What are the 3 most pressing issues in Conroe and what is your preferred solution to each?
1. Problem: Financial Issues.
Conroe has $700 million-dollars of debt, plus another $300-$400 million dollars of unfunded captital improvements projects (CIP). In addition, our main revenue source, sales tax, is currently flat and going down. Our estimataed income income for 2023-2024 is $314 million dollar. That creates a 3:1 ratio of debt to income and is not sustainable. Not to mention, the city-owned hotel is a disaster!
Solution: Spend less than we are taking in, invest any excess, pay off debt as quickly aspossible. Immediately cut city expenses from 5% to 10%, continue hiring freeze and explore staffing reduction. Increase revenue through business development and sale of property through the Conroe Industrial Development Corporation of which I am the newly elected chairman of the board. It is going to take a conservative city council to correct the over spending of the past administrations.
2. Problem. Housing
Conroe currently has 4,000 newly built or, under construction apartments. There are 32 additional apartment projects with as many as 23 apartments per acre. This density leads to traffic problems, stress on the infrastructure, congestion for First Responders and the loss of mature trees.
Solution: Developers need to pay for part of the new infrastucture. Fewer apartments per acre. Tract homes should have a larger minimum lot sizes. Streets must wide enough to allow First Responders to navigate around parked cars. Clear cutting for developments needs stricter oversight and enforcement of existing ordinances. Conroe needs more family sized homes, not just 'starter' 'homes. The city needs more higher paying business jobs.
3. Problem: Conroe City Government is practically dysfuntional. Training, procedures and policies, and processes all need updating to accomodate the exponential growth of the city. Recent events have brougt to light the excessive spending, poor judgement, and lack of competent leadership by the mayor and certain members of the council.
Solution: Conroe needs a more financially conservative City Council and Mayor. Everbody on the dias MUST be able to read and comprehend the documents for each council meeting. The ability to predict consequences of council decisions is imperative.
Do you support term limits for the council? If so, how many terms? Which current Magnolia board member do you identify with the most and why?
Two, four-year terms.
Marsha Porter
Marsha is smart, willing to stand indpendently, do her research and challenge questionable decisions.
Do you feel that City of Conroe police and fire is adequately funded? Explain.
Conroe Police and Conroe Fire are separate entities and have their own issues.
The current police salaries are in the middle of the pack for this size city. The pay structure has peaks and valleys and is inconsistent with their step process over a three to five year period. The police are understaffed by 10-20 officers.
I will do my best to provide both departments the funding needed for the equipment to protect themselve and our citizens.
Should "comparables" be within a certain distance to protested properties and what is a reasonable distance?Why or why not?
All factors should be considered in comps. Location, quality, age, and safety are all part of the value.
How do you feel about private property rights, with respect to City ordinances? Which one take precedence?
I will always try to uphold private property rights.
What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?
1.None of my opponents have the business experience and knowkedge that I have. Depth of experience is vital considering the current financial problems.
2.Susan Johnson is a real estate agent/broker advocating for apartments and more starter homes which bring with them clear cutting, narrow driveways, smaller lot sizes and cars parked on the street which impede First responders' abilithy to navigate.
Where do you stand on the GRP (Groundwater Reduction Plan) Contract and why?
This is a very complicated situation.The simple explination of the issue is this: I am opposed to the SJRA charging Conroe for our water that we are pumping out of our own wells, at a dollar rate determined by SJRA. Additionally, SJRA stipulates that Conroe take a certain amount of surface water that they specify. This issue is now being litigated. Conroe has won every decison thus far. The goal is to make SJRA come back to the table to negoiatate a move equitable contract for the citizens of Conroe.
What's your position on the SJRA and Lonestar Groundwater boards? Explain.
I support the Lonestar Groundwater Board. Lonestar continues to look for the highest practical use of groundwater for the citizens of Montgomery County while still managing our most precious resources. However, I will not support Lonestar rate and fee increases.
How can the operation of your city government be made more efficient and cost effective?
We need a clean starting point. We should begin with a financial audit of every department. Then we review policies and procedures and staffing positions for efficency.