deputies under my command. The deputies will see that they have a constitution loving sheriff that walks with pride while representing the people who he protects. I will change the culture by being a proud American. Doing the right thing and ridding the agency of those that cause harm will be job number one. We will stand by those that do the right thing and will stand against all others.
What is the most important action needed to make Montgomery County safer?
I will change the culture and stand next to those that place their lives in harm's way. Morale is the largest problem. Returning the agency to a humanized agency will correct many of the problems we see today. Letting those officers know they're appreciated and allowing them to make decisions will improve morale. Having a sheriff that stands with the officers and citizens will improve the boots on the ground. Their knowledge that the administration has their back will reflect through the deputy that may respond to your home. It's a different look. It's in their heart to help others and not hesitate when that time arrives. They will also find that their sheriff will be standing beside them on some scenes. All of this will improve the agency and the service we provide to the people that pay the bills, the citizen.
What do you see as the 3 major challenges for your office over this next term?
The population numbers do not reflect in a census. Some that arrive here are doing it by invading our country. I would say that the population is one of the largest challenges. The number of citizens vs the number of officers in the field is a huge challege. Having those boots on the ground is the main focus. Computers and programs do not enforce the laws of this Republic or the State of Texas. Without the men and women standing in front of evil, the programs mean nothing.
There are many areas that can be improved by cutting cost or moving those funds to areas that will provide outstanding service to our community.
I will "cut the fat" from the agency. The agency has become unbalanced regarding those that sit in an office compared to those that are active in the field. You will see an abundance of change regarding the amount of patrol cars on the street and your sheriff actively participating in day to day operations.
Please describe the best way for the average voter to determine which candidate for this office is best.
I live and breathe freedom. Freedom can be taken away by a government agency or a criminal on the street. I will stand against both. We've lost our way regarding what law enforement and the citizen's relationship with each other should reflect. We should be one family instead of wondering what law enforement is doing. We as citizens and law enforement should be standing together to fight evil. Having lived in the same house for most of my life as a tax paying citizen here in Montgomery County, my love for this county and it's citizens will be very evident. Choose a sheriff that doesn't hide behind 4 to 5 security doors. Choose a sheriff that has an open door policy. Choose someone that's not chosen by the political elite. Choose someone that's not a politician.
Where do you think the possibility for corruption resides in county government? How would you handle it in your department, even if you think there is none?
If corruption is found within the agency, those involved will be fired. If it is a criminal act, they will be arrested. Sometimes corruption can be hidden by applying words to actions to justify those actions. Many government agencies whether state or federal, hide behind statutes or laws written in their favor. It's not a question of "if' its a question of "where?" I will not make accusations without proof regarding other departments. I will observe and surround myself with competent men and women that will find any wrongdoing. Those actions will be brought to the tax payer's attention. I will have an open line between myself and our citizens. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed, action will be taken.
Are the United States and Texas constitutions living documents? Please answer in the context of Progressivism versus Originalism.
The United States and Texas Consitutions are not living documents. Our forefathers knew what they were doing.
Civic, Political or union organization or individuals to whom you have contributed (five years):
What will you do to ensure that the Texan rule of law prevails over the Biden federal law enforcement policies that allow illegals to operate in Montgomery County?
We will patrol and arrest law breaking illegal persons and communicate with federal law enforement in order to document our attempts to do the right thing. We will confirm citizenship status once they are arrested and turn them over to the federal agencies when allowed. The pressure placed on illegal citizens that break the law will be like no other. I will be a voice for the American citizen that totes the note for all of the free healthcare, housing and other benefits the current US Administration provides.