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Home » 2024-03-05 Republican primary » GOP Precinct 046 » Precinct Chair 46 » Peter Stees

Peter Stees
Party Republican
Born United States
Education Bachelor Science Computer Information Systems
Occupation Information Technology Consulting
Religion Christian
Marital Married
Children 4

Peter Stees


9 ½ years United States Air Force as an Intelligence Operations Specialist
10 years with Quaker Oats retail food industry
1998 to present Computer Information Technology consulting implementing supply Chain Management Systems many different companies/industries.  Including 7 ½ years with the United States Marine Corps, San Francisco Police Department, automotive manufacturing, publishing, software, Oil and Gas, Hospitals, Personal Health, Gold mining, Toy manufacturing and many other companies
Married 32 years with 2 sons with the youngest one in college
8 years as a single parent raising 2 daughters from my first marriage
Last 10 years in Montgomery County in Spring TX
Travel to over 20 countries, Middle East, Europe, Central America, and Asia


MCTP PAC Rating of: Recommended Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-01-03 19:57:35


Also, the Texas Eagle Forum PAC has given it's official endorsement of the MCTP Recommended candidates for Precinct Chairs, as well as the personal endorsement from Cindi Castilla, President of TEF!!





What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?

~Not Answered Yet~

This is a Republican primary race.  Do you promise, if elected, to abide by the RPT platform? And if not, please enumerate what problems you have.

I promise to support the Republican Party Platform and while filling in as the precinct chair to represent the precinct votrs needs and what they want for the direction of the Party

Define what the word "Conservative" means to you.

~Not Answered Yet~

Are you willing to put in the time necessary to attend CEC meetings, additional committee meetings, training sessions, blockwalking, etc?

I will put in the time necessary to be educated on the issues and attend all the CEC meetings and any additional meetings, training sessions and blockwalking.

Do you think the 'Republican' brand should be used by PACs in their names that may deceive voters? Why or why not?"

The repulbican party platform is designed and voted on by the people of the republican party and it should not be used my any organization that isn't going to support the republican people.

What best describes your political ideology most(circle only one).   
1.        Republican                     
2.        Grassroots                     
3.        Conservative
4.        Tea Party

Grassroots -  I see too many republican elected officials who do not vote the issues/platform of their voters.  The elected officials represent the votes and need to vote and support for what the voters want.

How do you believe precinct chairs should be involved in elections? (election judge, clerk, none?)

yes, precinct chairs should be able to be election judges and clerks if possible to fill in positions where there are not enough volunteers.

Do you like the Steering Committee style of leadership currently in place or that of just a county chairman?

The current Steerign Committee style of leadership currently in place should be used.

Do you beieve that the county chair/precinct chairs should actively participate in at least one committee?

~Not Answered Yet~

Should the county GOP chair be involved with fundraising? Why or why not?

The county GOP Chair leader should be elected by from the precinct chairs elimintating the need for the GOP chair to do fundraising.

Should party primaries be "open" or "closed" & why?

Party primaries should be closed to prevent voters from another party crossing over and voting for candidates that do not reflect what the voters of the other party want.

Should the GOP County Chair be selected by the elected County Executive Committee, or in the Open primaries where Democrats can cross over for more moderate candidates?

The GOP County Chair should be selected by the elected precinct chairs because the precinct chairs should have control on who they want to be the leader of the precinct chairs and and open primary allows someone who doesn't support the republican party platform to be elected and to lead all the precinct chairs.

There's discussion about making major revisions to the RPT Platform. Please describe the nature of any major changes you support.

Changes to the RPT platform should continue to be made through the repulblican conventions as it is currently done.  Any major changes should be voted on in the converntion.

What's your position on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan?

Texas House Speaker Dade Phalen should be censured and the republican party should find a house speaker that supports the republican platform.


Would you support legislative action to establish a salary framework (possibly related to the Gov. salary) for all taxpayer funded employees with a stipulation that elected officials be required to get voter approval to exceed that framework for their own salaries?

~Not Answered Yet~


Do you support or oppose social programs in our schools (like C-Scope, Common Core, CRT, International Baccalaureate, SEL, etc.)? Why or why not?

I oppose social programs like CRT, common core etc in public schools.  The social education of students should be controlled by the students parents as parents rights.


Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?

~Not Answered Yet~

Do you agree with precinct chairs involvement in republican primaries? Why or why not?

~Not Answered Yet~

Should the county GOP chair be involved in any other political organizations, including PAC's, while serving a term as the chairman? Why or why not?

The GOP Chari should not be involved any any other political organizations including PACs while serving as chariman because it detracts their attention to fundraising and not necessarily supporting the RPT Platform.

At what point should the "right to life" or "personhood" be granted to new human beings (e.g., at conception, sign of heartbeat, 3 months of pregnancy, birth, 5 days old, etc)? What action, if any, will you take to reflect this in law?

The right to life should be granted at the point of conception and will support the passing of laws that prevent abortion.


What, if anything, should be done to protect our borders from illegal immigration?

Illegal border crossings should be prevented and barriers should be constructed and maintained to prevent the illegal crossing.


What does being a conservative mean to you?

~Not Answered Yet~

List 3 changes that should be made to how elections are conducted in Montgomery County.

Paper ballots should be used for submitting votes and the paper ballots should be counted with verifieable proof that the votes were counted propery.  Mail in ballots should be striclty limited with signature, ssn, address and barcoded controlled ballot verification that the ballot was mailed to and received by the intended voter  

Do you support current RPT chair Matt Rinaldi in full and if not, what do you disagree with?

~Not Answered Yet~