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Home » 2024-11-05 election » Conroe ISD » Conroe ISD Board of Trustee 7 » Marianne Horton

Marianne Horton
Party Republican
Born Texas
Education Graduate of Texas A&M University
Occupation Small Business Owner, Former Teacher
Religion Christian
Marital Married
Children 2

Marianne Horton


A lifelong Texan, I was raised in a Christian household with conservative values. I grew up in Katy, Texas and graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in journalism and a secondary teaching certification. My college sweetheart and I have been married for 20 years and have two children in Conroe ISD schools. Our daughter is a cheerleader and student leader for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Our son plays trumpet and participates in the gifted and talented program.

I was called to teaching while serving as a college intern for my high school youth group and local YoungLife chapter. Working with adolescents has always been on my heart. I taught pre-Advanced Placement (AP) high school English while serving as a team leader, teacher mentor and on the district's curriculum vertical alignment and textbook adoption committees. After our family moved to Conroe ISD in 2017, I worked as a longterm English and ESL substitute at Grand Oaks High School and then as a language arts teacher and yearbook advisor at McCullough Junior High School. 

I left teaching in 2021, obtained a real estate license and currently manage a vacation rental property while working part-time as a district substitute. My husband has an audit background in Big Four accounting and works as a chief financial officer.

Church and community always have been an integral part of our family life. I have served as a family fellowship coordinator, children’s Sunday school teacher and confirmation group leader. Within the community, I am active in Junior League of The Woodlands and National Charity League, a mother-daughter volunteer organization. 

Last year, I served as the mental health chair of the district’s Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) and as a Project Mentor. I currently serve on the PTO Board of McCullough Junior High and previously served on the PTO Board of Birnham Woods Elementary, where I Iaunched a multi-tiered community sponsorship campaign that generated new revenue for the school. 

I am passionate about providing the very best education for our students in Conroe ISD. Thank you for your support!


MCTP Score of: 84 ENDORSED Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-23 11:15:11


  • Strong Christian Conservative
  • Degree in journalism and a secondary teaching certification
  • Broad teaching and community service background
  • in favor of an independent, 3rd party audit, to get to the bottom of why there's a $12million dollar deficit
  • Wants to improve academic outcomes and make Conroe ISD a top-rated district
  • She recognizes the three biggest challenges are: the budget shortfall, discipline problems and a teacher shortage
  • Wants to address the discipline issues in a meaningful way, by further enhancing teacher parent relationships
  • Not afraid to cut administrative waste to
  • Does NOT support Common Core curriculum; Critical Race Theory; Social Emotional Learning; International Baccalaureate.
  • Would not be in favor of implementing Biden's Title IX changes.


  • Voted for technology part of $2 Billion CISD bond; however, prefers pen & paper to...  More



Why are you running for this position?  What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

I am running for the position of school board trustee to improve academic outcomes and make Conroe ISD a top-rated district, where families move for great schools. To do this, we must involve parents, strengthen our discipline policy and support our teachers. Research shows students perform best when parents are involved and expectations are upheld. Currently, discipline problems are out of control, leading to dangerous and unproductive classrooms while turning our teachers away from the profession. My background as a current Conroe ISD parent, volunteer and former Conroe ISD teacher would build a bridge between teachers and parents, enabling us to tackle these issues and make Conroe ISD great. 



Conroe ISD projects a $17.72M shortfall for 2024-25 fiscal year. How do you propose to fix it?

The first place I would look to cut would be administrative waste. 


Did you vote FOR the 2023 $2 Billion CISD School Bond? Why or why not?

I voted for the technology proposition because the majority of instructional and testing time currently takes place on techology. Not every campus had enough computers for students to use, so students were forced to used their cellphones, which put them at risk of mistakes and learning loss. I do not believe cellphones should have any place in the classroom. Not only are cellphones distracting, but students used their phones to bully other students and to get on social media and even porn sites during school. District-issued technology is safer for our students than unfettered access to their phones.


In your opinion, what are the three most important roles of the school board and if elected, how would you contribute to those important roles??

Trustees are responsible for student safety and academic success while adhering to a financially responsible budget. I would enact stronger discipline policies, return class time to learning instead of useless data testing and cut unnecessary spending. 

What are the three biggest challenges facing the board and how would you address these challenges if you are elected to the Board??

The biggest challenges are the budget shortfall, discipline problems and a teacher shortage. I would create a stronger discipline policy and cut administrative waste, which would reduce unnecessary burdens on our teachers to keep them in our classrooms. 

How much access do you believe parents should have to their children's curriculum? classroom? teacher? online?

Parents should have complete access to all of their students’ curriculum and resources. Parents and teachers should work together to achieve the best student academic outcomes. 

Do you support allowing all students to use bathrooms, showers and locker rooms, as well as participate in sports, based on the gender with which they identify, not the sex they are assigned to at birth?

No. This would be extremely dangerous to our female students.

Would you, individually, take public, overt steps to have pornography removed from LSC classrooms. libraries and campuses?

Absolutely, and I already have. I challenged the school board in 2022 about books placed in my classroom by the district, which included sexually explicit passages. Students in my class spoke to me of feeling uncomfortable about what they read. No teacher should ever be put in that position. 

Do you believe a teacher should be required to use a student’s preferred pronoun?


Would you actively pursuit an annual third party financial audit of the ISD?

Yes. We need to make sure we are using taxpayer dollars efficiently and effectively. 

On May 14th, 2024, the CISD Board adopted new bylaws for the School Health Advisory Council(SHAC), consisting of 21 members(2 by each board member & 7 by the superindent) while removing public comment at their meetings. What are your thoughts about this?

As the SHAC mental health chair at the time of when this unfolded, I was extremely disappointed in the actions taken to limit the parent voice. Parents should have a voice in all district councils, committees and decisions. I vow to give the parent voice back to the SHAC and to give parents a stronger voice in our district. 

What is your position on implementing a gender fluidity policy to remove all gender subject matter books & materials from CISD?

I am against any book that condones bodily harm to our students.

Should CISD have LGBTQ+ books in their libraries and classroom libraries? If so, why? If not, why not?

These books should not be in our classrooms.

What's your opinion of programs such as Common Core curriculum? Critical Race Theory? Social Emotional Learning? International Bacculaureate?

I do not support any of these programs as none are in the best interest of our students. Students should be taught to think critically and independently. 

Will you work to remove harmful materials as defined in Texas penal code 43.24 from all school property? Additionally, do you support removing the “educational exemption” from this law?

Yes. If someone could be arrested for showing students porn on the streets, why on Earth would we give a student something pornographic at school?

Do you believe that parents should be allowed to monitor classrooms in person or cameras?

Parents should be involved in their children's educations.

Would you pledge to vote against any attempt to authorize any CISD employee salary that would be more than 50% above that of the Texas Governors salary?

Compared to what we are paying our teachers, administrative salaries have become absolutely ridiculous.

What role does the Superintendent play at Board meeting?

The superintendent should be able to answer questions about district operations as needed from board members.

Do you support HB1605? If so, why? If not, why not?

I do support HB 1605 and am glad to see the shift back to phonics instruction.  

How do you think HB1605 screen time policy of 4 hrs/day affects children?

I am in favor of limited screen time and have always preferred traditional pen, paper and engaging classroom instruction for our students.

Would you support a motion to inventory the books contained in classroom libraries & post on website?

Yes. I am a firm believer in transparency. Anything available to their children should be accessible for parents to see. We need a complete inventory and audit of classroom library books.

What is your understanding of the Pico case?

Pico protected library books under freedom of speech but also added limitations to books considered pervasively vulgar.

Would you vote to implement Biden's Title IX changes?


Has this board done its job in providing a platform of educating students with critical thinking skills instead of critical race theory? Please explain.

CRT has not been discussed at board meetings. It is important for students to learn how to think critically and defend arguments without the interference of prescribed ideals by a teacher a text. 

Do you believe the Bible should be returned to the public school library? How would you implement that?

The Bible is currently available in our public school libraries, where I intend to keep it.