Why are you running for this office and what do you hope to accomplish?
I am running to make the Board more responsive to voters rather the taxing entities. Improve transparency in how MCAD determines home and business valuations. Gain a better understanding in how MCAD spends our tax dollars thereby helping to improve financial transparency.
Name three key things the Appraisal Review Board(ARB) is responsbile for
As a Montgomery County Appraisal District (MCAD) Board of Directors member 3 key responsbilities:
1. MCAD Governance, I will not just rubber stamp programs and/or initiatives within MCAD. Programs and/or initiatives need to be well-defined with implementation target dates. Additionally, MCAD must have measurable target dates for success.
2. Adoption the MCAD's annual budget. I want to improve financial transparency by reviewing MCAD annual budgets with enough detail to determine if expenditures are justified.
3. The 3 new board members will be intricately involved in the interviewing and selecting the Appraisal Review Board (ARB) members. I want to select individuals that are qualified have an above average working knowledge of how appraisals are determined in order to better service the general public.
Should "comparables" be within a certain distance to protested properties and what is a reasonable distance?Why or why not?
Yes, should be within some boundary limit however since all home subdivisions differ in scope of amenities and land plot sizes a specific distance cannot be used as a standard for all properties. Ultimately sales data with 2 or 3 comparable type properties is likely the best method to determine property value. Unfortunately, some protested properties will need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis when sales data is not easily available.