What are the 3 most pressing issues in Conroe and what is your preferred solution to each?
debt - review budget and spending, explore revenue streams, negotiate with creditors, seek grants and funding at state/federal level
schools - ensure that we are hiring the best teachers that can have the strongest impact on our kids, encourage partnerships between schools and local businesses to provide resources, mentorship programs and career opportunities for the kids in our community
safety - ensure that both the police/fire departments have the tools they need to keep the community safe
Do you support term limits for the council? If so, how many terms? Which current Magnolia board member do you identify with the most and why?
yes, 2 terms
Curt Maddux, neighbor and friend
Do you feel that City of Conroe police and fire is adequately funded? Explain.
I believe that the City of Conroe has done a great job taking care of our police and fire departments. However, i realize that there are some current needs that have not been met, which will need to be prioritized and budgeted for.
Should "comparables" be within a certain distance to protested properties and what is a reasonable distance?Why or why not?
They should be within a reasonable distance to ensure they reflect similar market conditions and features, typically 1-3 miles in urban areas or 5-10 miles in rural areas.
How do you feel about private property rights, with respect to City ordinances? Which one take precedence?
It is important to have rules that protect both your rights and the community's well being. City ordinances play a crucial role in regulating land use and development to promote public health, safety and welfare but must be reasonable and not violate property rights. It depends on the situation and whether the rules respect people's rights.
What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?
I do not have anything to say about my opponents. I feel that voters should check out all candidates to make sure that the best person is picked for the position.
Where do you stand on the GRP (Groundwater Reduction Plan) Contract and why?
I would need to carefully study details and consider how it would affect our community's water needs before i can choose the best course for our city's future water sustainability.
What's your position on the SJRA and Lonestar Groundwater boards? Explain.
I support working together to manage our water resources and making sure that they are aware of our community's needs and help addresses any issues we have.
How can the operation of your city government be made more efficient and cost effective?
continuous improvement of processes, the latest in technology, making sure city departments work together smoothly, fixing any problems with city programs, partner with businesses/government to save money, spend money and plan wisely