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Home » 2024-05-04 election » City of Conroe » Mayor » Kristin Wilkinson-Guardino

Kristin Wilkinson-Guardino
Party R
Born Louisiana
Education BBA Economics and J.D.
Occupation CEO Sunshine Champagne Cat Worldwide, LLC; Semi Retired
Religion Catholic
Marital Married

Kristin Wilkinson-Guardino


  Kristin Wilkinson-Guardino, J.D. brings experience to her mission to • improve and support the needs of residents of the City of Conroe by always considering the interests of residents and business owners first; • by creating opportunities for business owners to prosper; • by controlling taxes; • by controlling the City’s expenses and using public funds wisely; • by creating an educational atmosphere in Conroe that is inclusive, rewarding, demanding and fun; and • by supporting an atmosphere for senior citizens that is safe and supportive of care-givers.

    Kristin's Professional Experience and Training:

    •    Exxon Company, U.S.A., headquarters litigation department;
    •    BBA, Economics, cum laude, University of St. Thomas at Houston;
    •    Juris Doctorate (J.D.);
    •    Law clerk for Richard “Racehorse” Haynes, continuing as an attorney in his civil litigation practice;
    •    Private law practice: complex civil, business, commercial real estate, injury, family and estate litigation;
    •    Also represented families with children seriously injured by persons engaged in criminal activity;
    •    Also served as appointed ad litem attorney in elder law matters.
    •    Semi-Retired, Kristin and her husband, a disabled veteran, now write and produce children’s books, music, and creative material teaching children moral values, manners, and inner strength.

    Volunteer Experience:

    •    Volunteer, Campaigns of Ronald Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, and others;
    •    Precinct Chair and Election Judge, Harris County; State Convention Rep;
    •    Former Board Member, State Bar of Texas Legal Assistants Division.
    •    Fellow, Houston Bar Foundation.

  As a dedicated member of this community since 1976, I am committed to ensuring a prosperous and inclusive future for all of us. With a background in economics and law involving complex litigation and representation of children, I am prepared to tackle the challenges that our city faces. I am intelligent, strong, tenacious, moral and fearless. I’m not your typical politician.

  I believe in transparent and accountable leadership, and I am dedicated to serving the needs of our diverse population through responsible government and fiscal conservatism.

  I understand the issues that matter to you because they matter to me, too.

  I believe in creating more job opportunities for recent graduates, investing in our local arts and music scene, and making our city a cool place for young people to thrive and a safe place for everyone, including our elderly citizens, to flourish.


Kristin Guardino's Response to the "Score" by The Montgomery County Tea Party, 4/21/2024:

    This is written in argument against the defamatory statements concerning my dispute with the State Bar linked on your website.  
    It is notable that since the link was placed upon my profile created by the Montgomery County Tea Party for its “VoteSmart” website, the Montgomery County Tea Party did not request a response to the information it posted nor did the organization advise me that it had posted the information.
    The news article linked in the Montgomery County Tea Party “score” decision on my profile, which I had never seen before now, states that the State Bar sued me on behalf of a former client.  This is untrue.  A person that I had never met but who had sent a letter to me threatening me that he would file a grievance against me if I did not turn over my client’s money to him personally and immediately, filed a grievance against me after I refused and after I moved to protect my client’s assets after having consulted an attorney and court staff.  Prior to that time, I had prepared documents while working as a paralegal for an attorney.  I had never been prohibited from working as a paralegal and doing so is not illegal.  The grievance commission refused to acknowledge these facts.  After the documents were drafted and I was arranging to leave the employ of the attorney to return to my own practice of law, the client requested that I be her trustee instead of the person the attorney had selected and it was arranged for that to take place.  Additionally, my client never deposited the sum, alleged and mentioned in the linked article, into her trust.  That figure was pulled out of thin air.  Additionally, a full accounting of all work performed and fees earned was prepared and provided to the client, who had no argument about it whatsoever.  The accounting was never produced to the grievance commission because the grievance was not initiated by and was not joined by the client, and having that be the situation, the client’s information could not be released nor could I as her trustee be compelled to divulge the client’s privileged information:

    “(h) The state bar or a court may not require an attorney against whom a disciplinary action has been brought to disclose information protected by the attorney-client privilege if the client did not initiate the grievance that is the subject of the action.”

See TEX. GOV’T CODE ANN. § 81.072(h) (Vernon 2015).  This is another, of many facts not addressed by the court or the disciplinary commission.  
    Ethics rules are not simple.  They are highly complicated in the legal field and it is reprehensible for a court at any level to disregard the facts and influence the public in a manner to reflect it has not done so.  The case was a travesty of justice and recently some judges have advise me that they would never have come to the conclusion that I should be disbarred.  
    This world is full of intellectually lazy people and people hyper-focused on engaging in corruption.  I am by far not one of them.  I am saddened to see the Tea Party allowing itself to be used this way but frankly, it has made its own reputation.


MCTP Score of: 22 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-04-16 21:48:20


  • As an attorney, seemed to check all the boxes on our questionnaire, as well as her website .... 






What are the 3 most pressing issues in Conroe and what is your preferred solution to each?

The most pressing issues in Conroe, I believe, are:

1.  the lack of proper safety features in our roadways;

2.  financial mismanagement of citizens tax dollars;

3.  the erosion of our free market system as a result of financial corruption.

My preferred solution to each:

1.  We must enhance our city through implementation of the most important safety feature on roadways and stop ignoring it when we build new roadways.

2.  We must elect a new city council who has the educational background to understand the complexities of good financial government.  Our society is becoming much more complex and we must not continue to elect a city council who does not read before signing; who do not understand the complexities of conflicts of interest; and who intentionally accidentally ignore these issues.

3.  Certain public/private contracts have been entered into and as usual, the structure is this: public pays and private party benefits.  Our citizens do not deserve the crumbs left for them as a public benefit.  The corruption and financial mismanagement erodes the free market system on which this country and our city is based and distorts the financial realities by making the imbalance hard for citizens to discover and correct.  This is an economic disaster for the future of our city's financial health and our well-being. 

If elected I will stop this in its tracks.

Do you support term limits for the council?  If so, how many terms? Which current Magnolia board member do you identify with the most and why?

I basically support term limits but I do appreciate the benefits of good government and institutional knowledge.  The loss of those traits to a Council are hard to replace and difficult when lost.  While I generally support long terms I also support term limits in total up to full retirement after 20 years of service.  For Conroe that would be a term limit of five terms.  Currently the term is staggared, which I think is not beneficial.  The current language is:

"No person who shall have previously served eight (8) consecutive years in the office [two terms] of Mayor shall be eligible for election to the office of Mayor until four (4) years following the expiration of the last previous term of office held by such person."

I don't know that I would actively seek to change this language but my personal position is that 20 years total, consecutively served or not, is a good limit.  Not everyone will want to serve that long and not everyone would be re-elected for five consecutive or non-consecutive terms in order to serve for that period.  But for great Council persons who are elected and have years to offer good governance to the City, the hard work of doing so should be encouraged for stability.

Do you feel that City of Conroe police and fire is adequately funded?  Explain.

The CPD and Fire Department members do not feel their departments are fairly funded.  They reference the continual setting aside of their concerns over pay and COLA efficiencies and continuity.  There seems to be no plan.  This seems to be a problem in other areas of the City Council's handling of its responsibilities as well.  The CPD and Fire Department need to be funded adequately based upon the type of work duties they are called on to perform and be expected to hire and retain and be able to retain the best and brightest individuals to fulfill these important positions using the highest ethical standards.  They must be treated ethically, fairly and honorably and the citizens should expect the same in return.

Should "comparables" be within a certain distance to protested properties and what is a reasonable distance?Why or why not?

Yes.  Comparables should be located as close to the propery as possible, at the street level.  Each street is different; each location of each street is different and has different qualities, drainage, home age, condition, neighbors, trees, access, ect.  Comparables must be truly comparable.

How do you feel about private property rights, with respect to City ordinances?  Which one take precedence?

I strongly support property owners' rights in their property.  I recall a time when a group of utility workers were laying cable lines through my yard and tearing into my property.  They in no uncertain terms told me it was their property!  I explained they were not paying for it; paying for taxes on it; keeping it up; and no, it was my property.  I was really appalled that they were so uneducated about our property rights versus an easement.  There does have to be a balance in order to protect the safety of others but city ordinances must take into consideration that property rights are serious rights and take actions that impact other's property rights as little as possible, even if there is an easement.  Considerations, such as locating lines in one place instead of all over another's property, for example, must be a part of the creation of ordinances.

What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?

My opponents are not transparent.  They have been involved in one way or another, through past service on Council or present service on Council, in the approvals of contracts that have led to the City's serious financial problems it's facing.

Where do you stand on the GRP (Groundwater Reduction Plan) Contract and why?

This is an extremely broad yet important question.  Contractually, there are many ways that the lack of definition creates ambiguity and that increases the potential for misunderstanding and probable litigation over time as different kinds of issues unfold in managing the water supply and contract.  I think the contract language should be improved to provide more secure meeting of the minds in a bargained for exchange.  I think the contract is unfair to Conroe and as written is subject to differing interpretations that could interfere with the principles of binding contract law.  The implementation of the contract or lack thereof is quite intertwined with other communities and those water rights that create management issues and risk for property owners.  Again, this is a very broad question and having just received this inquiry a few days ago I would like more time to review the relevant issues as there are many.  The issues are very serious because they impact releases and lake levels when the implementation is not agreed.  If elected I will do everything I can to move the agreement for a valid and responsible plan for flood mitigation and water use where expenses by Conroe water users/residents is fair.

What's your position on the SJRA and Lonestar Groundwater boards?  Explain.

The Boards need to get to agreement and implementation without further delay.  To continue operations without a valid plan for lowering Lake Conroe for flood mitigation can endanger resident and business property and of course wildlife; damage that has extremely negative consequences for all and is completely avoidable by good business practices and serious focus on work. 

How can the operation of your city government be made more efficient and cost effective?

City operations must focus on solving issues in the best interest of the residents and business owners to create the wonderful life we all should have, given our resources.  Performing work without delay is a necessary mind set.  Following the law and understanding the law as it relates to each person's job activities and responsibilities through professional training but also through individual initiative will reduce costs related to failure in these areas. 


What is the current budget surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents, pay down debt or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why?

Based upon the City's need of funds from the CEDC to cover expenses related to the Hyatt Hotel,  I would say it is doubtful the City has a major surplus.  I think the City must build up its reserves and get out of debt.  If the debt was not there, return of surplus to the Citizens/Residents would be a great idea if financially feasable.


Have you ever been convicted as result of arrest? Ever had any tax liens? If so, give start & resolution dates?


Are you now or have you ever done business with The City of County and/or a Conroe/county official and if so, the nature of that relationship?

I have indirectly worked in terms of probate matters I worked on as a lawyer or involving my own family's probate matters personally but I do not see that as working with the City or the County such as in a contractual or direct business matter.  Neither have ever been a client of mine when I formerly practiced law.

Please describe what measures you propose to improve transparency and accountability to the public.

I have already asked at a City Council meeting for the City Council to post all contracts relating to the Sam Houston Elementary School on its website so the public can read them.  I can see why not all contracts should be posted for contractual security reasons, such as fraud prevention, but the public should be able to readily have access to them by either making an appointment to see them and continue to have access to them through FOIA requests.  I think you have to realize that sometimes people are not aware of what is transpiring until it's too late to solve the problem before it occurs.  I'd like to slow down the process and publicize future plans in advance to allow time for the citizens to comment - at every stage.  I think the Mayor should endeavor to keep the public involved in the process through public meetings and progress and be required to be a member of development boards created by the City to ensure conformity with public policy good governemnt standards. All contracts must be read prior to voting on them and there should be open and honest intelligent conversation about contractual language instead of adversarial and intimidating conduct where certain city council members verbally attack others who question contracts.

Do you feel the city should be in the real estate business and to what extent? (example - Industrial/Technolgy Park/Hyatt Hotel, etc.)

To some extent, yes.  Real estate can be very lucrative but has ups and downs based upon the movement of economic conditions but it can help fund pensions if properly managed.  It should not be used as a source of benefit to individuals serving in the government involved in creating or negotiating or managing the contractual relationship on behalf of the governemnt, ect., especially those who have conflicts of interest.  The entirety of the project(s) should benefit the needs of the city and its residents or pension beneficiaries alone.

What was your position on the Conroe Hyatt Hotel, prior to Conroe's involvement, both then and now and why?

I find it astonishing that Conroe has been given all the debt and Hyatt has been given the beneift.  Conroe owns the property.  Hyatt is the main and only tenant.  And Conroe is PAYING THE HYATT A MANAGEMENT FEE! - for what?  To manage its own business?!  I don't like the deal; the deal was negotiated poorly with questionable intentions; I would not have made the deal.


Do you agree with Conroe's Pro-Tax Sharing (Abatement) policy?  Why or why not and what changes would you make? 

In light of the benefits brought by large corporations moving operations to Conroe and that improving our tax base I do agree with the policy, however I also believe that the City needs for corporations to share in the tax burden, therefore, ten years of abatement should be reconsidered, especially given that the policy allows modification of the policy in certain circumstances. 

Should City employees living out of the city and/or county take home city vehicles?  Why or why not?

Specifically with respect to City employees that live outside of the City or County, the benefit to City residents of these employees taking their City vehicles is questionable.  If an employee resides 20-30 miles outside of the City or County, it is unlikely that City or County, as the case may be, residents will benefit from, for example, a police officer's vehicle in the neighborhood as would someone who lives within the City or County.  Additionally, the longer timeframe for such an employee to respond in an emergency from home would not justify having their vehicle at their home.  There might be a reason to vary from a policy on a case by case basis but the residents of the City or County must not alone bear the burden of increased expenses to maintain these vehicles.  If employess who reside outside of the City or County want to continue the use of the vehicle by taking it home the City could allow such usage based upon a fee charged weekly or monthly for the increased mileage on the vehicle to reimburse the City for such use but this should not be routine in every circumstance.

What's the turnover in the city staff and do you consider that to be normal, high or low?  And if high, to what do you attribute the cause?

I do not have adequate information to answer this question related to turnover.  Turnover signals problems.  It might be high at the beginning of an administration but it should not continue.  I support good supportive government in a great and exciting work environment where people are excited to come to work and proud of the work they accomplish.