Charles Pete Palmer
Oct 23,1940
BS Trinity U
Native of Montgomery County. Graduated from Conroe HIgh school in 1959. Attended Trinity University graduating in 1964 while receivng a commsion as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army Corps Of Engineers. Served a two year term in Germany before a tour in Viet Nam where I was a Company Commander of 150 men and attained the rank of Captain. Honorably discharged in 1968
1968-!987 Worked for the developer of Oak Ridge North building and selling real estate, partnered with Toby Powell, former Mayor of Conroe, building homes through out Montgomert county, next, bought a local insurance company and home mortage company.Sold that operation and started a local brober -dealership.
1987-2005 Regional Vice President of GECapital Real Estate, reponsible for the asset management of an $8 billion commercial real estate portfolio while managing 63 employees.
Retired from GE and currently reside at 6 Floret Ct. The Woodlands, Texas
Civic duty:
1978-1982 Served as a two term Councilman for Conroe Texas, 2010-2018 served two terms as a member of the Montgomery County Appraisal review board, three of those years as as Chaiman. Served 6 years on the Planning Commisision for the City of Conroe (In the 70's)....Member ofthe Woodands Methodist Church.
MCTP Avg score of: 85 Source
Submitted by john wertz on 2024-04-16 21:40:00
Two term Councilman for Conroe Texas, 2010-2018;
served two terms as a member of the Montgomery County Appraisal review board, three of those years as as Chaiman.
Served 6 years on the Planning Commisision for the City of Conroe (In the 70's)
A relative unknown to the committee
▾ General
Why are you running for this office and what do you hope to accomplish?
My goal would be to insure such sufficient oversight as to provide accurrate appraisal for all properties in Montgomery County at 100% of market value., equally and uniformaly so each tax payer pays only their fair share of the tax burden.
Name three key things the Appraisal Review Board(ARB) is responsbile for
The Appraisal Review Board is responsible for:
1. Treating each tax payor with courtesy and respect.
2. Weighing fairly all pertenent evidence presented by the tax payor amd MCAD appraisor.
3. Arriving at a fair and equitable market value for both parties.
Should "comparables" be within a certain distance to protested properties and what is a reasonable distance?Why or why not?
If the subject property is located in a "track" subdivision, all bets are off. All comps, properly adjusted, could be used. All custom houses, again, should be properly adjusted and be within a reasonable distance. In the past, as a member of the Appraisal Review Board, I have gone as far as 1000-1500 feet in finding comps.
▾ Budget
On the County Appraisal District (CAD) budgets what standards would you use to ensure that money is spent in a cost effective and constructive manner?
I would consult the current MCAD board first, comparable districts second and former board member, Barry Blanton, for advice, especially Barry. I would demand that I see the budget far in advance to its submission.
Do you think the various taxing authorities should be able to cut 5-10% from their budgets ?
Truthly, I do not know the answer until I see the budget.
▾ Taxes
How much of the appraisal process is mandated by the Comptroller and what areas does the Appraisal Review Board(ARB) have flexibility on?
From the Comptroller Website: "Limited appraisal authority: The board's apprasisal authority is limited...the law assignes these tasks to the chief appraiser and the ARB."
Whereas central appraisal districts are somewhat restricted on what information is used in determining "Fair Martket Value" , ARB's have parliamentary guidlines, but few restrictions as to their ability to set market value. In my opinion, the Comptroller's directions to the Central Appraisal Districts are clearly promulgated.
Should employees of the County Appraisal Distircit(CAD) or participating taxing entites be allowed to serve on the Appraisal Review Board(ARB)? Why or why not?
No, in my opinion, it would be a conflict of interest.
How should market values for homes or businesses be derived? Why?
Homes values are determined by comparable sales data and\or replacement cost . The income approach is generally used for commercial properties in determining the properties' highest and best use.
▾ Other civil liberty
This Appraisal Review Board (ARB) position is a newly elected post by the voters, as opposed to being appointed by taxing autthorities. What's the signficance of this?
In my opinion, the State Legislature created these "at large" possitions to give the county taxer payor more of a voice in decisions made by the MCAD Board.
FYI: The question is for the "at large" position on the MCAD Board, not the ARB.
▾ Ethics
Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcys?
As ARB director how will you address that property value assessments are fair across the county and no special treatment is provided to any individuals or businesses?
I would rely primarily on the chief-appariser to ensure no property owmer gets special treatment.
Should Appraisal Review Board members be required to be property owners and current on their taxes? Why or why not?
Yes....ARB menbers should be property owners and current on their taxes. I can not imagine delinquent tax payers applealng their property values before the ARB.
▾ Other
Should Appraisal Review Board members be required to be "home steaders" in their actual residence? Why or why not?
If the question is.... should ARB members actually occupy the property that receives a home-stead exception? The answer is YES.