Name 3 primary reasons why you are running for RPT Chair (i.e. including what changes, if any, are needed).
I believe our party needs to continue in the current direction of the grassroots being in charge by holding elected representatives accountable for their performance. In order for that to happen, we need training & tools for our precinct chairs, county chairmen, and SRECs. In turn, these well trained and equipped grassroots members will be able to inform voters about issues and help them make educated decisions when they go to the polls. Well informed voters will hold their representatives responsible for their votes and actions. Another reason I am running is I believe we need young individuals to step up and be mentored and coached by the people who have been fighting for so long! We need fresh legs to continue keep our party going, but people like me also need the wisdom and experience of previous generations in order to avoid making costly missteps and mistakes. There is simply too much to lose! Our Constitution is fit for moral people. Most Americans are moral people, but over time our government has become completely immoral. Stealing money from the hard working people of our country to give it to illegal aliens while our veterans suffer, endless printing of money to ensure that our children and future generations are debt slaves to nations who hate us and everything we stand for, and indoctrinating children in our government funded schools to hate themselves and America. It has to stop! I will stand up and fight with energy and passion. We need to take our government back, and it starts locally!
Do you believe in the Texas Republican Party Platform? Do you feel it should be downsized? Please explain.
I do believe in the platform, but as the party of limited government, I think we need to take a look at condensing and downsizing the platform.
The election process in choosing a House Speaker appears to be broken. What can you do to fiix it?
I think our elected representatives need to know that we will stand behind them when they make good choices. Many of them feel the pressure to go along to get along because they know there will be consequences if they go against the establishment.
Do you believe the Texas Election Code should be removed from the Party Rules and if so, why?
I believe our party is a private organization that does follow the laws and codes of our state and it is redundant to include those in our party rules.
What should be the legislative priorities for the coming session?
Secure the border
Election integrity
Ban taxpayer funded lobbying
Eliminate property tax
Ban Democrat chairs
School choice
Abolish abortion
Should Texas GOP limit their elected officials to 8 years or less from the same office, even though it will force some good candidates to leave an office?
Yes, I do believe in term limits, especially when we have such an uninformed electorate. I am also hopeful that the time constraints will help elected representatives to get more work done while they are in office.
Should the Republican Party close its primaries. Why or why not?
Yes, I believe we should close our primaries because we already know that the Democrats are encouraging their people to crossover and influence our elections. Only Republicans should elect Republicans!
The SREC is tasked with enforcing the Rules adopted at the last convention. Have they done their jobs and if not, what & why not and how can you fix it?
Yes, I do believe our SRECs have done a good job of enforcing the rules.
Are you willing to call out Legislators that will not support the Party Platform?
Yes, of course but as a Christian, I will do it in a way that is consistent with my biblical worldview.
At an SREC meeting, if a motion was up for petitioning the State of Texas to release RPT from state law, in exchange for the State of Texas not providing tax funds to defray election costs, would you vote for or against? Why?
I would vote for it. Our party is being held hostage by legislators who want to control our process.
As a Republican, if you had to give up one of the following core principles, which one would you select first and why?
a. pro-life;
b. 10% reduction in state, fed, local spending;
c. 2nd amendment;
d. illegal immigration;
e. foreign bases;
f. 10th amendment
I would say foreign bases. I think in order of priority that would be the lowest for me. While I don't believe that America should be occupying foreign nations when we are not at war, the other issues are more of a priority for me.