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US Vote SmartHome » 2024-03-05 Republican primary » State House District 3 » State Representative - Uncontested » Tyler Mattingly |
My name is Tyler Mattingly and I'm running not to be another cog in a corrupt machine or collect a nice little paycheck from the government funded by the taxpayers. I'm running because even though I am only 21 I can see the issues plaguing us now and how it's only going to get worse if ordinary folks like us don't step up. My background is not all that flashy in truth but I was born on March 12th, 2002 to a single mom. That day nearly both of us died but by the Lord's grace, both of us survived. That boy that was born dead fought and clawed his way through school to finally attend and graduate manga cum laude from Sam Houston State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology.
After college, I discovered a love of teaching that led me to work in my old school district while certifying to become a full-time teacher and what I saw in the two years I was gone was devastating, I have seen the almost criminal disregard for the future of our children by the state. Our children are struggling with lacking resources and now they have to share them with the thousands of illegals flooding in with their kids who receive all the same resources if not more. Homelessness is skyrocketing, crime is increasing, and all the while our government in Austin wants to sit on their hands and have tea parties rather than actually do what they were elected to do. That is serve the people of this state.
This is why I am running because though I don't have the experience of sitting behind a political position for decades, I have the experience in the ground to say these are the issues and I will fight to my last breath to get them fixed. It's time we cut off illegal immigrants from welfare and education. For too long the argument has been reducing their need for it... but how about not giving it to them in the first place? They came here illegally and are not entitled to resources designated for the people of Texas who live here legally or immigrated here legally. We to enforce our own border and actually do something about the colony of illegal popping up around our state and finally, we need to secure education for our children. Texas is one of the largest states in the union with a falling educational score and this is a travesty. We need to return discipline to our schools and reform our systems to streamline while also encouraging our kids to go to trade schools and other options as opposed to colleges. Every child should be entitled to the American dream rather than just the kids of rich folks in their castles in the sky.
Thank you for taking the time to read my background. Texas needs folks willing to stand and fight for Conservative values not diluted by Chinese communist party blood money or backdoor shadow donors. If given the chance to serve my first commitment will be to the fine people of my district and my state that have made my life the wonderful way it is. Because this isn't just a fight for our wallets or bank accounts, this is a fight for our children, our community, and our future.