What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?
I absolutely support the Republican Platform. I think it is a great document. More candidates running on the Republican ticket need to read it and understand what it means to be run as a Republican.
This is a Republican primary race. Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.
Voters need to know that the current Chairman is using his elected position to put his thumb on the scale to support candidates based on his personal financial gains. This is a conflict of interest.
Also, voters need to understand that the Chairman has made no attempts to unite or support the party and get it back on track. It is his job to oversee the entire County Executive Committee being fair to all even those he has disagreements with. If he is re-elected there will not be a path to unite the party as he does not want to do that.
Define what the word "Conservative" means to you.
I believe being a conservative means that you are against “big government” and for individual rights. The less intrusive the government is the better. I also, add basic “Christian” values such as removing “dirty books” and drag queens from schools and being pro-life. I can hardly believe we have to intervene for these items but apparently, we have to. Other parts of life I lean to less government is better.
Are you willing to put in the time necessary to attend CEC meetings, additional committee meetings, training sessions, blockwalking, etc?
I will be at every meeting possible and support the party functions in all ways I can. I will support and work to improve all parts of the party. I will support Republicans in the General Elections. One thing I want to see the party do is more support of clear Republicans in the non-partisan races. We have to be careful however, when it comes to races between two Republicans and remain neutral as a party.
Do you think the 'Republican' brand should be used by PACs in their names that may deceive voters? Why or why not?"
We need to do all we can to make sure voters are not deceived. I am not sure if we can stop the usage legally of the word Republican at this point. However, we need to explore what we can do legally.
What best describes your political ideology most(circle only one).
1. Republican
2. Grassroots
3. Conservative
4. Tea Party
Wow a hard one. I will have to choose GRASSROOTS. I say this because “we the people” comes first even over party.
How do you believe precinct chairs should be involved in elections? (election judge, clerk, none?)
All of the above. Any way they can. It is important that pct. Chairs understand fully the election process. If they do not want to work the elections on the inside they should on the outside.
Do you like the Steering Committee style of leadership currently in place or that of just a county chairman?
I support and actually welcome the steering committee structure. In a big county like Montgomery, it is necessary.
Do you beieve that the county chair/precinct chairs should actively participate in at least one committee?
Yes, if they can pct. Chairs should try to be at least a member of at least one committee.
Should the county GOP chair be involved with fundraising? Why or why not?
The County Chairman should do all they can to raise funds for the party. I love that so many pct. Chairs work on this also because, it should be everyone’s job in the party.
Should party primaries be "open" or "closed" & why?
I am not strongly opposed to closed primaries ---my only opposition is that I do not think it will stop the practice of crossing over between parties. If it would stop the cross over, I would be strongly for it.
Should the GOP County Chair be selected by the elected County Executive Committee, or in the Open primaries where Democrats can cross over for more moderate candidates?
For now; I support the elected method for County Chairman. I would not be opposed if a movement changed it to the Executive Committee. As I have seen the problems across the State this past two years, I have leaned more and more toward the election by the Executive Committee.
There's discussion about making major revisions to the RPT Platform. Please describe the nature of any major changes you support.
The platform is long, making it hard to manage but I really do not want to remove any of it. So, I am against changing it.
What's your position on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan?
I support all efforts to remove Dade Phelan. He has shown a complete arrogant disregard for the Republican Party and the priorities voted by the party.